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I am come of the old regal Progeny"? Where are they? Where are now thy wise men? Let them tell thee, if they can, what the LORD of Hosts hath taken in hand against Egypt.

The princes of Zoan are become fools, and the princes of Noph are deceived: yea, they deceive Egypt with their nobility of their stock.

For the LORD hath made Egypt drunken with the spirit of error, and they shall use it in all matters: even like as a drunken man goeth spewing about.

This shall be a token or testimony unto the LORD of Hosts in the land of Egypt, when they shall cry unto him, because of those that oppress them. And he shall send them a Captain and a Saviour to deliver them.

Moreover, Egypt shall be brought unto the LORD, and the Egyptians also shall know the LORD at the same time: they shall do him reverence with peace offerings, and with meat offerings: they shall promise him offerings, yea, and pay him also.

Thus the LORD shall smite Egypt, and heal it again: and so shall they turn to the LORD, and he also shall have mercy upon them, and save them.

They shall be also at their wits end, and ashamed one of another: the Egyptians of the Ethiopians, and the Ethiopians of the Egyptians, considering what glory they were in afore.

Moreover, they that dwell in the Isles shall say even the same day, 'Behold, thus are we regarded! Whither shall we fly for help, that we might be delivered from the king of the Assyrians? How will we escape?'"

While they garnished the table, the watchman looked: and while he was eating and drinking it was said, "Up, ye Captains, take you to your shield."

For they shall run away from the weapon, from the drawn sword, from the bent bow, and from the great battle.

For all thy Captains gat them to their horses from the ordinance, yea they are all together ridden away, and fled far off.

But they to fulfill their lust and willfulness, slaughter oxen: they kill sheep, they eat costly meat, and drink wine. "Let us eat and drink, tomorrow we shall die."

They shall hang upon him all the glory of his father's house, of the children and children's children, all apparel small and great, all instruments of measure and music.

The burden of Tyre. Mourn, ye ships of Tarshish, for there cometh such destruction that ye shall not have a house to enter into. Out of the land of Chittim they have knowledge of this plague.

But all her occupying and wining shall be hallowed unto the LORD. For then shall they lay up nothing behind them nor upon heaps: but the merchandise of Tyre shall belong to the citizens of the LORD, to the feeding and sustaining of the hungry, and to the clothing of the aged.

For the earth is corrupt of her indwellers. For why? They have offended the law, changed the ordinances, and broken the everlasting covenant.

Therefore hath the curse consumed the earth; and they that dwell therein are fallen into trespass. Wherefore the inhabiters of the earth are perished with drought, and those that remain shall be very few.

that they may be trodden under the feet of the simple, and with the steps of the poor.

LORD, when thine hand is lift up to strike, they see it not: but they shall see it, and be confounded, when thou shalt devour them with the wrath of the people, and with the fire of thine enemies.

The malicious tyrants when they die, are neither in life nor in the resurrection, for thou visitest them and rootest them out, and destroyest all the memorial of them.

Lord, in trouble have they visited thee; they poured out their prayer while thy chastening was upon them.

But as for thy dead men and ours, that be departed, they are in life and resurrection. They lie in the earth, they wake, and have joy: for thy dew is a dew of life and light. But the place of the malicious Tyrants is fallen away.

It will come to this point, that Jacob shall be rooted again, and Israel shall be green, and bear flowers, and they shall fill the whole world with their fruit.

Their harvest shall be burnt; their wives, which were their beauty when they came forth, shall be defiled. For it is a people without understanding, and therefore he that created them, shall not favour them; and he that made them, shall not be merciful to them.

But they go wrong by the reason of wine, they fall and stagger because of strong drink. Yea even the priests and prophets themselves go amiss, they are drunken with wine, and weak brained through strong drink. They fail in prophesying, and stumble in judgment.

Whom then shall such one teach knowledge? And whom shall he make to understand the thing that he heareth? For they are as ignorant as young children, which are weeded from suck or taken from the breasts.

"This shall bring rest, if one refresh the weary, yea this shall bring rest." But they had no will to hear.

And therefore the LORD shall answer their stubbornness, lesson upon lesson, commandment upon commandment, rule upon rule, instruction upon instruction, here a little, there a little. That they may go forth, fall backward, be bruised, snared, and taken.

And the multitude of all nations that fight against Ariel shall be as a dream seen by night; even so shall all they be that make war against it, and strongholds to overcome it.

Ponder these things once in your mind, and wonder: Blinded are they themselves, and the blind guides of others; they are drunken, but not with wine; they are unstable, but not through strong drink.

Then shall the furious people cease, and the mockers shall be put away, and all they that do wrong shall be plucked out,

when he seeth among his children - whom my hands have made - such as hallow my name among them: that they may sanctify the holy one of Jacob, and fear the God of Israel.

They also which have been of an erroneous spirit shall come to understanding, and they that have been scornful shall learn doctrine."

Alas, for those disobedient children," sayeth the LORD, "that will take counsel without me. Alas, that they will take a secret advice, and not out of my spirit: and therefore add they sin unto sin.

They go down into Egypt, and ask me no counsel; to seek help at he power of Pharaoh, and comfort in the shadow of the Egyptians.

They were all ashamed of the people that could do them no good, and that might not help them, nor show them any profit - but were their confusion and rebuke."

They dare say to the Prophets, "See not," and unto them that be clear of judgment, "Tell us of nothing for to come, but speak friendly words unto us, and preach us false things.

Yet standeth the LORD waiting, that he may have mercy upon you, and lifteth himself up, that he may receive you to grace. For the LORD God is righteous. Happy are all they that wait for him.

But ye shall sing, as the use is in the night of the holy solemnity. Ye shall rejoice from your heart, as they that come with the pipe, when they go up to the mount of the LORD, unto the rock of Israel.

Now the Egyptians are men, and not God, and their horses flesh, and not spirit. And as soon as the LORD stretcheth out his hand: then shall the helper fall, and he that should have been helped, and they shall all together be destroyed.

The streets are waste, there walketh no man therein; the covenant is broken, the cities are despised; they are not regarded,

The sinners at Zion are afraid, and a sudden fearfulness is come upon the hypocrites. "What is he among us," say they, "that will dwell by that consuming fire? Which of us may abide that everlasting heat?"

There are the cords so laid abroad, that they cannot be better; The mast set up of such a fashion, that no banner nor sail hangeth thereon; but there is dealt great spoil: yea, lame men run after the prey;

Thorns shall grow in their palaces, nettles and thistles in their strongholds; that the dragons may have their pleasure therein, and that they may be a court for Ostriches.

And the redeemed of the LORD shall convert, and come to Zion with thanksgiving. Everlasting joy shall they have, pleasure and gladness shall be among them. And as for all sorrow and heaviness, it shall vanish away.

Then answered Rabshakeh, "Think ye, that the king sent me to speak this only unto you? Hath he not sent me to them also, that lie upon the wall? That they be not compelled to eat their own dung, and drink their own stale with you?"

Unto this Hezekiah's messengers held their tongues, and answered not one word: for the king had charged them that they should give him none answer.

and they said unto him, "Thus sayeth Hezekiah, 'This is the day of trouble, of plague, and of wrath: like as when a child cometh to the birth, but the woman hath no power to bring it forth.

For thou knowest well how the kings of Assyria have handled all the lands that they have subverted; and hopest thou to escape?

and cast their gods in the fire. Notwithstanding, those were no gods; but the works of men's hands, of wood or stone, therefore have they destroyed them.

For their inhabiters shall be like lame men, brought in fear and confounded. They shall be like the grass and green herbs in the field, like the hay upon housetops, that withereth afore it be grown up.

Therefore thus sayeth the LORD, concerning the king of the Assyrians, 'He shall not come into the city, and shall shoot no arrow into it, there shall no shield hurt it, neither shall they grave about it.

Then came Isaiah the Prophet to king Hezekiah, and said unto him, "What have the men said, and from whence came they unto thee?" Hezekiah answered, "They came out of a far country unto me, out of Babylon."

Isaiah said, "What have they looked upon in thine house?" Hezekiah answered, "All that is in mine house have they seen: and there is nothing in my treasure, but I showed it them."

so that they be not planted, nor sown again, neither their stock rooted again in the earth? For as soon as he bloweth upon them, they wither and fade away, like the straw in a whirlwind.

The Smith comforted the molder, and the Ironsmith the hammer man, saying, 'It shall be good, that we fasten this cast work,' and then they fastened it with nails, that it should not be moved.

Behold, all they that resist thee, shall come to confusion and shame: and thine adversaries shall be destroyed and brought to naught.

So that whoso seeketh after them, shall not find them. Thy destroyers shall perish, and so shall they that undertake to make battle against thee.

All this do I, that they altogether may see a mark, perceive with their hearts and consider, that the hand of the LORD maketh these things, and that the holy one of Israel bringeth them to pass.

Let the gods come forth themselves, and show us the things that are past, what they be: let them declare them unto us, that we may take them to heart, and know them hereafter.

Either, let them show us things for to come, and tell us what shall be done hereafter: so shall we know, that they be gods. Show something, either good or bad: so will we both knowledge the same, and tell it out.

The first is he that shall say unto Zion, "Behold, behold, they are present!" And to Israel itself will I give an Evangelist.

Lo, wicked are they and vain, with the things also that they take in hand: yea, their images are but wind and emptiness.

Behold, old things are come to pass, and new things I do declare; and before they come I tell you of them."

Sing unto the LORD, a new song of thanksgiving; blow out his praise unto the end of the world. They that be upon the sea, and all that is therein, praise him; the Isles and they that dwell in them.

I will bring the blind into the street, that they know not: and lead them in to a foot path, that they are ignorant in. I shall make darkness light before them, and the thing that is crooked to be straight. These things will I do, and not forget them.

They are like, as if thou understoodest much, and keptest nothing: or if one heard well, but were not obedient.

But it is a mischevious and wicked people. Their young men belong all to the snare, and shall be shut into prison houses. They shall be carried away captive, and no man shall loose them. They shall be trodden under foot, and no man shall labour to bring them again.

All nations shall come in one, and be gathered in one people. But which among yonder gods shall declare such things, and tell us what is to come? Let them bring their witnesses, so shall they be free: for then men shall hear it, and say, "It is truth."

Thus sayeth the LORD the holy one of Israel, your redeemer, "For your sake I have sent to Babylon, and brought down the strongest of them. All they are fugitive with the Chaldeans that boast them of their ships:

Which bringeth forth the chariots and horses, the host and the power, that they may fall asleep and never rise, and be extinct, like as towe is quenched:

They shall grow together, like as the grass, and as the Willows by the waterside.

All carvers of Images are but vain, and the carved images that they love can do no good. They must bear record themselves, that seeing they can neither see nor understand they shall be confounded.

Behold, all the fellowship of them must be brought to confusion. Let all the workmasters of them come and stand together from among men: they must be abashed and confounded one with another.

Yet men neither consider nor understand; because their eyes are stopped that they cannot see, and their hearts, that they can not perceive.

They ponder not in their minds, for they have neither knowledge nor understanding, to think thus, "I have burnt one piece in the fire; I have baked bread with the coals thereof; I have roasted flesh withal, and eaten it: shall I now of the residue make an abomination, and fall down before a rotten piece of wood?"

Thus sayeth the LORD unto Cyrus his anointed, whom I have taken by the righthand, to subdue nations before him: I will loose the girdles of kings, that they shall open the gates before thy face, and not to shut their doors.

The LORD hath said moreover: The occupiers of Egypt, the merchants of the Ethiopians and Sabees, shall come unto thee with tribute; they shall be thine, they shall follow thee, and go with chains upon their feet. They shall fall down before thee, and make supplication unto thee. For God, without whom there is none other God, shall be with thee.

But Israel shall be saved in the LORD, which is the everlasting salvation: They shall not come to shame nor confusion, world without end.

Let them be gathered and come together, let them draw nigh hither, that are escaped of the people: Have they any understanding, that set up the stocks of their Idols, and praise unto a god, that cannot help them?

saying, "Verily in the LORD is my righteousness and strength. To him shall men come: but all they that think scorn of him, shall be confounded."

They are sunk down, and fallen together; for they may not ease them of their burden, therefore must they go into captivity.

And yet both these things shall come to thee upon one day, in the twinkling of an eye: Namely widowhood, and desolation. They shall mightily fall upon thee, for the multitude of thy witches, and for the great heap of thy conjurers.

Now go to thy conjurers, and to the multitude of thy witches, whom thou hast been acquainted with from thy youth, if they may help thee, or strengthen thee.

Behold, they shall be like straw, which if it be kindled with fire, no man may rid it for the vehemence of the flame: And yet it giveth no cinders to warm a man by, nor clear fire to sit by.

Even so shall they be unto thee whom thou hast used and occupied from thy youth. Every one shall show thee his erroneous way, yet shall none of them defend thee.

Which are called free men of the holy city, as they that look for comfort in the God of Israel, whose name is the LORD of Hosts.

The things that I showed you ever since the beginning: Have I not brought them to pass, immediately as they came out of my mouth, and declared them? And they are come?

Nevertheless, I have ever since the beginning showed thee of things for to come, and declared them unto thee before they came to pass: that thou shouldest not say, "Mine Idol hath done it; my carved or cast image hath showed it."

And some done now not of old time, whereof thou never heardest before they were brought to pass: that thou cannot say "I knew of them."

Moreover, there be some whereof thou hast neither heard nor know, neither have they been open unto thine ears afore time. For I know that thou wouldest maliciously offend, therefore have I called thee a transgressor, even from thy mother's womb.

that they suffered no thirst, when they travailed in the wilderness. He clave the rocks asunder, and the water gushed out."

That thou mayest say to the prisoners, "Go forth," and to them that are in darkness, "Come into the light." That they may feed in the high ways, and get their living in all places.

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