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When Cain became very upset and depressed, the LORD asked Cain, "Why are you so upset? Why are you depressed?

Verse ConceptsExpressions On FacesRestoring SinnersWhy Do You Do This?Angry With GodDepressionFree Moral AgencyAnger And Forgiveness

On the very same day Noah and Shem and Ham and Japheth, the sons of Noah, and Noah’s wife and the three wives of his sons with them, entered the ark,

Verse ConceptsAt The Same TimeEntering The ArkOther Wives

And the waters have been very very mighty on the earth, and covered are all the high mountains which are under the whole heavens;

Verse ConceptsCovering The Earth

And the LORD smelled a sweet savour and said in his heart, "I will henceforth no more curse the earth for man's sake, for the imagination of man's heart is evil even from the very youth of him. Moreover I will not destroy from henceforth all that liveth as I have done.

Verse ConceptsGod, Human Descriptions OfSweet OdoursCurses, DivineCovenant, God's with Noahevil, origins ofEarth, Promises AboutBeing Born In SinAromasHeart, DivineMind, The HumanSin, Universality OfSmellsAltarsBeing Evil From YouthGod KillingThoughts Of The WickedSoliloquyGod CursingGod Killing All PeopleRefreshing GodThe Hearts Incination To Evil

He was a very great bowman, so that there is a saying, Like Nimrod, a very great bowman.

Verse ConceptsHuntingRecreationLike People In CharacterOld Sayingsfearless

And Resen between Nineveh and Calah, which is a very great town.

And it came to pass, that, when Abram was come into Egypt, the Egyptians beheld the woman that she was very fair.

Verse ConceptsRelationships With Boyfriend

It came about when the sun had set, that it was very dark, and behold, there appeared a smoking oven and a flaming torch which passed between these pieces.

Verse ConceptsFurnacesLampsPassing ThroughSmokeCandlesAnimal Sacrifices, BurntSunsetsGod Appearing In FireGod Is LightDarkness Of NightWeedsmoking

And I will set my covenant between me and thee, and will very greatly multiply thee.

Verse ConceptsRevelation, In OtGod Multipling PeopleGod's Covenant With The Patriarchs

I will make you very fertile, so that nations will come from you and kings will be your offspring.

Verse ConceptsFruitfulness, NaturalMaking KingsfruitfulnessReproduction, After Kind

And for Ishmael I have heard thee: behold, I will bless him, and will make him fruitful, and will very greatly multiply him; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation.

Verse ConceptsAbraham, Family And DescendantsThe Number TwelveAbraham, Testing And VictoryAnswered PrayerProsperity PromisedGod Multipling PeopleTwelve BeingsBlessed By GodGod Paid Attention To MeSons Being A Blessingfruitfulness

Then Abraham took Ishmael his son, and all the servants who were born in his house and all who were purchased with his money, every male among the men of Abraham’s household, and circumcised the flesh of their foreskin the very same day, as God had said to him.

Verse ConceptsForeskinsAt The Same TimeGroups Of Slaves

On the very same day Abraham was circumcised, as well as Ishmael his son.

Verse ConceptsAt The Same Time

I will get a morsel of bread so you can refresh your heart. After that you may go your way, now that you have come to your servant." They said, "Very well, do as you have said."

Verse ConceptsBread, As FoodServanthood, In Life Of BelieversPeople Refreshed

And the LORD said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous;

Verse ConceptsUnhappinessOutcry

But they said, "Step aside!" Then they said, "{This fellow} came to dwell as a foreigner and he acts as a judge! Now we shall do worse to you than them!" And they pressed very hard against the man, against Lot, and they drew near to break the door.

Verse ConceptsSeductionThreateningsSojourningPressingBroken ThingsSuffering From ForeignersWorse

"Very well," he replied, "I will grant this request too and will not overthrow the town you mentioned.

Verse ConceptsDestruction Of CitiesAcceptance

So Abimelech rose early in the morning. And he called all his servants and {told them all these things}, and the men were very afraid.

Verse ConceptsMorningSuffering, Emotional Aspects OfGiving InformationThose Who Rose EarlyFearing Other People

Abraham named his son who was born to him Isaac the very one whom Sarah bore for him!

Verse ConceptsPeople Naming Peoplesarah

The child grew and eventually was weaned, so Abraham threw a tremendous banquet on the very day Isaac was weaned.

Verse ConceptsFeastingBanquets, Events CelebratedWeaningGrowing Upsarah

And the thing was very grievous in Abraham's sight because of his son.

And the damsel was very fair to look upon, a virgin, neither had any man known her: and she went down to the well, and filled her pitcher, and came up.

Verse ConceptsBeautifulAbsence Of SexWomen's BeautyBeauty Of Nature

"The Lord has richly blessed my master and he has become very wealthy. The Lord has given him sheep and cattle, silver and gold, male and female servants, and camels and donkeys.

Verse ConceptsAbundance, MaterialCowsGenerosity, God'sGoldSilverAbraham, In SocietyOwning LivestockGroups Of SlavesSupplied With MoneyBlessed By GodMultitudes Of DonkeysPossessing SheepWealthy People

And when he was questioned by the men of the place about his wife, he said, She is my sister; fearing to say, She is my wife; for, he said, the men of the place may put me to death on account of Rebekah; because she is very beautiful.

Verse ConceptsExamples Of DeceitdoubtersAsking Particular QuestionsMisrepresentationOther WivesBeautiful Women

For he had possession of flocks, and possession of herds, and very many servants: And the Philistines envied him.

Verse ConceptsEnvy, Example OfOwning LivestockThose Who EnviedPossessing Sheeppossessions

That very same day, Isaac's servants arrived and reported to him about a well that they had just completed digging. "We've found water!" they said.

Verse ConceptsFinding ThingsTelling What People Did

And Isaac said unto Jacob, Come near, I pray thee, that I may feel thee, my son, whether thou be my very son Esau or not.

Verse ConceptsDistinguishingIs It Really?Contact With People

And he said, Art thou my very son Esau? And he said, I am.

Verse ConceptsIs It Really?This Is Me

And Isaac trembled very exceedingly, and said, Who? where is he that hath taken venison, and brought it me, and I have eaten of all before thou camest, and have blessed him? yea, and he shall be blessed.

Verse ConceptsTremblingIndividuals TremblingWho Is This?People Blessing

When Esau heareth the words of his father, then he crieth a very great and bitter cry, and saith to his father, 'Bless me, me also, O my father;'

Verse ConceptsResentment, Against PeopleSelf PitySuffering, Emotional Aspects OfVoicesBeing BitterPeople BlessingBitterness

As he was observing a well that had been dug out on the open range, all of a sudden he noticed three flocks of sheep lying there, because shepherds watered their flocks from that well. There was a very large stone that covered the opening of the well,

Verse ConceptsThree GroupsBig ThingsStopping Wells

So he asked them, "How's he doing?" "Very well," they answered. "As a matter of fact, look over there! That's his daughter Rachel, coming here with his sheep."

Verse ConceptsThose Who Kept Stock

Then Jacob became furious with Rachel, and he said, “Am I in the place of God, who has denied you children?”

Verse ConceptsBarren WomenReasons For BarrennessMen As GodsNamed People Angry With Others

For you had very little before I came, but now your wealth has increased. The Lord has blessed you because of me. And now, when will I also do something for my own family?”

Verse ConceptsLittle FoodGrowth In WealthPeople ProvidingBlessing Through God's People

Then Laban said, "Look! Very well. It shall be according to your word."

Verse ConceptsAgreeing For Good

That very day, Laban removed the male goats that were striped or spotted, all the female goats that were speckled or spotted that is, every one that had white on them and all the black lambs and placed them into the care of his sons.

Verse ConceptsBlack AnimalsBlemished CreaturesBlack And WhiteTaking Animals

'And now, thou hast certainly gone, because thou hast been very desirous for the house of thy father; why hast thou stolen my gods?'

Verse ConceptsHomeLove, And The WorldRight DesiresRobbing Gods

Then Jacob was very frightened and distressed. So he divided the people, flocks, cattle, and camels that [were] with him into two companies.

Verse ConceptsWarfare, Strategies InTwo GroupsOwning LivestockHalf Of GroupsFear Of IndividualsPossessing Sheep

Take my offering then, with my blessing; for God has been very good to me and I have enough: so at his strong request, he took it.

Verse ConceptsAffluenceBlessed By God

"Why do that?" Jacob asked. "I've already found favor in your sight, sir." So Esau set out that very day back on his way to Seir,

Verse ConceptsIndividuals going homefriendliness

Then he became very attached to Dinah, Jacob's daughter. He fell in love with the young woman and spoke romantically to her.

Verse ConceptsAffection, ExpressingHeart, HumanTendernessClinging To PeopleGentle WordsMen And Women Who LovedThe Love Of Women

And the sons of Jacob came out of the field when they heard it: and the men were grieved, and they were very wroth, because he had wrought folly in Israel in lying with Jacob's daughter; which thing ought not to be done.

Verse ConceptsLove, And The WorldSexual Sin, Nature OfSorrowRapeNamed People Angry With Others

Jacob erected a pillar of stone at that very place where God had spoken to him. He poured a drink offering over it, anointed it with oil,

Verse Conceptsdrink offeringCeremoniesOilPouringMonumentsObelisksStones As MonumentsAnointing ThingsMaking Cereal Offerings And Libations

And when her pain was very great, the woman who was helping her said, Have no fear; for now you will have another son.

Verse ConceptsMidwifechildbearing

But the LORD was with Joseph. He became a very prosperous man while in the house of his Egyptian master,

Verse ConceptsGod With Specific PeopleSuccess Through GodThe Presence Of GodBlessings And ProsperitySuccess And Hard Workprospering

And he gave Joseph control of all his property, keeping no account of anything, but only the food which was put before him. Now Joseph was very beautiful in form and face.

Verse ConceptsFidelityServants, GoodTrustworthinessBusiness EthicsBeauty, In MenSeeking FoodAuthority Delegated To PeopleHandsome Men

And when his master heard the words of his wife that she spoke to him, "{This is what your servant did to me}," {he became very angry}.

Verse ConceptsPrisonersTelling What People DidNamed People Angry With Others

that he locked them up in the prison dungeon operated by the captain of the guard, the very place where Joseph was imprisoned.

Verse ConceptsImprisonmentsPrisonersPrisons

When Joseph came to see them in the morning, he noticed how downcast they looked! They were both very sad.

Verse ConceptsOther Sad People

and ate up the seven plump, fruit-filled ears. Then Pharaoh woke up a second time, and it had been a very vivid dream!

Verse ConceptsSeven ThingsThin Bodies

The very next morning, he was frustrated about the dream, so he sent word to summon all the magicians and wise men of Egypt. Pharaoh told them what he had dreamed, but no one could interpret them.

Verse ConceptsDivination, Practiced ByMorningRestlessnessWisdom, Human NatureMagiciansWise MenKings SummoningNo One AvailableTelling Dreams

And, behold, seven other kine came up after them, poor and very ill favoured and leanfleshed, such as I never saw in all the land of Egypt for badness:

Verse ConceptsSeven AnimalsUnique CreaturesBad Items

The very word that I spake unto Pharaoh, what, God, is about to do, hath he showed unto Pharaoh.

Verse ConceptsPredicting The Future

And the plenty shall not be known in the land by reason of that famine following; for it shall be very grievous.

That the dream was repeated twice to Pharaoh [and in two different ways] indicates that this matter is fully determined and established by God, and God will bring it to pass very quickly.

Verse ConceptsDoing Things TwiceGod Not DelayingEverything Happening For A Reason

And Joseph gathered corn as the sand of the sea, very much, until he left numbering; for it was without number.

Verse ConceptsAn Innumerable NumberSandImpossible For PeoplePlenty In EgyptSand And Gravel

And the sons of Israel came with all the others to get grain: for they were very short of food in the land of Canaan.

Verse ConceptsMoney, Uses Of

And Joseph said unto them, - The very thing, that I spake unto you, saying - Spies, are, ye.

Verse ConceptsSpying

And Reuben responded to them, saying - Spake I not unto you saying, Do not sin against the child! And ye hearkened not? His very blood, therefore lo! it is required.

Verse ConceptsBlood, as symbol of guiltJudgement On MurderersWronging Other Peopleaccounting

Now the famine was very severe in the land [of Canaan].

And they said, The man asked very closely after us, and after our kindred, saying, Is your father yet alive? have ye a brother? And we told him according to the tenor of these words. Could we at all know that he would say, Bring your brother down?

Verse ConceptsAsking Particular QuestionsAnswering PeopleNot Knowing The FutureLiving On

They had not gone very far from the city when Joseph said to his steward, “Get up. Pursue the men, and when you overtake them, say to them, ‘Why have you repaid evil for good?

Verse ConceptsIngratitudePeople Not Far AwayRepaying Evil For Good

And we said to my lord, We have an old father and a young child, whom he had when he was old; his brother is dead and he is the only son of his mother, and is very dear to his father.

Verse ConceptsChildren, needs ofJacob, Life And Character OfPrejudiceSole SurvivorsDeath Of Unnamed IndividualsThose Who LovedExamples Of Love For Children

"So now, when I return to your servant my father, and the boy is not with us -- his very life is bound up in his son's life.

Verse ConceptsNowhere To Be FoundThose Who Loved

Moreover, they said to Pharaoh, “We have come to live temporarily (sojourn) in the land [of Egypt], for there is no pasture for the flocks of your servants [in our land], for the famine is very severe in Canaan. So now, please let your servants live in the land of Goshen.”

Verse ConceptsSojourningNo FoodLiving In The Land

And there was no bread in all the land; for the famine was very sore, so that the land of Egypt and all the land of Canaan fainted by reason of the famine.

Verse ConceptsFaintingWithout Strength

And when the money was exhausted in the land of Egypt and in the land of Canaan, all the Egyptians came to Joseph and said, “Give us food! Why should we die before your very eyes? For our money is gone.”

Verse ConceptsRequesting FoodPossibility Of DeathIndeterminate Sums Of MoneyShortage Other Than FoodFinancesSaving Money

Why should we die before your very eyes, both we and our land? Buy us and our land in exchange for food, and we, with our land, will become Pharaoh's slaves. Give us seed that we may live and not die. Then the land will not become desolate."

Verse ConceptsKept Alive By MenPossibility Of DeathLiteral PlantingGroups Of Slaves

Israel settled in the land of Egypt, in the region of Goshen. They acquired property in it and became fruitful and very numerous.

Verse ConceptsFruitfulness, NaturalPeople Multiplying

But his father refused. "I know," he said. "I know. He's going to produce a large nation, and he's going to be very great. However, his younger brother will become even greater than he, and his descendants will become a multitude of nations."

Verse ConceptsThe Youngest ChildPeople With General KnowledgeRules About Young People

That very day, Jacob blessed them with this blessing: "By you Israel will extend this blessing: "May God make you like Ephraim and Manasseh!'"

Verse ConceptsLike Good PeoplePeople Who Blessed Others

And there went up with him both chariots and horsemen: and it was a very great company.

Verse ConceptsChariotsDealing With Many People

And they came to the threshingfloor of Atad, which is beyond Jordan, and there they mourned with a great and very sore lamentation: and he made a mourning for his father seven days.

Verse ConceptsFuneralsBereavement, Experience OfLamentingSevenWeeksSeven DaysBeyond JordanMourning The Death Of Others

When the Canaanites who lived in the land saw them mourning at the threshing floor of Atad, they said, "This is a very sad occasion for the Egyptians." That is why its name was called Abel Mizraim, which is beyond the Jordan.

Verse ConceptsMourningMourning DeathBeyond Jordan

and the sons of Israel have been fruitful, and they teem, and multiply, and are very very mighty, and the land is filled with them.

Verse ConceptsFruitfulness, NaturalFilling PlacesBirth ControlPeople Multiplyingfruitfulness

Therefore God dealt well with the midwives: and the people multiplied, and waxed very mighty.

Verse ConceptsGod Doing GoodPeople Multiplying

Then the Lord became angry with Moses, and he said, "What about your brother Aaron the Levite? I know that he can speak very well. Moreover, he is coming to meet you, and when he sees you he will be glad in his heart.

Verse ConceptsBalaams DonkeyHuman AffectionHeart, HumanAaron, CharacterMeeting PeopleGod Angry With IndividualsRejoicing In God's Works

Aaron spoke everything that the LORD had spoken to Moses, and Moses performed the miracles before the very eyes of the people.

Verse ConceptsSigns From GodTelling Of God

The very same day Pharaoh gave orders to the [Egyptian] taskmasters in charge of the people and their [Hebrew] foremen, saying,

Verse ConceptsOverseersTaskmasters

But he said, “You are lazy, very lazy; therefore you say, ‘Let us go and sacrifice to the Lord.’

Verse Conceptshumor

And Pharaoh said, I will let you go, that ye may sacrifice to the LORD your God in the wilderness; only ye shall not go very far away: intreat for me.

Verse ConceptsPeople Not Far AwayPray For UsPraying For SinnersSacrificesupplication

Behold, the hand of the LORD is upon thy cattle which is in the field, upon the horses, upon the asses, upon the camels, upon the oxen, and upon the sheep: there shall be a very grievous murrain.

Verse ConceptsSheepAnger Of God, Examples OfPower Of God, Expressed

For this time I will send all my plagues on your very self and on your servants and your people, so that you may know that there is no one like me in all the earth.

Verse ConceptsNo One Is Like GodKnowing God's Character

Behold, to morrow about this time I will cause it to rain a very grievous hail, such as hath not been in Egypt since the foundation thereof even until now.

Verse ConceptsGod's Action TomorrowFoundations Of NationsUnique Things

So there was hail, and fire mingled with the hail, very grievous, such as there was none like it in all the land of Egypt since it became a nation.

Verse ConceptsFireStormsUnique Things