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The foundations of the thresholds quaked at the sound of those who kept calling out, and the Temple was filled with smoke.

Verse ConceptsSmokeTheophanyTremblingMoving To A New Place

"The LORD has sent a plague against Jacob, and it will fall on Israel;

Verse ConceptsJacob, The PatriarchWord Of God

Therefore, the Lord GOD of the Heavenly Armies will send a wasting disease among Assyria's sturdy warriors, and under its glory a conflagration will be kindled, like a blazing bonfire.

Verse ConceptsFire Emanating From God

For even if your people of Israel number as many as the sand of the sea, only a remnant of them will return. Overwhelming, righteous destruction is decreed,

Verse ConceptsGod, Righteousness OfRemnantGod Doing RightDoing RightEnd Of ActionsMany In IsraelSand And Gravel

"Send a lamb to the ruler of the land, from Selah, by way of the desert, to the mountain of the Daughter of Zion.

Verse ConceptsGiving To OthersRulersTaxationPossessing Sheep

"How terrible it will be for many nations, who rage like the roaring sea! Oh, how the uproar of nations is like the sound of rushing, mighty water How they roar!

Verse ConceptsSeaThings Like The SeaSea, Metaphorical References

It will be a sign and a witness to the LORD of the Heavenly Armies in the land of Egypt; when they cry out to the LORD because of their oppressors, he will send them a savior, and he will come down and rescue them.

Verse Conceptsdefence, divineAnswered PromisesCryingThings As Signs

In the year that the supreme commander, sent by Sargon the king of Assyria, came to Ashdod, attacked it, and captured it

Verse ConceptsOther Times

Whoever flees at the sound of terror will fall into a pit, and whoever climbs out of the pit will be caught in a snare. For the windows of judgment from above are opened, and the foundations of the earth are shaken.

Verse ConceptsClimbingEarth's FoundationWindows Of HeavenMoving UpwardsPeople Falling From A HeightGod TrappingFear Will Come

This insight also comes from the LORD of the Heavenly Armies, who is distinguished in practical advice and magnificent in sound wisdom."

Verse ConceptsGod, Wisdom OfGod, All knowingAgricultureguidanceWisdom And GuidanceGuidance And StrengthExcellence

Indeed, you people who live in Zion and in Jerusalem, you will weep no more. How gracious the LORD will be to you at the sound of your cry! As soon as he hears it, he will answer you.

Verse ConceptsAnswered PromisesGod Will AnswerNot Mourning

And every stroke of his punishing rod that the LORD brings down on them will be to the sound of tambourines and harps, as he fights against her in battle with a brandished arm.

Verse ConceptsHarpsMusicMusical Instruments, types ofMusic To Celebratedrums

The hearts of reckless people will understand sound judgment, and the tongues of those who stammer will be ready to speak clearly.

Verse ConceptsInsanityTongueSpeech ImpedimentsRash People

Then the king of Assyria sent his field commander, along with a very large army, from Lachish to King Hezekiah at Jerusalem. When the field commander stopped at the aqueduct at the Upper Pool on the road to Laundryman's Field,

Verse ConceptsCommanderOccupationsPoolsClean ClothesWater Channel

But the field commander asked, "Was it only to all of you and to your master that my master sent me to speak these things? Wasn't it also to the men sitting on the wall who, like you, will have to eat their own excrement and drink their own urine?"

Verse ConceptsMonotonyRepulsive FoodDefecationUrinatingpoop

Then he sent Eliakim, who was in charge of the palace, Shebna the secretary, and the senior priests, all wearing sackcloth, to Amoz's son, the prophet Isaiah.

Verse ConceptsNamed Prophets Of The Lord

Perhaps the LORD your God will hear the words of the field commander, whom his master, the king of Assyria, sent to mock the living God, and perhaps he will rebuke the words that the LORD your God has heard. So lift up a prayer for the remnant that still survives in this city."

Verse ConceptsGod, Living And Self sustainingRemnantRidicule, Objects OfSurvivors FavouredPray For UsWill God Pay Attention?

When he heard it, he returned and sent messengers to Hezekiah: "Say this to Hezekiah king of Judah: "Don't let your God on whom you depend deceive you when he says, "Jerusalem will not be handed over to the king of Assyria."

Verse ConceptsGod DeceivingBelief In GodNot Given Into One's HandsKings of judah

Extend your ear, LORD, and listen! Open your eyes, LORD, and look! Listen to all the words Sennacherib has sent to mock the living God.

Verse ConceptsGod, Living And Self sustainingPay Attention O God!

Then Amoz's son Isaiah sent this message to Hezekiah: "This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says, to whom you prayed concerning Sennacherib king of Assyria.

At that time Merodach-baladan, the son of Baladan, king of Babylon, sent letters and a gift to Hezekiah, when he heard he had been sick and had survived.

Verse ConceptsGiftsLetters

But this is a people who have been robbed and plundered, all of them trapped in pits or hidden away in prisons. They have become prey, with no one to rescue them; they have been made loot, with no one to say, "Send them back!'

Verse ConceptsPlunderingRescueTrapPrisonscredibilityjail

This is what the LORD says, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: "For your sake I will send to Babylon, and bring them all down as fugitives. Now as for the Babylonians, their ringing cry will become lamentation.

Verse ConceptsReturn From BabylonRedemption, In OtSeafaringShipsFor The Sake Of God's People

Draw near to me, and listen to this: "From the beginning I haven't spoken in secret; at the time it happened, I was there.' And now the LORD God, and his Spirit, has sent me.

Verse ConceptsSecrecyGod, TrinityThe Spirit Of GodGod Sending ProphetsLed By The Spiritheartbroken

Your descendants would've been like the sand, and your offspring like its numberless grains. Their name wouldn't have been cut off or annihilated out of my reach.

Verse ConceptsNames Blotted OutSand And Gravel

This is what the LORD says: "Where is your mother's certificate of divorce with which I sent her away? Or to which of my creditors did I sell you? Look! It's because of your sins that you were sold, and because of your transgressions that your mother was sent away.

Verse ConceptsCreditdivorce, in OTCertificate of divorceBuying and sellingImperfection, And God's PurposesMarriage, Between God And His PeopleMothers, As A SymbolBills Of DivorceMothers

For the LORD will have compassion on Zion, have compassion on all her ruins. He will make her wilderness like Eden, and her deserts like the garden of the LORD. Joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving, and the sound of singing. Sorrow and sighing will flee away.

Verse ConceptsGarden Of Eden, TheHorticultureJoy, Of IsraelLand, Spiritual Aspects OfRuinsThanksgivingAfflictions, Consolation DuringArchaeologyEdenWaste Places RestoredBlessing In The WildernessThose Singing PraiseGod Will ComfortFree Of ChargeGardensPeace And ComfortzionFinding Comfort In God

so will my message be that goes out of my mouth it won't return to me empty. Instead, it will accomplish what I desire, and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

Verse ConceptsActionsBeing A WitnessGod, Purpose OfMouthsDestinyOutcastsAccomplishingThe Effect Of The Word Of GodPurposeaccomplishment

You went to Molech with olive oil and increased your perfumes; you sent your ambassadors far away, you sent them down even to Sheol itself!

Verse ConceptsFalse GodsAnointing, Social CustomenvoyPerfumeAttraction

I'll rejoice over Jerusalem, and take delight in my people; no longer will the sound of weeping be heard in it, nor the cry of distress.

Verse ConceptsGod, Joy OfRest, EternalDivine FavourNon ExistenceNot Mourning

"Listen to that uproar in the city! Listen to that noise from the Temple! It is the sound of the LORD paying back retribution to his enemies!

Verse ConceptsRetributionReward, DivineGod Has Requited

"I will put up signs among them, and from them I will send survivors to the nations to Tarshish, Libya, and Lydia, (who draw the bow), to Tubal and Greece, to the far off coastlands that have not heard of my fame or seen my glory. Then they will proclaim my glory among the nations.

Verse ConceptsGod, As SaviorFameIslandsMission, Of IsraelSigns From GodMissionary WorkArchers, In ArmiesAfricaSurvivors Of The Nations