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And Judah will say to Simeon his brother, Go up with me into my lot, and we will fight against the Canaanite; and I also went up with thee into thy lot, and Simeon will go with him.

And it will be in her coming she will stimulate him to ask from her father a field: and she will descend from off the ass; and Caleb will say to her, What to thee?

And she will say to him, Give to me a blessing: for thou gavest to me a south land, and give to me fountains of water. And Caleb will give to her the fountains above and the fountains below.

And they watching will see a man coming out of the city, and they will say to him, Show to us the entrance of the city, and we will do mercy with thee.

And he will say to them, Follow after me, for Jehovah gave your enemies, Moab, into your hand. And they will go down after him and will take the passages of Jordan toward Moab, and they gave not a man to pass over.

And she will send and call for Barak, son of Abinoam, from KadeshNaphtali; and she will say to him, Did not Jehovah the God of Israel command, Go, and draw into mount Tabor, and take with thee ten thousand men from the sons of Naphtali and from the sons of Zebulon?

And Barak will say to her, If thou wilt go with me, and I will go: and if thou wilt not go with me, I will not go.

And Deborah will say to Barak, Arise; for this is the day which Jehovah gave Sisera into thine hand; went not Jehovah out before thee? and Barak went down from mount Tabor, and ten thousand men after him.

And Jael will go forth to meet Sisera, and will say to him, Turn aside, my lord, turn aside to me; thou shalt not be afraid. And he will turn aside to her to the tent, and she will cover him with a carpet

And he will say to her, Give me to drink now a little water, for I thirsted. And she will open a sack of milk, and will give him drink, and will cover him.

And he will say to her, stand at the door of the tent, and it was when a man shall come, and ask thee and say, Is a man here? and say thou, No

And behold, Barak pursued Sisera, and Jael will come up to meet him, and she will say to him, Come, and I will shew thee the man whom thou seekest And he will go in to her, and behold, Sisera fallen dead, and the peg in his temples.

And Jehovah will send forth a man, a prophet, to the sons of Israel, and he will say to them, Thus said Jehovah the God of Israel, I brought you up from Egypt, and I will bring you out of the house of servants;

And the messenger of Jehovah will be seen to him, and he will say to him, Jehovah is with thee, thou mighty of strength.

And Gideon will say to him With leave, my Lord, and Jehovah be; with us, and wherefore did all this find us? and where all his wonderful things which our fathers recounted to us, saying, Did not Jehovah bring us up out of Egypt? and now Jehovah cast us off, and he will give us into the hand of Midian.

And he will say to him, With leave, my Lord, by what shall I save Israel? behold, my thousand destitute in Manasseh, and I the least in my father's house.

And Jehovah will say to him, For I will be with thee, and strike thou Midian as one man.

And the messenger of God will say to him, Take the flesh and the unleavened and lay upon this rock, and pour out the broth. And he will do so.

And Jehovah will say to him, Peace to thee; thou shalt not fear; thou shalt not die.

And it will be in that night Jehovah will say to him, Take a bullock of the oxen which is to thy father, and the second bullock of seven years, and break in pieces the altar of Baal, which is to thy father, and the wooden pillar which is upon it thou shalt cut down;

And the men of the city will say to Joash, Bring forth thy son and he shall die: for he threw down the altar of Baal, and because he cut down the wooden pillar which is upon it.

And Joash will say to all who stood against him, Will ye contend for Baal? or will ye save him? whoever will contend for him shall die during the morning: if he is a god he will be mighty for himself, for he threw down his altar.

And Gideon will say to God, If thou art saving Israel by my hand, as thou spakest,

And Gideon will say to God, Thine anger will not kindle against me, and I will speak but this once: I will try now only this once upon the fleece; there shall be dryness to the fleece alone, and upon all the earth shall be dew.

And Jehovah will say to Gideon, The people many which are with thee for me to give Midian into their hand, lest Israel shall glory before me, saying, My hand saved me.

And Jehovah will say to Gideon, Yet the people many; bring them down to the waters, and I will purify them for thee there; and it shall be of whom saying to thee, This shall go with thee, he shall go with thee; and all which saying to thee, This shall not go with thee, he shall not go.

And he will bring down the people to the waters: and Jehovah will say to Gideon, Every one which shall lap with his tongue from the waters as the dog will lap, thou shalt put him alone; and all which shall bend upon his knees to drink

And Jehovah will say to Gideon, By the three hundred men lapping, I will save you, and give Midian into thy hand: and all the people shall go, a man to his place.

And it will be in that night, and Jehovah will say to him, Arise, go down to the camp, for I gave him into thy hand.

And he will say to them, Ye shall look upon me, and so shall ye do: and behold me coming to the extremity of the camp, and it was as I shall do, so ye shall do.

And the men of Ephraim will say to him, Why didst thou this word to us, that thou calledst not to us when thou wentest to war against Midian? and they will contend with him with strength.

And he will say to them, What now did I according to you? are not the gleanings of Ephraim good above the vintage of Abi-Ezer?

And he will say to the men of Succoth, Ye shall give now rounds of bread to the people who are at my feet: for they are faint, and I am pursuing after Zebah and Zalmunna, kings of Midian.

And he will go up from thence to Penuel, and he will say to them like this: and the men of Penuel will answer him as the men of Succoth answered.

And he will say to Zebah and Zalmunna, Whose the men which ye killed in Tabor? and they will say, As thou, so they; one according to the form of the sons of the king.

And he will say to Jether his first-born, Arise, kill them. But the youth drew not his sword, for he was afraid, because he was yet a youth.

And the men of Israel will say to Gideon, Rule over us, also thou, also thy son, also thy son's son: for thou savedst us from the hand of Midian.

And Gideon will say to them, I will not rule over you, and my son shall not rule over you: Jehovah shall rule over you.

And Gideon will say to them, I will ask of you an asking, and ye shall give to me a man the rings of his spoil: for gold rings to them, because they were Ishmaelites.

And Abimelech son of Jerubbaal, will come to Shechem to his mother's brethren, and say to them, to all the family of the house of his mother's father, saying,

And they will announce to Jotham and he will go and stand upon the head of mount Gerizim, and he will lift up his voice and call, and say to them, Hear to me, ye lords of Shechem, and God will hear to you.

The trees going forth went to anoint over them a king; and they will say to the olive, Reign thou over us.

And the olive will say to them, Left I my fatness which by me they will honor God and men, and went I to wander about over the trees?

And the trees will say to the fig tree, Come thou, reign over us.

And the fig tree will say to them, Left I my sweetness, and my good produce, and went I to wander about over the trees?

And the trees will say to the vine, Come thou, and reign over us.

And the vine will say to them, Left I my new wine-making, rejoicing God and men, and went I to wander about over the trees?

And all the trees will say to the buckthorn. Come thou, reign over us.

And the buckthorn will say to the trees, If in truth ye anoint me for king over you, come, take refuge in my shadow: and if not, fire shall come forth from the buckthorn and shall consume the cedars of Lebanon.

And who will give this people into my hand? And I will remove Abimelech. And he will say to Abimelech, Increase thine army and come forth.

And Gaal will see the people, and he will say to Zebul, Behold, people coming down from the heads of the mountains. And Zebul will say to him, Thou seest the shadow of the mountains as men.

And Zebul will say to him, Where now thy mouth with which thou wilt say, Who Abimelech, that we shall serve him? is not this the people which thou despised it? now go forth now, and fight with it

And Abimelech will go up to mount Zalmon, he and all the people that with him; and Abimelech will take axes in his hand, and he will cut boughs of the trees, and will lift up and will put upon his shoulder, and he will say to the people which are with him, What ye saw I did, hasten, do like me.

And he will call quickly to the youth lifting up his weapons, and he will say to him, Draw thy sword and put me to death, lest they shall say of me, A woman killed him. And his youth will thrust him through and he will die.

And Jehovah will say to the sons of Israel, Was it not out of Egypt, and from the Amorite, and from the sons of Ammon and from Philisteim?

And the sons of Israel will say to Jehovah, We sinned: do thou to us according to all the good in thine eyes; but deliver us now, this day.

And Gilead's wife will bring forth sons to him, and his wife's sons will grow, and they will drive out Jephthah, and they will say to him, Thou shalt not inherit in our father's house, for thou the son of another woman.

And they will say to Jephthah, Come and be to us for leader, and we will war against the sons of Ammon.

And Jephthah will say to the old men of Gilead, Did ye not hate me, and ye will drive me out from my father's house? and why came ye to me now when there is distress to you?

And the old men of Gilead will say to Jephthah, Therefore now we turned back to thee, and come thou with us and we will war against the sons of Ammon, and be to us for head to all dwelling in Gilead.

And Jephthah will say to the old men of Gilead, If ye turn me back to war against the sons of Ammon, and Jehovah gave them before me, shall I be to you for head?

And the old men of Gilead will say to Jephthah, Jehovah shall be hearing between us, if we did not thus to thee according to thy word.

And the king of the sons of Ammon will say to the messengers of Jephthah, Because Israel took my land in his coming up out of Egypt, from Arnon even to Jabbok, and even to Jordan: and now turn them back in peace.

And he will say to him, Thus said Jephthah, Israel took not the land of Moab and the land of the sons of Ammon:

And Israel will send messengers to Sihon, king of the Amorites, king of Heshbon; and Israel will say to him, We will pass now through in thy land, even to my place.

And she will say to him, My father, opening thy mouth to Jehovah, do to me acording to what came forth from thy mouth, after that Jehovah did for thee vengeance of thine enemies, of the sons of Ammon.

And she will say to her father, This word shall be done to me: desist from me two months, and I will go, and go down upon the mountains, and I will lament over my virginity, I and my friends.

And a man of Ephraim will cry out and will pass over north, and they will say to Jephthah, Why didst thou pass over to war against the sons of Ammon and didst not call to us to go with thee? we will burn thy house upon thee with fire.

And Jephthah will say to them, I was a man of strife, I and my people and the sons of Ammon greatly; and I shall cry out to you, and ye saved me not from their hands.

And Gilead will take the passages of Jordan before Ephraim: and it was that the escaped of Ephraim will say, I will pass over; and the men of Gilead will say to him, Thou an Ephrathite? and he will say, No.

And they will say to him, Say now Shibboleth: and he will say, Sibboleth and he will not form to speak thus. And they will seize him and they will slaughter him at the passages of Jordan. And there will fall in that time of Ephraim forty and two thousand.

And a messenger of Jehovah will be seen to the woman, and will say to her, Behold, now, thou art barren, and bearest not; and thou conceivedst and bearest a son.

And the woman will go and will say to her husband, saying, A man of God came to me, and his sight as the sight of the messenger of God, very terrible: and I asked him not from whence he is, and his name he announced not to me.

And he will say to me, Behold, thee conceiving, and thou bearest a son; and now drink not wine and strong drink, and thou shalt not eat any thing unclean, for the boy shall be consecrated to God from the womb, even to the day of his death.

And the woman will hasten and run, and announce to her man, and will say to him, Behold, the man was seen to me who came in the day to me.

And Manoah will rise and will go after his wife, and will come to the man, and will say to him, Thou the man who spake to the woman? and he will say, I.

And the messenger of Jehovah will say to Manoah, From all I said to the woman she shall watch.

And Manoah will say to the messenger of Jehovah, We will detain thee now, and we will do before thee a kid of the goats.

And the messenger of Jehovah will say to Manoah, If thou shalt detain me, I will not eat of thy bread: and if thou shalt do a burnt-offering thou shalt do it to Jehovah. For Manoah knew not that he was a messenger of Jehovah.

And Manoah will say to the messenger of Jehovah, What thy name, when shall come thy words and we honored thee?

And the messenger of Jehovah will say to him, Wherefore this wilt thou ask for my name, and it is wonderful?

And Manoah will say to his wife, Dying, we shall die, because we saw God.

And his wife will say to him, If Jehovah were inclined to put us to death, he took not from our hand a burnt-offering and gift, and he shewed us not all these, and as now caused us not to hear such as this.

And his father will say to him, and his mother, Is there not among the daughters of thy brethren, and among all my people, a woman, that thou goest to take a woman from uncircumcised Philisteim? And Samson will say to his father, Take her to me, for she is straight in mine eyes.

And Samson will say to them, I will propose to you an enigma: if announcing, ye shall announce it to me in seven days of the drinking, and ye find out, and I will give to you thirty wide garments and thirty exchanges of garments:

And if ye shall not be able to announce to me, and ye give me thirty wide garments and thirty exchanges of garments: and they will say to him, Propose thine enigma and we will hear it.

And he will say to them, Out of him eating came forth food, and out of the strong came forth sweetness. And they were not able to announce the enigma in three days.

And it will be in the seventh day, and they will say to Samson's wife, Persuade thy man and he shall announce to us the enigma, lest we shall burn thee and thy father's house with fire: did ye not call to us to possess us?

And Samson's wife will weep upon him, and will say, Thou only hatedst me and lovedst me not: thou didst propose an enigma to the sons of my people, and to me thou didst not announce it. And he will say to her, Behold, to my father and to my mother I announced it not, and shall I announce to thee?

And the men of the city will say to him in the seventh day before the sun will go down, What is sweet above honey? and what is strong above the lion? and he will say to them, Unless ye ploughed with my heifer ye found not out my enigma.

And Samson will say to them, This time I was more blameless than Philisteim if I shall do evil with them.

And Samson will say to them, If ye will do according to this, if I was avenged by you, and afterward I will desist.

And the men of Judah will say to them, Why came ye up against us? and they will say, To bind Samson we came up, to do to him as he did to us.

And three thousand men of Judah will go down to the cleft of the rock Etam, and they will say to Samson, Knewest thou not that Philisteim is ruling over us? and what this thou didst to us? and he will say to them, As they did to me, so did I to them.

And they will say to him, To bind thee we came down, to give thee into the hand of Philisteim. And Samson will say to them, Swear to me lest ye shall fall upon me yourselves.

And they will say to him, saying, No; but binding, we will bind thee and give thee into their hand: and killing, we will not kill thee. And they will bind him with two new cords and will bring him up from the rock.

And the princes of Philisteim will come up and will say to her, Persuade him, and see in what is his great strength, and in what we shall prevail against him, and bind him to humble him: and we give to thee each a thousand and a hundred of silver.

And Delilah will say to Samson, Announce now to me in what is thy great strength, and in what thou shalt be bound to humble thee.

And Samson will say to her, If they shall bind me with seven moist cords that were not dried, and I was weak and shall be as another man.