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Full grown lions die when they cannot find prey; that's when the lion cubs are scattered.

Verse ConceptsHuntingNo Food

Travelers from Tema search intently; caravans from Sheba hope to find them.

Verse ConceptsTradeWaterCaravans

"Come here now, all of you, and I won't find a wise person among you.

If you really intend to vaunt yourselves over me, and make my problems the basis of your case against me,

Verse ConceptsHumiliation

He'll vanish like a dream, and no one will find him; he will be chased away like a night vision."

Verse ConceptsWicked Described AsDisappearanceLike A Dreamflying

"It will come about that, when he has filled himself to the full, God will vent his burning anger on him; he will pour it out on him and on his body.

Verse ConceptsRainPeople EatingGod Will Be Angryventing

If only I knew where to find him, I would visit him where he has taken his seat.

God has caused me to faint; the Almighty makes me terrified!

Verse ConceptsLosing Courage

The womb will forget them. Maggots will find them to be a delicacy! They won't be remembered anymore, their iniquity will be cut to pieces like firewood.

Verse ConceptsBrokennessWombMaggotsForgetting PeopleHarming TreesPurgatoryworms

where stones are sapphire and gold dust can be found,

"Where can wisdom be found? Where is understanding's home?

Verse ConceptsStudyWhere Are Things?Wisdom

Mankind doesn't appreciate their value; and you won't find it anywhere on earth.

Verse ConceptsIgnorant Of FactsValue

The deepest ocean says, "It's not within me.' and the sea says, "You'll never find it with me.'

Verse ConceptsThe OceanThe Sea

My roots have spread out and have found water, and dew settles at night on my branches.

Verse ConceptsBranches, Figurative UsesdewMetaphorical Watering

if I've found joy in great wealth that I own, if I've earned a lot with my own hands,

Verse ConceptsRiches, Dangers OfSatisfied With RichesWealth And Prosperity

People in my household have said, "We cannot find anyone who has not been satisfied with his meat,' haven't they?

"So that you cannot claim, "We have found wisdom!' let God do the rebuking, not man;

Verse ConceptsFalse Wisdom

Nevertheless, God has found a pretext to attack me; he considers me his enemy.

Verse ConceptsGod As Enemy

Because he says, "There's no profit for a man to find joy with God.'"

Verse ConceptsFutilityProfitsInfidelity To God

We cannot find the Almighty he is majestic in power and justice, and overflowing with righteousness; he never oppresses.

Verse ConceptsGod, Righteousness OfJusticeNot FindingGod Doing RightDoing RightGod Being Outside Of Creation

His young ones feast on blood; he'll be found wherever there's a carcass."

Verse ConceptsCreatures Drinking BloodEating Corpses

"Should the one who is fighting the Almighty find fault with him? Let God's accuser answer."

Verse ConceptsStriving With GodSuffering, Of The InnocentDisputescriticismanswers

No one could find more beautiful women in the whole land than Job's daughters. Their father gave them their inheritance along with their brothers.

Verse ConceptsBeautifulBad ParentsInheritance, MaterialParents Duty To ChildrenBeauty, In WomenInheritanceWomen's BeautyBeautiful Women