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For there were some that said, "Our sons and daughters and we are too many, let us take corn for them to eat, that we may live."

Some said, "Let us set our lands, vineyards, and houses, to pledge, and take up corn in the dearth."

I and my brethren, and my servants have lent them money and corn: but as for usury, let us leave it.

Therefore this same day see that ye restore them their lands again, their vineyards, oil gardens, and houses, and the hundredth part of the money of the corn, wine, and oil, that ye have won of them."

For the children of Israel and the children of Levi shall bring up the heave offerings of the corn, wine, and oil unto the chests. And there shall be the vessels of the sanctuary, and the priests that minister, and the porters, and singers, that we forsake not the house of our God.

for he had made him a great chest, and there had they afore time laid the meat offerings, frankincense, vessel, and the tithes of corn, wine and oil - according to the commandment given to the Levites, singers and porters - and the heave offerings of the priests.

Then brought all Judah the tithes of corn, wine and oil unto the treasury.