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And join them one to [the] other with respect to you [as] one [piece of] wood, so that they may become one in your hand.

{When} {your people} say to you, {saying}, 'Will you not inform us [as to] what these [actions] mean for you?'

[Then] speak to them, 'Thus says the Lord Yahweh: "Look! I [am] taking [the piece of] wood for Joseph that [is] in the hand of Ephraim and the tribes of Israel its associates, and I will put them on it, [the piece of] wood of Judah, and I will make them into one [piece of] wood, so that they be one in my hand.'"

And I will make them into one nation in the land on the mountains of Israel, and {they will all have one king as their king}, and they will not again be two nations and will not again divide into two kingdoms again.

And they will not defile themselves again with their idols and with vile idols and with all of their transgressions, and I will save them from all of their apostasy {by which they sinned}, and I will cleanse them and they will be for me as a people and I, I will be for them as God.

And my tabernacle will be with them, and I will be for them as God, and they will be to me as a nation.

And the nations will know that I, Yahweh, [am] consecrating Israel when my sanctuary [is] in the midst of them {forever}." '"

Be ready, and prepare {yourselves}, you and all of your assembly, the assembling around you, and you must be for them as a guard.

After many days you will be mustered; {in the last years} you will come to a restored land from [the] sword, gathered from many peoples on the mountains of Israel which were as {permanent ruins} [but] from peoples it was brought out, and they will dwell {in safety}, all of them.

On the mountains of Israel you will fall, you and all of your troops, and [the] peoples who [are] with you, to birds of prey, birds of every wing, and animals of the field I will give you as food.

Look! [it is] coming, and it will happen," {declares} the Lord Yahweh. "It is the day {about which I have spoken}.

And furthermore [the] name of [the] city [there] [is] Hamonah, and [thus] they will cleanse the land." '

And he brought me there, and look, there was a man whose appearance [was] like [the] appearance of bronze, and a cord of linen [was] in his hand and a reed for measurement; [he] was standing in the gate.

And there was a wall on [the] outside of the temple {all the way around it}, and in the hand of the man the reed for measurement [was] six [long] cubits, {according to} the cubit and a handbreadth, and he measured the width of the outer wall [as] one reed, and [the] height [as] one reed.

And [then] he went toward [the] gate whose face [was] {to the east}. And he went up by its steps, and he measured the threshold of the gate, one reed wide.

And [then] he measured the portico of the gate {on the inside} [as] one reed.

And he measured the portico of the gate [as] eight cubits, and its pilaster [was] two cubits [thick], and [he measured] the portico of the gate {on the inside}.

And he measured the width of the doorway of the gate [as] ten cubits and the length of the gateway [was] thirteen cubits.

And he measured the gate from the top slab of the alcove to its [opposite] top slab [as] twenty-five cubits [in] width, {from one entrance to the other one opposite it}.

And he measured [the width] from {the front of} the lower gate to {the front of} the outside of [the] inner courtyard [as] a hundred cubits to the east and to the north.

And [as for] the gate that [had] its face {toward the north} of the outer courtyard, he measured its length and its width.

And its alcoves [were] {three on each side}, and its pilasters and its porticos {had the same measurement} [as] the first gate: its length [was] fifty cubits, and [its] width [was] twenty-five {cubits}.

And a gate [led] to the inner courtyard, opposite the gate to the north and to the east, and he measured from gate to gate [as] a hundred cubits.

And he brought me to the inner courtyard [by way of] the east [gate], and he measured the gate [as] [just] like {the other measurements}.

And its porticos [were] toward the outer courtyard, and palm tree images [were] on its pilasters {one each side}, and {eight steps served as it stairs}.

And he brought me to the gate of the north, and he measured [it]; and he measured {the same measurements as these others},

And its pilasters {faced the outer courtyard}, and {it had palm tree images on its pilasters} {on each side}; and eight steps [served as] its stairs.

And on the outer side as [one] goes up to the doorway of the gate [to] the north [were] two tables, and on the other side, which [is] toward the portico of the gate, [were] two tables.

And he said to me, "This chamber {with its face toward the south} [is] for the priests [who are] taking care of the responsibility of the temple.

And the chamber {with its face to the north} [is] for the priests [who are] taking care of the responsibility of the altar. They [are] the descendants of Zadok, the [ones who] approach [from among] the descendants of Levi to Yahweh to serve him."

And he measured the courtyard [as to its] length, a hundred cubits, and a hundred cubits wide, squared, and the altar {is in front of} the temple.

And the width of the doorway [was] ten cubits, and the sidewall of the doorway {was five cubits on each side}, and he measured its length [as] forty cubits, and [its] width [was] twenty cubits.

And he went into [the] inner [room], and he measured the pilaster of the doorway [as] two cubits and the doorway [as] six cubits and the width of the doorway seven cubits.

And he measured its length [as] twenty cubits and [its] width [as] twenty cubits to [the] front of the temple, and he said to me, "This [is] {the most holy place}.

And he measured the wall of the temple [as] six cubits, and the width of the side room [as] four cubits {all along the outside wall for the temple all around the wall}.

[As far as] the temple [is concerned] [its] doorframe [was] squared, and {before} the sanctuary [was] the appearance as [it were] the appearance of

{a wooden altar} [that] [was] three cubits high, and its length [was] two cubits, and its corners for it and its length and its walls [were of] wood. And he spoke to me, "This [is] the table that [is] {before} Yahweh."

And cherubim [were] made on them, that is, on the doors of the temple and palm tree images like {the ones prepared for the walls}; and [an] overhang [of] wood [was] on the surface of the porticos on the outside.

And he brought me out to the outer courtyard {to the north}, and he brought me to the chamber which [was] opposite the courtyard and which [is] opposite the building to the north.

[As] to [the] face of [the] length [of the building] [with] the doorway to the north, [it] [was] a hundred cubits, and its width [was] fifty cubits.

And he said to me, "The chambers of the north [and] the chambers of the south which [are] {before} the courtyard, they {are the holy chambers} in which the priests, who [are] near to Yahweh, will eat the {most holy objects}. There they shall put the {most holy objects}, and the grain offering and the sin offering and the guilt offering, for the place [is] holy.

{When the priests enter}, then they shall not go out from the sanctuary to the outer courtyard; and there they must put their garments in which they serve because they [are] holy. They must put on other garments and [then] they may approach [the area] that [is] for the people.

He measured the north side [as] five hundred [cubits], [with respect to] reeds with the reed for measurement all around.

[Then] he measured the south side [as] five hundred [cubits], [with respect to] reeds with the reed for measurement.

{Toward the four sides} he measured it; [there] [was] a wall for it {all the way around}. [Its] length [was] five hundred [cubits] and [its] width [was] five hundred [cubits], in order to make separation between what is holy and what is common.

And the appearance of the vision which I saw [was] as the vision which I saw at his coming to destroy the city, and [these] visions [were] [also] as the vision which I saw by the {Kebar River}, and I fell on my face.

And he said to me, "Son of man, [this is] the place of my throne and the place for the soles of my feet {where I will dwell} in the midst of the {Israelites} to eternity, and they, the house of Israel, they and their kings, will not again defile {my holy name} with their fornication and with their offerings for the dead of their kings [on] their high places.

This [is] the law of the temple: On the top of the mountain, all of its territory, {all the way around it}, {will be most holy}. Look, this [is] the law of the temple.

And these [are] the measurements of the altar in the cubits (a cubit [is] a cubit and a handbreadth): now its gutter {is a cubit in depth by a cubit in width} and its rim along its edge all around is one span, and this [is] [also] the height of the altar.

And from the gutter at the ground up to the lower ledge [is] two cubits, and [its] width [is] one cubit, and from the small ledge up to the large ledge [is] four cubits, and [its] width [is] one cubit.

And he said to me, "Son of man, thus says the Lord Yahweh: 'These [are] the statutes of the altar on the day {when it is made}, to sacrifice a burnt offering on it and to sprinkle blood on it.

And you must give to the Levitical priests who [are] from the offspring of Zadok, the [ones] [coming] near me," {declares} the Lord Yahweh, "to serve me, a bull, {a calf} as sin offering.

And on the second day you must offer a he-goat without defect as sin offering, and they must purify the altar {like} they purified with the bull.

And you must bring them near {before} Yahweh, and the priests must throw salt on them, and they must offer them [as] a burnt offering to Yahweh.

And he brought me back [by] the way of the outer gate of the sanctuary that [is] facing east, and it was shut.

At your bringing {foreigners} [who are] uncircumcised of heart and uncircumcised of flesh to be in my sanctuary to profane it, my temple, {as you offered my food, fat, and blood}, so you broke my covenant by all of your detestable things.

And you did not observe the responsibility of my sanctuary, but you appointed [them] as the keepers of my responsibility in my sanctuary for you."

{But} the Levites who removed themselves from me {at the going astray of Israel}, who went astray from me [and went] after their idols, as a result they will bear their guilt.

Then they will be in my sanctuary, [those] serving [in] my sanctuary, [as] sentries at the gates of the temple and [as] [those] serving the temple; they will slaughter the burnt offering and the sacrifice for the people, and they will stand {before them} to serve them,

And they shall not approach me to serve as priest for me and to come near to all of my holy objects, {to the most holy objects}, and they will bear their disgrace and [the results of] their detestable things they have done.

And I will appoint them [as] the keepers of the responsibility of the temple, for all of its work and {everything} which will be done in it.

And a widow or divorced [woman] they shall not take for themselves as wives, {but only} a virgin from the offspring of the house of Israel, or the widow who is a widow for a priest they may take.

And they will teach my people [the difference] between what is holy and what is unholy, and [the difference] between unclean and clean they must show them.

And [thus] it will be to them as [regards] inheritance, [that] I [am] their inheritance, and [so] you shall not give to them property in Israel; I [am] their property.

And [also] what is first of all of [the] firstfruits of everything, and of all of [the] contribution of everything from all of your contributions, to the priest {it belongs}, and what is first of your dough you shall give to the priest, so that a blessing may rest on your house.

And when you allocate the land as an inheritance, you shall provide a contribution for Yahweh [as] a holy portion from the land, [its] length [being] twenty-five thousand [cubits] and [its] width ten thousand [cubits]; it [is] holy in all its territory, all around.

It [is] a holy portion from the land; it will be for the priests, the servants of the sanctuary {who approach} to serve Yahweh, and it will be for them a place for houses and a holy place for the sanctuary.

And [an area] twenty-five thousand [cubits] [in] length and ten thousand [cubits] [in] width will be for the Levites, the servants of the temple. [It will serve] [as] property for them {as cities to dwell in}.

And [as] property of the city, you must set apart alongside the contribution of the sanctuary [a portion] five thousand [cubits] in width and twenty-five thousand [cubits] in length, [and] it shall be for the entire house of Israel.

[This] shall be to him {with respect to the land} as property in Israel; [and so] my princes shall not again oppress my people, but they shall give the land to the house of Israel according to their tribes."

The ephah and the bath shall be one unit of measurement; the tenth part of the homer [is] the bath, and the tenth of the homer [is] the ephah; [so] the homer shall be its unit of measurement.

This [is] the contribution [offering] which you shall present: a sixth of the ephah from a homer of wheat, and a sixth of the ephah from a homer of barley.

And the quota of the olive oil, the bath [of] the olive oil, [is] the tenth part of a bath from a kor, [which] [is] ten baths, [or] a homer--for ten baths [are equal to] a homer.

And one sheep from the flock from [among] two hundred from the pastures of Israel [will be taken] as grain offering and as burnt offering [and] [as] fellowship offering to make atonement for them," {declares} the Lord Yahweh.

And the prince shall provide on that day for himself and for all of the people of the land a bull [as] sin offering.

And [during] the seven days of the religious feast he shall provide [as] a burnt offering to Yahweh seven bulls and seven rams without defect for each of the seven days, and [as] a sin offering a he-goat for each day.

And [as a] grain offering, an ephah for the bull and an ephah for the ram he must provide, and a hin of olive oil for {each} ephah.

In the seventh [month], on the {fifteenth} day of the month, during the feast, he shall provide just as [he has for] these seven days, as [he did for] the sin offering, [as he did for] the burnt offering, and [as he did] for the grain offering, and [as he did] for the olive oil.'"

And [the] grain offering [he will give] [shall be] an ephah {for each ram}, and for the male lambs [the] grain offering [shall be] {as much as he wants to give} and a hin of olive oil {for each ephah}.

And an ephah for each bull and an ephah for the ram he must provide [as] a grain offering, and [also] for the male lambs {as much as he can afford} and a hin [of] olive oil for each ephah.

And at the festivals and at the appointed times, the grain offering will be an ephah with a bull and an ephah with the ram and with the male lambs, {as much as he wants to give}, and a hin of olive oil {for each ephah}.

And when the prince makes a freewill offering, a burnt offering, or a fellowship offering [as] a freewill offering to Yahweh, the gate facing east will be open for him. And he must offer his burnt offering and his fellowship offering {just as} he does on the day of the Sabbath, and [then] he must go out and the gate will shut {after he goes out}.

And a male lamb, {a yearling} without defect, he must provide as a burnt offering {daily} for Yahweh; {every morning} he must provide it.

And grain offering he must provide in addition to it {every morning}, a sixth of an ephah and a third of a hin of olive oil to moisten the finely milled flour [as] a grain offering to Yahweh {as a perpetual statute}.

[So] they must provide the male lamb and the grain offering and the olive oil {every morning} {as a regular burnt offering}."

Thus says the Lord Yahweh: "If the prince gives a gift to any [one] from [among] his sons, it [is] his inheritance [and] it will belong to his sons; it is their possession as an inheritance.

And he said to me, "This [is] the place where the priests will boil the guilt offering and the sin offering, [and] where they shall bake the grain offering [in order] not to bring [them] out to the outer courtyard to make the people holy.

As the man went eastward a measuring line [was] in his hand, and he measured a thousand {cubits}. And he led me through [on] into the water; [it was] {ankle deep}.

And along the stream will go up on its banks {from both sides} every tree {producing food}; its leaf will not wither and it will not cease [producing] its fruit. {Every month} it will bear early fruit, for its waters [are] going out from the sanctuary, and its fruit will be as food, and its leaf for healing."

Thus says the Lord Yahweh: "This [is] the boundary [by] which you shall distribute the land for {the twelve} tribes of Israel: Two shares [shall be for] Joseph.

And you must take possession of it, each [one] [a share] like his brother, [of this land] which {I swore} to give it to your fathers, and [so] this land shall fall to you as an inheritance.

And this [is] the boundary of the land: {On the north side}, from the great sea [by] the way of Hethlon {until you come to Zedad},

Hamath [to] Berothath [to] Sibraim, which [is] between the boundary of Damascus and the boundary of Hamath, [on to] Hazer Hatticon, which [is] on the boundary of Hauran.

And [so] [the] boundary will be from the sea to Hazar Enan [at] the boundary of Damascus northwards and the boundary of Hamath [to the north], and this [is the boundary on the] side of [the] north.

{And the eastern boundary} [will be] between Hauran and Damascus, and from between Gilead and the land of Israel [along] the Jordan [River] from [the] boundary on the eastern sea to Tamar. And {this is the border on the east}.

{And on the south side the border} [will run] from Tamar up to the waters [of] Meribot Kadesh [and along] the wadi to the Great Sea. And this [is] {the boundary to the south}.

{And on the west side} the Great Sea [shall be] the boundary up to opposite Lebo-Hamath. {This is the western boundary}.

And then you shall allocate it as an inheritance for yourselves and for the aliens dwelling as aliens in the midst of you who have children in the midst of you, and [so] they shall be to you [just] like full citizens among the {Israelites}. With you they shall be allotted with an inheritance in the midst of the tribes of Israel.

And then in the tribe [in] which an alien who is with you dwells, there you shall give his inheritance," {declares} the Lord Yahweh.

To the priests, the [ones] being consecrated from the descendants of Zadok, who took care of my service [and] who {did not go astray} {when the Israelites went astray}, {just as} the Levites went astray.