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And Laban went to shear his sheep; and Rachel will steal the family gods which were to her father.
And Jacob will steal the heart of Laban the Syrian, for not announcing to him that he broke away.
And Laban will say to Jacob, What didst thou and thou didst steal my heart, and will carry away my daughters as captives of the sword?
For what didst thou hide to break away, and didst steal me, and didst not announce to me? and I will send thee away with gladness and with songs, with the drum and with the harp?
And now going thou didst go, for desiring thou didst greatly desire after the house of thy father; for what didst thou steal my gods?
With whom thou shalt find thy gods, he shall not live: before our brethren, behold for thyself what is with me and take to thee: and Jacob knew not that Rachel stole them.
Behold, the silver which we found in the mouth of our sacks, we turned back to thee from the land of Canaan: and how shall we steal from thy lord's house, silver or gold?
If a man shall steal an ox or a sheep, and slaughter it or sell it, he shall recompense five oxen for an ox, and four sheep for a sheep.
And if the brightness shall stand still, lowest, spreading not, it the scar of the burning sore; and the priest cleansed him.
And if the brightness shall stand still, the lowest, spreading not in the skin, and it was dim; it a rising of the burning, and the priest cleansed him: for it a scar of the burning.
And if in his eyes the scall stood still, and black hair sprang up in it, the scall was healed; he is clean: and the priest cleansed him.
And if it shall be seen still in the garment, or in the warp, or in the woof, or in any vessel of skin; it is breaking out: in the fire thou shalt burn it, that in which is the stroke.
Ye shall not steal and ye shall not deceive, and ye shall not lie each to his neighbor.
Israel sinned and also passed by my covenant which I commanded them: and also they took from the devoted thing, and also stole, and also lied, and also put in their vessels.
And they will say, Arise, and we will go up upon them: for we saw the land, and behold, exceedingly good: and ye being still, ye shall not neglect to go, to come to inherit the land.
If thus they shall say to us, Be still till our reaching to you; and we stood our lowest place, and we will not go up to them.
And to the woman a calf of the stall in the house; she will haste and sacrifice it, and take flour and knead and bake it unleavened.
And Absalom will do according to this word to all Israel who will come for judgment to the king: and Absalom will steal the heart of the men of Israel.
And the people will steal away in that day to go to the city, as people will steal away being ashamed in fleeing in battle.
And behold, every man of Israel coming to the king, and they will say to the king, Wherefore did our brethren the men of Judah steal thee away, and they will cause the king to pass, and his house, over Jordan, and all David's men with him?
And David will go and take the bones of Saul and the bones of Jonathan, his son, from the lords of JabeshGilead, who stole them from the street of the House of Shan, where the rovers hung them there in the day the rovers struck Saul in Gilboa:
And Jehosheba daughter of king Joram, sister of Ahaziah, will take Joash son of Ahaziah, and steal him from the midst of the king's sons being slain, him and his nurse in the bed-chamber, and they will hide him from the face of Athaliah, and he was not killed.
And Jehoshabeath daughter of the king will take Joash son of Ahaziah, and she will steal him from the midst of the king's sons being slain, and give him and his nurse in a bed-chamber. And Jehoshabeath daughter of king Jehoram wife of Jehoiada the priest, (for she was sister of Ahaziah) will hide him from the face of Athaliah. and she slew him not.
They shall be cut in the rock with a style of iron and lead, forever.
They shall be as straw before the wind, and as chaff the storm stole it away.
Terrors shall hedge him about as waters, the night a tempest stole him away.
Will the buffalo be willing to serve thee, or will he lodge by thy stall?
He will set the storm for a calm, and their waves will be still
To David a chanting. Jehovah spake to my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand and I will set thine enemies the stool to thy feet
They will not despise a thief if he shall steal to fill up his soul; for he will be hungry.
In no oxen the stall clean, and much increase in the strength of the ox.
Good a ration of herbs and love there, above an ox of the stall and hatred with it.
Lest I shall be filled and I spake lies, and said, Who is Jehovah? and lest I shall be dispossessed and I stole, and I laid hold upon the name of God.
. The ox knew his possessor, and the ass his lord's stall: Israel knew not; my people understood not
I was silent of old; I will be still, I will restrain myself: as she bringing forth I will cry out; I will lay waste and snuff up together.
How shall ye say, We are wise, and the law of Jehovah with us? Behold, surely for falsehood he made the style of the scribes a lie.
The sin of Judah was written with a style of iron, with the nail of diamond: being graved upon the table of their heart, and to the horns of your altars.
Also her hirelings in the midst of her as calves of the stall; for also they turned, they fled together: they stood not, for the day of their calamity came upon them, the time of their reviewing.
Alas, thou sword of Jehovah, till when wilt thou rest? be gathered to thy sheath; be quiet and be still.
Good, and he shall wait and stand still for the salvation of Jehovah.
Lying upon beds of ivory, and stretching out upon their couches, and eating the lambs from the flock, and the calves from the midst of the stall.
If thieves came to thee, if those laying waste by night, (how thou wert destroyed!) will not they steal their sufficiency? If the grape gatherers came to thee will they not leave gleanings?
And to you fearing my name the sun of justice arose, and healing in his wings; and ye went forth and spread as calves of the stall.
Treasure not up to you treasures upon earth, where moth and gnawing destroy, and thieves dig through and steal:
But treasure to you treasures in heaven, where neither moth, nor gnawing destroy; and where thieves dig not through, nor steal.
He says to him, Which? And Jesus said, thus: Thou shalt not murder; Thou shalt not commit adultery; Thou shalt not steal; Thou shalt not bear false witness;
And again, he sent other servants, saying, Say to the called: Behold, I have prepared my supper; my bulls and stall-fed killed, and all prepared: come to the nuptials.
Order therefore, the tomb to be rendered secure till the third day, lest his disciples, having come by night, should steal him, and say to the people, He was raised from the dead; and the last error shall be worse than the first.
Saying, Say ye, That his disciples having come by night, stole him, we being asleep.
Thou knowest the commands: Thou shouldst not commit adultery; Thou shouldst not kill; Thou shouldst not steal; Thou shouldst not bear false testimony; Thou shouldst not defraud; Honour thy father and mother.
Then answered the Lord and said, Hypocrite, does not each of you on the sabbath loose his ox or ass from the stall, and leading away, give to drink?
Thou knowest the commands, Thou shouldest not commit adultery, Thou shouldest not kill, Thou shouldest not steal, Thou shouldest not bear false testimony, Honour thy father and thy mother.
And they drew near to the town where they were going: and he laid claim to go still further.
The thief comes not, except that he steal, and sacrifice, and destroy: I came that they might have life, and have above measure.
Therefore teaching another, teachest thou not thyself proclaiming not to steal, stealest thou?
For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal Thou shalt not bear false testimony, Thou shalt not covet; and if any other command in this word it is summed up, in it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
And being present with you, and having wanted, I acted not with negligence to any: (for the brethren having come from Macedonia filled up still more my want:) and I kept myself in every thing not burdensome to you, and I will keep.
He stealing let him steal no more: and rather let him be wearied from fatigue, working good with the hands, that he have to impart to him having need.
Brethren, I reckon not myself to have been overtaken: but one, truly forgetting things behind, and stretching still farther to things before,
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