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The nations have fallen into the pit they made;
their foot is caught in the net they have concealed.

He parted the heavens and came down,
a dark cloud beneath His feet.

I crush them, and they cannot get up;
they fall beneath my feet.

For dogs have surrounded me;
a gang of evildoers has closed in on me;
they pierced my hands and my feet.

My foot stands on level ground;
I will praise the Lord in the assemblies.

and have not handed me over to the enemy.
You have set my feet in a spacious place.

Davidic.Oppose my opponents, Lord;
fight those who fight me.

Do not let the foot of the arrogant man come near me
or the hand of the wicked one drive me away.

But the wicked will perish;
the Lord’s enemies, like the glory of the pastures,
will fade away—
they will fade away like smoke.

He subdues peoples under us
and nations under our feet.

My adversaries trample me all day,
for many arrogantly fight against me.

He turned the sea into dry land,
and they crossed the river on foot.
There we rejoiced in Him.

so that your foot may wade in blood
and your dogs’ tongues may have their share
from the enemies.”

But as for me, my feet almost slipped;
my steps nearly went astray.

You crushed the heads of Leviathan;
You fed him to the creatures of the desert.

They deliberately tested God,
demanding the food they craved.

They spoke against God, saying,
“Is God able to provide food in the wilderness?

People ate the bread of angels.
He sent them an abundant supply of food.

Before they had satisfied their desire,
while the food was still in their mouths,

He sent among them swarms of flies,
which fed on them,
and frogs, which devastated them.

They gave the corpses of Your servants
to the birds of the sky for food,
the flesh of Your godly ones
to the beasts of the earth.

You fed them the bread of tears
and gave them a full measure
of tears to drink.

The boar from the forest tears it
and creatures of the field feed on it.

But He would feed Israel with the best wheat.
“I would satisfy you with honey from the rock.”

They will support you with their hands
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.

If I say, “My foot is slipping,”
Your faithful love will support me, Lord.

The young lions roar for their prey
and seek their food from God.

He called down famine against the land
and destroyed the entire food supply.

They hurt his feet with shackles;
his neck was put in an iron collar.

Let his children wander as beggars,
searching for food far from their demolished homes.

I fade away like a lengthening shadow;
I am shaken off like a locust.

They have hands but cannot feel,
feet, but cannot walk.
They cannot make a sound with their throats.

I have kept my feet from every evil path
to follow Your word.

Our feet are standing
within your gates, Jerusalem

Our cattle will be well fed.
There will be no breach in the walls,
no going into captivity,
and no cry of lament in our public squares.