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John wore clothing made of camels' hair, with a belt of leather round his waist, and his food was locusts and wild honey.

Everyone, therefore, that listens to this teaching of mine and acts upon it may be compared to a prudent man, who built his house upon the rock.

And every one that listens to this teaching of mine and does not act upon it may be compared to a foolish man, who built his house on the sand.

Listen to another parable. A man, who was an employer, once planted a vineyard, put a fence round it, dug a winepress in it, built a tower, and then let it out to tenants and went abroad.

Alas for you, Teachers of the Law and Pharisees, hypocrites that you are! You build the tombs of the Prophets, and decorate the monuments of religious men,

in order that upon your heads may fall every drop of innocent 'blood split on earth,' from the blood of innocent Abel down to that of Zechariah, Barachiah's son, whom you murdered between the Temple and the altar.

"This man said 'I am able to destroy the Temple of God, and to build it in three days.'"

The Chief Priests took the pieces of silver, but they said: "We must not put them into the Temple treasury, because they are blood-money."

But the rest said: "Wait and let us see if Elijah is coming to save him." [However another man took a spear, and pierced his side; and water and blood flowed from it.]

John was clad in clothing of camels' hair, with a belt of leather round his waist, and lived on locusts and wild honey;

The ground bears the crop of itself--first the blade, then the ear, and then the full grain in the ear;

And Jesus began to speak to them in parables: "A man once planted a vineyard, put a fence round it, dug a wine-press, built a tower, and then let it out to tenants and went abroad.

"We ourselves heard him say 'I will destroy this Temple made with hands, and in three days build another made without hands.'"

The passers-by railed at him, shaking their heads, as they said: "Ah! you who 'destroy the Temple and build one in three days,

But, finding no way of getting him in owing to the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him through the tiles, with his pallet, into the middle of the people and in front of Jesus.

But that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins"-- he spoke to the paralyzed man-- "To you I say, Get up, and take up your pallet, and go to your home."

He may be compared to a man building a house, who dug, and went deep, and laid the foundation upon the rock. Then, when a flood came, the river swept down upon that house, but had no power to shake it, because it had been built well.

But those who have listened and not acted upon what they have heard may be compared to a man who built a house on the ground without any foundation. The river swept down upon it, and the house immediately collapsed; and great was the crash that followed."

"For he is devoted to our nation, and himself built our Synagogue for us."

But the Master said to him: "You Pharisees do, it is true, clean the outside of the cup and of the plate, but inside you yourselves are filled with greed and wickedness.

Alas for you! You build the monuments of the Prophets whom your ancestors killed.

You are actually witnesses to your ancestors' acts and show your approval of them, because, while they killed the Prophets, you build tombs for them.

Some of whom they will persecute and kill, in order that the 'blood' of all the prophets 'that has been spilt' since the creation of the world may be exacted from this generation--

From the blood of Abel down to the blood of Zechariah, who was slain between the altar and the House of God." Yes, I tell you, it will be exacted from this generation.

This is what I will do,' he said; 'I will pull down my barns and build larger ones, and store all my grain and my goods in them;

Just at that time some people had come to tell Jesus about the Galileans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with the blood of their sacrifices.

And in the same way with the cup, after supper, saying: "This cup is the New Covenant made by my blood which is being poured out on your behalf.]

And, on his way, he came to a Samaritan town called Shechem, near the plot of land that Jacob gave to his son Joseph.

One of the soldiers, however, pierced his side with a spear, and blood and water immediately flowed from it.

This became known to every one living in Jerusalem, so that the field came to be called, in their language, 'Akeldama,' which means the 'Field of Blood.')

But it was Solomon who built a House for God.

'The heavens are a throne for me, and the earth a stool for my feet. What manner of House will you build me, says the Lord, or what place is there where I may rest?

That you abstain from food offered to idols, from blood, from eating the flesh of strangled animals, and from impurity. If you guard yourselves against such things, it will be well with you. Farewell.'

However, as they set themselves against him and became abusive, Paul shook his clothes in protest and said to them: "Your blood be on your own heads. My conscience is clear. From this time forward I shall go to the Gentiles."

He was about to sail to Syria, when he learned that a plot had been laid against him by the Jews; so he decided to return by way of Macedonia.

As to the Gentiles who have become believers in Christ, we have sent our decision that they should avoid food offered to idols, and blood, and the flesh of strangled animals, and impurity."

And, when the blood of your martyr, Stephen, was being shed, I was myself standing by, approving of his death, and took charge of the clothes of those who were murdering him.

There were more than forty in the plot;

However, the son of Paul's sister, hearing of the plot, went to the Fort, and on being admitted, told Paul about it.

Having, however, information of a plot against the man, which was about to be put into execution, I am sending him to you at once, and I have also directed his accusers to prosecute him before you.'

Whatever is used by those who build upon this foundation, whether gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay, or straw,

If any man's work, which he has built upon that foundation, still remains, he will gain a reward.

Everything is allowable! Yes, but everything is not profitable. Everything is allowable! Yes, but everything does not build up character.

Therefore, whoever eats the bread, or drinks the Lord's cup, in an irreverent spirit, will have to answer for an offence against the Lord's body and blood.

Now I want you all to speak in 'tongues,' but much more I wish that you should preach. A Preacher is of more account than he who speaks in 'tongues,' unless he interprets his words, so that the faith of the Church may be built up.

This I say, Brothers-Flesh and blood can have no share in the Kingdom of God, nor can the perishable share the imperishable.

Now, I, Paul, make a personal appeal to you by the meekness and gentleness of the Christ--I who, "in your presence, am humble in my bearing towards you, but, when absent, am bold in my language to you"--

Have you all this time been fancying that it is to you that we are making our defense? No, it is in the sight of God, and in union with Christ, that we are speaking. And all this, dear friends, is to build up your characters;

The latter do it from love for me, knowing that I have been appointed to plead the cause of the Good News.

And yet, even if, when your faith is offered as a sacrifice to God, my life-blood must be poured out in addition, still I shall rejoice and share the joy of you all;

Indeed, you know that, like a father with his own children, we used to encourage and comfort every one of you, and solemnly plead with you;

Yet the claims of love make me prefer to plead with you--yes, even me, Paul, though I am an ambassador for Christ Jesus and, now a prisoner for him as well.

I plead with you for this Child of mine, Onesimus, to whom, in my parson, I have become a Father.

but into the inner only the High Priest goes, and that but once a year, and never without taking the blood of a victim, which he offers on his own behalf, and on behalf of the errors of the People.

For, if the blood of goats and bulls, and the sprinkling of the ashes of a heifer, purify those who have been defiled (as far as ceremonial purification goes),

This explains why even the first Covenant was not ratified without the shedding of blood.

For, when every command had been announced to all the people by Moses in accordance with the Law, he took the blood of the calves and of the goats, with water, scarlet wool, and a bunch of hyssop, and sprinkled even the Book of the Law, as well as all the people,

saying, as he did so-- "This is the blood that renders valid the Covenant which God has commanded to be made with you."

And in the same way he also sprinkled with the blood the Tabernacle and all the things that were used in public worship.