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if the household is deserving, let your peace rest on it; but if the household is undeserving, let your peace return to you.

It is less than any seed on earth, but when it grows up it is larger than any plant, it becomes a tree, so large that the wild birds come and roost in its branches."

while the rest seized his servants and ill-treated them and killed them.

Afterwards the rest of the maidens came and said, 'Oh sir, oh sir, open the door for us!'

but once sown it springs up to be larger than any plant, throwing out such big branches that the wild birds can roost under its shadow."

And he said to them, "Come away to some lonely spot and get a little rest" (for there were many people coming and going, and they could get no time even to eat).

(The Pharisees and all the Jews decline to eat till they wash their hands up to the wrist, in obedience to the tradition of the elders;

They too went and reported it to the rest, but they would not believe them either.

Then, if there is a soul there breathing peace, your peace will rest on him; otherwise it will come back to you.

But he replied to them, "Do you think, because they suffered this, that these Galileans were worse sinners than the rest of the Galileans?

Or those eighteen men killed by the fall of the tower at Siloam? do you think they were worse offenders than the rest of the residents in Jerusalem?

The Pharisee stood up and prayed by himself as follows; 'I thank thee, O God, I am not like the rest of men, thieves, rogues, and immoral, or even like yon taxgatherer.

(It was Mary of Magdala, Joanna, and Mary the mother of James who with the rest of the women told this to the apostles.)

He said to them, "Come and see." So they went and saw where he stayed, and stayed with him the rest of that day ??it was then about four in the afternoon.

and when the rest of the disciples told him, "We have seen the Lord," he said, "Unless I see his hands with the mark of the nails, and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I refuse to believe it."

while the rest of the disciples came ashore in the punt (they were not far from land, only about a hundred yards), dragging their netful of fish.

My heart is glad, my tongue exults, my very flesh will rest in hope,

that the rest of men may seek for the Lord, even all the Gentiles who are called by my name, saith the Lord,

while the rest were to manage with planks or pieces of wreckage. In this way it turned out that the whole company got safe to land.

When this had happened, the rest of the sick folk in the island also came and got cured;

Brothers, I would like you to understand that I have often purposed to come to you (though up till now I have been prevented) so as to have some results among you as well as among the rest of the Gentiles.

but the gift is very different from the trespass. For while the rest of men died by the trespass of one man, the grace of God and the free gift which comes by the grace of the one man Jesus Christ overflowed far more richly upon the rest of men.

Now what are we to infer from this? That Israel has failed to secure the object of its quest; the elect have secured it, and the rest have been rendered insensible to it ??8 as it is written, God has given them a spirit of torpor, eyes that see not, ears that hear not ??down to this very day.

If the first handful of dough is consecrated, so is the rest of the lump; if the root is consecrated, so are the branches.

Have we no right to travel with a Christian wife, like the rest of the apostles, like the brothers of the Lord, like Cephas himself?

my spirit could not rest, because I did not find Titus my brother there; so I said goodbye and went off to Macedonia.

That is what comforts me. And over and above my personal comfort, I was specially delighted at the delight of Titus. You have all set his mind at rest.

I have been often on my travels, I have been in danger from rivers and robbers, in danger from Jews and Gentiles, through dangers of town and of desert, through dangers on the sea, through dangers among false brothers ??27 through labour and hardship, through many a sleepless night, through hunger and thirst, starving many a time, cold and ill-clad, and all the rest of it.

Where were you inferior to the rest of the churches? ??unless in this, that your apostle did not choose to make himself a burden to you. Pray pardon me this terrible wrong!

I warned you already, on my second visit, and I warn you now before I come, both you who sinned some time ago and the rest of you as well, that I will spare no one if I come back.

The rest of the Jewish Christians also played false along with him, so much so that even Barnabas was carried away by their false play.

And you, my true comrade, lend a hand to these women, I beg of you; they have fought at my side in the active service of the gospel, along with Clement and the rest of my fellow-workers, whose names are in the book of life.

And to whom did he swear that they would never enter his Rest? To whom but those who disobeyed?

Well then, as the promise of entrance into his Rest is still left to us, let us be afraid of anyone being judged to have missed it.

And again in this passage, they shall never enter my Rest.

Thus if Joshua had given them Rest, God would not speak later about another day.

(for once a man enters his rest, he rests from work just as God did).

your gold and silver lie rusted over, and their rust will be evidence against you, it will devour your flesh like fire. [Moved to the end of 5:1] You have been storing up treasure in the very last days;

speaking of this as he has done in all his letters ??letters containing some knotty points, which ignorant and unsteady souls twist (as they do the rest of the scriptures) to their own destruction.

But for the rest of you at Thyatira, for all who do not hold these tenets, for those who have not (in their phrase) 'fathomed the deep mysteries of Satan' ??for you this is my word: I impose no fresh burden on you;

Then I looked, and I heard an eagle flying in mid-heaven with a loud cry, "Woe, woe, woe to the dwellers on earth, for the rest of the trumpet-blasts that the three angels are about to blow!"

But the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands and give up worshipping daemons and idols of gold and silver and brass and stone and wood, which cannot either see or hear or stir;

At that hour a great earthquake took place, a tenth of the City was destroyed, and seven thousand souls perished in the earthquake: the rest were awestruck, and gave glory to the God of heaven.

So, enraged at the woman, the dragon went off to wage war on the rest of her offspring, on those who keep God's commandments and hold the testimony of Jesus.

while the rest were killed by the sword of him who is seated on the horse, by the sword that issues from his lips. And all the birds were glutted with their flesh.