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This is a wicked man’s lot from God,
the inheritance the ruthless receive from the Almighty.

But God understands the way to wisdom,
and He knows its location.

When God fixed the weight of the wind
and limited the water by measure,

If only I could be as in months gone by,
in the days when God watched over me,

I would be as I was in the days of my youth
when God’s friendship rested on my tent,

When I went out to the city gate
and took my seat in the town square,

Because God has loosened my bowstring and oppressed me,
they have cast off restraint in my presence.

For what portion would I have from God above,
or what inheritance from the Almighty on high?

what could I do when God stands up to judge?
How should I answer Him when He calls me to account?

Did not the One who made me in the womb also make them?
Did not the same God form us both in the womb?

if I ever cast my vote against a fatherless child
when I saw that I had support in the city gate,

For disaster from God terrifies me,
and because of His majesty I could not do these things.

this would also be a crime deserving punishment,
for I would have denied God above.

So these three men quit answering Job, because he was righteous in his own eyes.

Then Elihu son of Barachel the Buzite from the family of Ram became angry. He was angry at Job because he had justified himself rather than God.

So do not claim, “We have found wisdom;
let God deal with him, not man.”

But I tell you that you are wrong in this matter,
since God is greater than man.

For God speaks time and again,
but a person may not notice it.

God spares his soul from the Pit,
his life from crossing the river of death.

He will pray to God, and God will delight in him.
That man will see His face with a shout of joy,
and God will restore his righteousness to him.

He will look at men and say,
“I have sinned and perverted what was right;
yet I did not get what I deserved.

God certainly does all these things
two or three times to a man

Let us judge for ourselves what is right;
let us decide together what is good.

For Job has declared, “I am righteous,
yet God has deprived me of justice.

For he has said, “A man gains nothing
when he becomes God’s friend.”

Therefore listen to me, you men of understanding.
It is impossible for God to do wrong,
and for the Almighty to act unjustly.

Indeed, it is true that God does not act wickedly
and the Almighty does not pervert justice.

God does not need to examine a person further,
that one should approach Him in court.

But when God is silent, who can declare Him guilty?
When He hides His face, who can see Him?
Yet He watches over both individuals and nations,

Suppose someone says to God,
“I have endured my punishment;
I will no longer act wickedly.

Should God repay you on your terms
when you have rejected His?
You must choose, not I!
So declare what you know.

For he adds rebellion to his sin;
he scornfully claps in our presence,
while multiplying his words against God.

Do you think it is just when you say,
“I am righteous before God”?

If you sin, how does it affect God?
If you multiply your transgressions, what does it do to Him?

Indeed, God does not listen to empty cries,
and the Almighty does not take note of it—

But now, because God’s anger does not punish
and He does not pay attention to transgression,

Be patient with me a little longer, and I will inform you,
for there is still more to be said on God’s behalf.

I will get my knowledge from a distant place
and ascribe justice to my Maker.

Yes, God is mighty, but He despises no one;
He understands all things.

God tells them what they have done
and how arrogantly they have transgressed.

Those who have a godless heart harbor anger;
even when God binds them, they do not cry for help.

Look, God shows Himself exalted by His power.
Who is a teacher like Him?

Can anyone understand how the clouds spread out
or how the thunder roars from God’s pavilion?

Then there comes a roaring sound;
God thunders with His majestic voice.
He does not restrain the lightning
when His rumbling voice is heard.

Do you know how God directs His clouds
or makes their lightning flash?

You whose clothes get hot
when the south wind brings calm to the land,

can you help God spread out the skies
as hard as a cast metal mirror?

Get ready to answer Me like a man;
when I question you, you will inform Me.

For God has deprived her of wisdom;
He has not endowed her with understanding.

Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct Him?
Let him who argues with God give an answer.

Get ready to answer Me like a man;
When I question you, you will inform Me.

He is the foremost of God’s works;
only his Maker can draw the sword against him.

For the choir director: with stringed instruments. A Davidic psalm.Answer me when I call,
God, who vindicates me.
You freed me from affliction;
be gracious to me and hear my prayer.

Pay attention to the sound of my cry,
my King and my God,
for I pray to You.

For You are not a God who delights in wickedness;
evil cannot dwell with You.

Punish them, God;
let them fall by their own schemes.
Drive them out because of their many crimes,
for they rebel against You.

A Shiggaion of David, which he sang to the Lord concerning the words of Cush, a Benjaminite.Yahweh my God, I seek refuge in You;
save me from all my pursuers and rescue me

Yahweh my God, if I have done this,
if there is injustice on my hands,

Let the evil of the wicked come to an end,
but establish the righteous.
The One who examines the thoughts and emotions
is a righteous God.

If anyone does not repent,
God will sharpen His sword;
He has strung His bow and made it ready.

Why has the wicked person despised God?
He says to himself, “You will not demand an account.”

May the Lord cut off all flattering lips
and the tongue that speaks boastfully.

Consider me and answer, Lord my God.
Restore brightness to my eyes;
otherwise, I will sleep in death.

The Lord looks down from heaven on the human race
to see if there is one who is wise,
one who seeks God.

The sorrows of those who take another god
for themselves will multiply;
I will not pour out their drink offerings of blood,
and I will not speak their names with my lips.

I called to the Lord in my distress,
and I cried to my God for help.
From His temple He heard my voice,
and my cry to Him reached His ears.

For I have kept the ways of the Lord
and have not turned from my God to wickedness.

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