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and her husband hears her vow, yet remains silent on the day that he hears it, then her vows are to stand and the obligation to which she had pledged herself is to stand.

"Everything that a widow or a divorced woman pledges herself to fulfill are to be binding on her.

If, while she had been living in her late or former husband's house, she makes a vow or a promise that binds her with an oath,

and her husband hears it but remains silent, not disallowing it, then all her vows are to stand, along with every obligation that she has pledged to fulfill.

But if her husband disallowed them the very day that he heard her, everything that she spoke relating to her vows and her obligation to herself are not to stand, because her husband revoked them. The LORD will forgive her.

Her husband may confirm or revoke every vow and binding obligation that afflicts her.

But if her husband remains silent about her from day to day, then he has affirmed all her vows or obligations that she has obligated herself to fulfill. He has affirmed them because he remained silent from the day he heard her vows.

These are the statutes that the LORD commanded Moses concerning a man and his wife and concerning a father and his young daughter while she still lives in her father's house.

"Be sure to exact vengeance on behalf of the Israelis from the Midianites, after which you'll be taken home to your people."

So Moses instructed the people, "Muster your men of war to attack the Midianites and deliver the LORD'S vengeance against Midian.

Send 1,000 men to war from every tribe throughout all of Israel."

So 1,000 men from every tribe 12,000 from the thousands of Israel were mustered and equipped for war.

Moses sent 1,000 men from every tribe to fight against them, along with Eleazar's son Phinehas, in whose hands were the articles of the sanctuary and trumpets to sound battle alarms.

After this, the Israelis took captive the Midianite women and children and confiscated as spoils of war all their cattle, livestock, and their goods.

They burned every town where they had lived and incinerated all of their encampments.

"Look! These women were the same ones who were counseled by Balaam to cause the Israelis to commit a grievous sin against the LORD at Peor. As a result, that plague infected the LORD's community.

You are to kill every male child and every woman who has had sexual relations with a man.

You are to allow the young women who haven't yet had sexual relations with a man to live for yourselves."

"Now you are to stay outside the camp for seven days, after which any of you who has killed a person or touched someone who was killed may purify yourselves on the third day. You and your captives will be pure on the seventh day.

Furthermore, you are to purify every garment that is, everything made of leather, goat's hair, or containing wood."

or anything else that can survive a refiner's fire: You are to pass it through fire, after which it will be clean. Then it is to be purified with the water of impurity. Everything that cannot survive a refiner's fire is to be washed in water.

Wash your clothes on the seventh day, after which you will be clean. Then you may enter the camp."

are to divide the booty between the warriors who went to war and the rest of the community.

"After this, you are to exact a tribute for the LORD from the soldiers who went to war, consisting of the tribute earned by one person out of every 500, whether from people, cattle, donkeys, or flocks.

You are to take half their share and give it to Eleazar the priest as a raised offering to the LORD.

The goods confiscated in excess of the war implements that the warriors had gathered included 675,000 sheep,

and told him, "Your servants took a count of the soldiers who were under our authority. We didn't miss a single man.

because every soldier had confiscated war booty for his own use.

Now, the descendants of Reuben and descendants of Gad happened to be joint owners of a very large herd of cattle. When they observed that Jazer and Gilead were good grazing lands for cattle,

the land that the LORD defeated in the sight of the community of Israel is perfect for cattle and your servants have cattle.

If we've found favor in your sight, let this land be given to your servants as our possession instead of us crossing the Jordan River."

"Will your relatives have to go to war while you remain here?" Moses asked the descendants of Gad and descendants of Reuben in response.

That's what your ancestors did when I sent them from Kadesh-barnea to explore the land.

And now, look! You're acting just like your ancestors, like a brood of sinful men, who are provoking the fierce anger of the LORD against the Israelis one step at a time.

Then they approached him and said, "Here's where we're going to build corrals for our cattle and cities for our families,

but we will keep ourselves armed and stay ready to go with the Israelis until we've brought them to their own places. Our families intend to live in fortified cities in the presence of the inhabitants of the land,

but we won't return to our homes until every Israeli has taken possession of each of their inheritances,

since our inheritance will not be with them across the Jordan River and beyond. Instead, our inheritance is on this side of the Jordan River, facing eastward."

"If you do this," Moses replied to them, "that is, if you equip yourselves for war in the LORD's presence

and every one of your armed soldiers crosses over the Jordan River in the presence of the LORD until he has dispossessed his enemies ahead of him

and subjugated the land before him, then afterwards when you return, you'll be able to stand blameless before the LORD and before Israel. This land will then be your possession before the LORD.

"But if you won't do so, look out! You will be sinning against the LORD. Be certain of this, that your sin will catch up to you!

So after you've built cities for your families and corrals for your cattle, be sure to keep your promises."

Then the descendants of Gad and descendants of Reuben spoke up. "Your servants will do exactly what our master has commanded." They said.

"Our children, wives, flocks, and all our cattle will be settled in the cities of Gilead,

but every soldier that we've equipped for battle will cross the Jordan River in the presence of the LORD, as our master has spoken."

telling them, "If the descendants of Gad and descendants of Reuben cross over the Jordan River with you, that is, all of their soldiers who've been equipped for battle in the LORD's presence, so that the land is subjugated right before your eyes, then you are to give them the land of Gilead as their possession.

"We'll do just what the LORD told your servants," the descendants of Gad and the descendants of Reuben responded.

"We are to cross over in battle array in the LORD's presence into the land of Canaan, and afterwards the possession of our inheritance will be on this side of the Jordan River."

Nebo, Baal-meon (after having changed their names), and Sibmah. The cities that they rebuilt were renamed.

The descendants of Manasseh's son Machir attacked Gilead and then captured and dispossessed the Amorites who were there.

while they were burying their firstborn, whom the LORD had killed among them. The LORD also executed justice against their gods.

They rested outside of Migdol. They traveled from Hahiroth and passed through the midst of the sea to the wilderness. They were on the road three days in the wilderness of Etham, then rested in Marah.

They traveled from Marah and arrived at Elim. In Elim there were twelve wells of water and 70 palm trees, so they rested there.

Then Aaron the priest ascended Mount Hor in obedience to the LORD's command and died there, in the fortieth year after the Israelis had come out of the land of Egypt, on the first day of the fifth month.

They rested by the Jordan River in the area from Beth-jeshimoth to Abel-shittim in the plains of Moab.

they are to drive out all the inhabitants of the land and destroy all their idols and their molten images. You are to demolish all their high places,

You are to divide the land among yourselves by lot according to your families. The larger the families are in number, the larger their inheritance is to be. The fewer the families are in number, the lesser their inheritance is to be. To whomever the lot falls, that inheritance goes to him. Divide it according to your ancestral tribes.

But if you fail to drive out the inhabitants of the land before you, their survivors will become irritants in your eyes and thorns in your sides, to prick your sides and afflict you in the very land in which you'll be living.

"Issue these orders to the Israelis: "You're about to enter the land of Canaan. This territory has been apportioned to you as your inheritance: the entire land of Canaan, all the way to its borders.'"

""To your south is the Wilderness of Zin, bordering Edom. Your southern border is to extend east toward the far end of the Dead Sea,

""Your northern border is to extend from the Mediterranean Sea to Mount Hor.

From Mount Hor, you are to mark out the entrance to Hammath, with the border running through Zedad,

""You are to mark the border on the east from Hazar-enan to Shepham.

The border is to continue along the Jordan River all the way to the Dead Sea. This is to be your land, as measured by its boundaries.'"

Moses commanded the Israelis, "You are to inherit this land by lot, just as the LORD commanded to give it to the remaining nine and a half tribes.

"These are the names of the men who are to divide the land for your inheritance: Eleazar the priest and Nun's son Joshua.

You are to appoint a leader from each tribe to divide the land for inheritance.

These are the names of the men: Appoint Jephunneh's son Caleb from the tribe of Judah,

From the tribe of Joseph, you are to appoint Ephod's son Hanniel to be leader of the half tribe of Manasseh,

These are the ones whom the LORD commanded to divide the inheritance of the Israelis in the land of Canaan.

The towns are to be reserved for their dwelling places and the grazing lands are to be reserved for their cattle, livestock, and all their animals.

The grazing lands that you are to reserve for use by the descendants of Levi are to extend 1,000 cubits from the walls of the town.

You are to measure from outside the wall of the town on the east side 2,000 cubits, on the south side 2,000 cubits, on the west side 2,000 cubits, and on the north side 2,000 cubits, with the town placed at the center. This reserved area is to serve as grazing land for their towns.

You are to set aside six towns of refuge from the towns that you will be giving to the descendants of Levi, where someone who kills a human being may run for shelter. In addition, give them 42 other towns.

The total number of towns that you are to give to the descendants of Levi is to be 48 towns, including grazing lands surrounding these towns.

You are to apportion the towns that you will be giving the Israelis according to the relative size of the tribe. Take a larger portion from those larger in number and a lesser portion from those fewer in number. Each is to set aside towns for the descendants of Levi proportional to the size of their inheritance that they receive."

they are to designate some towns of refuge so that anyone who kills someone inadvertently may flee there.

They are to serve as cities of refuge from a blood avenger in order to keep the inadvertent killer from dying until he has stood trial in the presence of the community.

You are to set aside six towns of refuge.

If the killer shoved his victim out of hatred, or hurled something at him while waiting in ambush so that he died,

or if he struck him with his hand out of hatred so that he died, then the killer is certainly to be put to death for murder. The avenger of blood is to put him to death when he meets him."

"But if he pushed him suddenly without hatred, or if he hurled something in his direction without waiting in ambush,

or if he hit him with a stone carelessly so that he was fatally injured, though he isn't his enemy and he wasn't seeking to commit evil against him,

The community is to release the inadvertent killer from the blood avenger and return him to the town of refuge where he had fled. He is to live there until the High Priest dies, who will have anointed him with holy oil.

But if the inadvertent killer leaves the town of refuge where he had fled

and the blood avenger finds him outside the town of refuge where he had fled and kills him, the blood avenger is not to be found guilty of murder.

These are to be the statutes and ordinances for you throughout all your generations, regardless of where you live."

You are to receive no ransom for the life of a killer who is guilty of murder; instead, he is to die.

You are not to receive payment of a ransom for someone who had fled to a town of refuge but then left to live in his homeland before the death of the high priest.

You are not to pollute the land where you live, because blood defiles the land, and the land cannot atone for blood that has been spilled on it, except through the blood of the one who spilled it.

You are not to defile the land where you will be living, because I'm living among you. I am the LORD, who lives in Israel."

The leaders of the ancestral families of the descendants of Gilead, who were descendants of Machir, and descendants of Manasseh, from Joseph's tribe, approached and spoke to Moses and the leaders of the ancestral houses of the Israelis.

"The LORD commanded my master to apportion the land as an inheritance by lot to the Israelis," they said. "Now my master was ordered by the LORD to give the inheritance of our brother Zelophehad to his daughters.

But when they get married to one of the descendants of the tribes of Israel, their inheritances are to be withdrawn from our father's inheritance and added to the inheritance of the tribe to which they are to belong. Consequently, it is to be withdrawn from the portion of our inheritance.

Then, when the Jubilee Year of the Israelis comes, their inheritance will be added to the inheritance of the tribe to which they have come to belong. Their inheritance will thus be taken away from the inheritance of our father's tribe!"

so that the inheritance of the Israelis won't be turned over from one tribe to another. Each one has an inheritance from his own father's tribe that the Israelis are to maintain.

That way, their inheritance won't be turned over from one tribe to another, because the Israelis are each to maintain their ancestral inheritances."