251 occurrences

'Nothing' in the Bible

that I will take nothing belonging to you, not even a thread or the strap of a sandal. That way you can never say, 'It is I who made Abram rich.'

Verse ConceptsMaterialism, As An Aspect Of SinShoesCords

I will take nothing except compensation for what the young men have eaten. As for the share of the men who went with me -- Aner, Eshcol, and Mamre -- let them take their share."

Verse ConceptsFood PermittedSharing Material Things

He was afraid and said, "What an awesome place this is! This is nothing else than the house of God! This is the gate of heaven!"

Verse ConceptsGatesHeaven, God's HabitationAweRising EarlyMorning DevotionsTerror Of GodBethel The House Of GodHeavenly Vision

Then Laban said to Jacob, "Should you work for me for nothing because you are my relative? Tell me what your wages should be."

Verse ConceptsBeing FairNegotiationServants, Working Conditions OfWagesFree Of Charge

There is no one greater in this household than I am. He has withheld nothing from me except you because you are his wife. So how could I do such a great evil and sin against God?"

Verse ConceptsGodly Fear, Examples OfWhat Sin?

for I really was kidnapped from the land of the Hebrews and I have done nothing wrong here for which they should put me in a dungeon."

Verse ConceptsDungeonsKidnappingImmigrants

When that year was over, they came to him the next year and said to him, "We cannot hide from our lord that the money is used up and the livestock and the animals belong to our lord. Nothing remains before our lord except our bodies and our land.

Verse ConceptsBodyHerdsLimitations Of The BodyIndeterminate Sums Of MoneyShortage Other Than FoodThings Revealed

But the Lord will distinguish between the livestock of Israel and the livestock of Egypt, and nothing will die of all that the Israelites have."'"

Verse ConceptsPlaguesNot DyingGod Differentiating

They covered the surface of all the ground, so that the ground became dark with them, and they ate all the vegetation of the ground and all the fruit of the trees that the hail had left. Nothing green remained on the trees or on anything that grew in the fields throughout the whole land of Egypt.

Verse ConceptsBlackCovering The EarthDarkness During DaytimeGreenRemaining FoodAnimals EatingHarming Trees

You must leave nothing until morning, but you must burn with fire whatever remains of it until morning.

Verse ConceptsBurning SacrificesRemaining Offeringscommunion

When they measured with an omer, the one who gathered much had nothing left over, and the one who gathered little lacked nothing; each one had gathered what he could eat.

Verse ConceptsEquality In PaymentGathering MuchLittle FoodGathering FoodPlenty For The PoorSurplus

On the seventh day some of the people went out to gather it, but they found nothing.

Verse ConceptsGathering FoodNot Finding

If the sun has risen on him, then there is blood guilt for him. A thief must surely make full restitution; if he has nothing, then he will be sold for his theft.

Verse ConceptsPunishment, Nature Of

But now we are dried up, and there is nothing at all before us except this manna!"

Verse ConceptsAppetite, PhysicalPhysical HungerLost Appetite

Then Balak became very angry at Balaam, and he struck his hands together. Balak said to Balaam, "I called you to curse my enemies, and look, you have done nothing but bless them these three times!

Verse ConceptsAnger, HumanCommunicating Three TimesClappingBlessing And CurseCursing IsraelNamed People Angry With Others

All along the way I, the Lord your God, have blessed your every effort. I have been attentive to your travels through this great wasteland. These forty years I have been with you; you have lacked for nothing.'"

Verse ConceptsLackDesertsGod, The ProviderJourneyThe Number FortyWatchfulness, DivineDivine SuppliesanniversariesGod, All knowing40 To 50 YearsPlenty In The WildernessGod Has Been With YouBlessings From Godwandering

When I went up the mountain to receive the stone tablets, the tablets of the covenant that the Lord made with you, I remained there forty days and nights, eating and drinking nothing.

Verse ConceptsFasting, Reasons ForWaterMore Than One MonthFasting For Long PeriodsTerms Of The Covenant At Sinai

Then I again fell down before the Lord for forty days and nights; I ate and drank nothing because of all the sin you had committed, doing such evil before the Lord as to enrage him.

Verse ConceptsMediatorProstrationWaterFasting, Accompanied ByMore Than One MonthFasting For Long Periods

You must not do anything to the young woman -- she has done nothing deserving of death. This case is the same as when someone attacks another person and murders him,

As for the produce of your land and all your labor, a people you do not know will consume it, and you will be nothing but oppressed and crushed for the rest of your lives.

Verse Conceptsenemies, of Israel and JudahNot Knowing PeopleThose OppressedAbuseoppression

He will withhold from all of them his children's flesh that he is eating (since there is nothing else left), because of the severity of the siege by which your enemy will constrict you in your villages.

Verse ConceptsCannibalism

and will secretly eat her afterbirth and her newborn children (since she has nothing else), because of the severity of the siege by which your enemy will constrict you in your villages.

Verse ConceptsCannibalismActing In SecretBirth

Now Joshua had instructed the army, "Do not give a battle cry or raise your voices; say nothing until the day I tell you, 'Give the battle cry.' Then give the battle cry!"

Verse ConceptsSilenceNo ShoutingCurbing SpeechSpiritual Warfare

The Israelites were satisfied with their report and gave thanks to God. They said nothing more about launching an attack to destroy the land in which the Reubenites and Gadites lived.

They invaded the land and devoured its crops all the way to Gaza. They left nothing for the Israelites to eat, and they took away the sheep, oxen, and donkeys.

When you invade, you will encounter unsuspecting people. The land is wide! God is handing it over to you -- a place that lacks nothing on earth!"

Verse ConceptsGiven Into One's Handsland

We have enough straw and grain for our donkeys, and there is enough food and wine for me, your female servant, and the young man who is with your servants. We lack nothing."

Verse ConceptsBread, As FoodMangersWineFeeding Animals

Everyone who saw the sight said, "Nothing like this has happened or been witnessed during the entire time since the Israelites left the land of Egypt! Take careful note of it! Discuss it and speak!"

Verse ConceptsUnique Events

But some wicked men said, "How can this man save us?" They despised him and did not even bring him a gift. But Saul said nothing about it.

Verse ConceptsGiftsReproachInsultsPrejudiceSilenceSpeech, Power And Significance OfSuperiorityTreasonIndividuals Being SilentNo One Can SaveNot Giving

Jonathan said to his armor bearer, "Come on, let's go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised men. Perhaps the Lord will intervene for us. Nothing can prevent the Lord from delivering, whether by many or by a few."

Verse ConceptsFaith, And Blessings Of GodUncircumcisionBraveryCourage, Examples OfFew PeopleCrossing To The Other Sidearmor

Saul replied, "Here is what you should say to David: 'There is nothing that the king wants as a price for the bride except a hundred Philistine foreskins, so that he can be avenged of his enemies.'" (Now Saul was thinking that he could kill David by the hand of the Philistines.)

Verse ConceptsdaughtersForeskinsdowryMarriage, Customs ConcerningPlansHeartlessnessOne Hundred

Jonathan said to him, "By no means are you going to die! My father does nothing large or small without making me aware of it. Why would my father hide this matter from me? It just won't happen!"

Verse ConceptsSmallnessFar Be It!Things RevealedThose Who Did Not Tell

However, Saul said nothing about it that day, for he thought, "Something has happened to make him ceremonially unclean. Yes, he must be unclean."

Verse ConceptsPurity, Nature OfIndividuals Being SilentPeople Being Unclean

The priest replied, "The sword of Goliath the Philistine, whom you struck down in the valley of Elah, is wrapped in a garment behind the ephod. If you wish, take it for yourself. Other than that, there's nothing here." David said, "There's nothing like it! Give it to me!"

Verse ConceptsClothUnique Things

When Abigail went back to Nabal, he was holding a banquet in his house like that of the king. Nabal was having a good time and was very intoxicated. She told him absolutely nothing until morning's light.

Verse ConceptsDawnGluttonyFeastingExcessdrinking, abstention fromBanquets, ActivitiesDrunkenness, Examples OfMerrinessRevelryDrunk IndividualsThose Who Did Not Tell

David thought to himself, "One of these days I'm going to be swept away by the hand of Saul! There is nothing better for me than to escape to the land of the Philistines. Then Saul will despair of searching for me through all the territory of Israel and I will escape from his hand."

Verse ConceptsEscaping From PeopleDespair

There was nothing missing, whether small or great. He retrieved sons and daughters, the plunder, and everything else they had taken. David brought everything back.

Verse ConceptsLackNo LossMissing SomeoneBeing Lost

But the poor man had nothing except for a little lamb he had acquired. He raised it, and it grew up alongside him and his children. It used to eat his food, drink from his cup, and sleep in his arms. It was just like a daughter to him.

Verse ConceptsCups, Literal UseNoting What Animals EatPossessing SheepPets

But Absalom said nothing to Amnon, either bad or good, yet Absalom hated Amnon because he had humiliated his sister Tamar.

Verse ConceptsBitterness, Examples OfGrudgesHatredLove, And The WorldIndividuals Being SilentNamed SistersHating Individuals

If I had acted at risk of my own life -- and nothing is hidden from the king! -- you would have abandoned me."

Verse ConceptsThings RevealedUnfaithful

But the king said to Araunah, "No, I insist on buying it from you! I will not offer to the Lord my God burnt sacrifices that cost me nothing." So David bought the threshing floor and the oxen for fifty pieces of silver.

Verse ConceptsFalse WorshipBuying and sellingNegotiationProperty, LandPurchasingReal EstateFree Of Charge

The district governors acquired supplies for King Solomon and all who ate in his royal palace. Each was responsible for one month in the year; they made sure nothing was lacking.

Verse ConceptsGovernorsTables

There was nothing in the ark except the two stone tablets Moses had placed there in Horeb. It was there that the Lord made an agreement with the Israelites after he brought them out of the land of Egypt.

Verse ConceptsArk Of The Covenant, ContentsArk Of The Covenant, FunctionStonesTabletsEmpty ThingsStone ItemsTwo Stone TabletsCovenant Made At SinaiArk Of The Covenant

There were twelve statues of lions on the six steps, one lion at each end of each step. There was nothing like it in any other kingdom.

Verse ConceptsThe Number TwelveLionsSix ThingsUnique ThingsTwelve Animals

Pharaoh said to him, "What do you lack here that makes you want to go to your homeland?" Hadad replied, "Nothing, but please give me permission to leave."

Verse ConceptsPlenty In Egypt

He told his servant, "Go on up and look in the direction of the sea." So he went on up, looked, and reported, "There is nothing." Seven times Elijah sent him to look.

Verse ConceptsSeven TimesLooking And SeeingDirectionWeather In The Last Days

Elisha said to her, "What can I do for you? Tell me, what do you have in the house?" She answered, "Your servant has nothing in the house except a small jar of olive oil."

Verse ConceptsWhat Is This?Debthelppothelping

But Elisha replied, "As certainly as the Lord lives (whom I serve), I will take nothing from you." Naaman insisted that he take it, but he refused.

Verse ConceptsFraudNot GivingNot Receiving

But when they went to bury her, they found nothing left but the skull, feet, and palms of the hands.

Verse ConceptsSkullsCorpses Of Other Peoplejezebel

Look, a time is coming when everything in your palace and the things your ancestors have accumulated to this day will be carried away to Babylon; nothing will be left,' says the Lord.

Verse ConceptsPossessions Taken To BabylonTaking Possessions

King David replied to Ornan, "No, I insist on buying it for top price. I will not offer to the Lord what belongs to you or offer a burnt sacrifice that cost me nothing.

There was nothing in the ark except the two tablets Moses had placed there in Horeb. (It was there that the Lord made an agreement with the Israelites after he brought them out of the land of Egypt.)

Verse ConceptsTabletsTwo Stone Tablets

There were twelve statues of lions on the six steps, one lion at each end of each step. There was nothing like it in any other kingdom.

Verse ConceptsTwelve Animals

I said to them, "To the extent possible we have bought back our fellow Jews who had been sold to the Gentiles. But now you yourselves want to sell your own countrymen, so that we can then buy them back!" They were utterly silent, and could find nothing to say.

He said to them, "Go and eat delicacies and drink sweet drinks and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared. For this day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength."

Verse ConceptsFeastingBeing BlessedLeisure, And PastimesLove FeastPromised JoyEating Before GodSitting In DejectionDo Not MournGod Our StrengthAlcoholic BeveragesJoyStrength In Hard TimesHope And StrengthCelebrationHaving A Good DayBeing Happy And Enjoying Lifestrenghcelebratingfriendliness

Is not my power to help myself nothing, and has not every resource been driven from me?

Verse ConceptsHelplessnessPowerlessnessNo Helpdeliverance

what wise men declare, hiding nothing, from the tradition of their ancestors,

Verse ConceptsTelling What People Said

"Nothing is left for him to devour; that is why his prosperity does not last.

Verse ConceptsNot Prospering

So how can you console me with your futile words? Nothing is left of your answers but deception!"

Verse ConceptsComfortless LivesUseless WordsHuman Comfort

"If this is not so, who can prove me a liar and reduce my words to nothing?"

Verse ConceptsThose Who Are Liars

"They are dismayed and cannot answer any more; they have nothing left to say.

Verse ConceptsPeople Being Silent

You have scrutinized my inner motives; you have examined me during the night. You have carefully evaluated me, but you find no sin. I am determined I will say nothing sinful.

Verse ConceptsSelf ControlSpeech, Positive Aspects OfTestingVisions At NightPlea Of InnocenceTestsexamsmotivestrying

It emerges from the distant horizon, and goes from one end of the sky to the other; nothing can escape its heat.

Verse ConceptsHeatCirclesHot WeatherThings ManifestThe End Of The WorldSunGoing To HeavenSunshineThe Moonenergyhiding

Remain loyal to the Lord, you chosen people of his, for his loyal followers lack nothing!

Verse ConceptsReverence, And BlessingSaintsFear Of God, Results OfPlenty Through GodFear God!Fearing God

Look, you make my days short-lived, and my life span is nothing from your perspective. Surely all people, even those who seem secure, are nothing but vapor.

Verse ConceptsPhysical LifeWeights And Measures, LinearVanityMan A Mere BreathPsalm InterjectionsPerspective

Though I have done nothing wrong, they are anxious to attack. Spring into action and help me! Take notice of me!

Verse ConceptsGod Help!God Waking UpNo SinEnemy Attacks

Men are nothing but a mere breath; human beings are unreliable. When they are weighed in the scales, all of them together are lighter than air.

Verse ConceptsFalse ConfidenceWeighingLight As ChaffComparative MeasuresMere Menbalancegirlfriends

I will have nothing to do with a perverse person; I will not permit evil.

Verse ConceptsPerversionEvil AssociationsIgnorance Of Evil

Arrogant people do nothing but scoff at me. Yet I do not turn aside from your law.

Verse ConceptsMockeryPride, Results OfArrogance, Characterizes The WickedDerision

All the words of my mouth are righteous; there is nothing in them twisted or crooked.

Verse ConceptsTwisted Ways

There is one who pretends to be rich and yet has nothing; another pretends to be poor and yet possesses great wealth.

Verse ConceptsPretencePretendingBlessings Of The PoorPoor Or Richacting

What exists now is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done; there is nothing truly new on earth.

Verse ConceptsNothingThings UnderNothing NewUnder The SunSunEverything Happening For A ReasonSunshinefitness

I said of partying, "It is folly," and of self-indulgent pleasure, "It accomplishes nothing!"

Verse ConceptsAmusements, Evil ResultsStudying InsanityFun

Yet when I reflected on everything I had accomplished and on all the effort that I had expended to accomplish it, I concluded: "All these achievements and possessions are ultimately profitless -- like chasing the wind! There is nothing gained from them on earth."

Verse ConceptsAchievementPhysical LabourdissatisfactionUseless EndeavourUnder The SunSuccess And Hard Work

There is nothing better for people than to eat and drink, and to find enjoyment in their work. I also perceived that this ability to find enjoyment comes from God.

Verse ConceptsEating And DrinkingGood ActivityCaused By GodFinding LoveSuccess And Hard WorkBeing Happy And Enjoying LifeEnjoying Lifeuncertaintyhardwork

I have concluded that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to enjoy themselves as long as they live,

Verse ConceptsContentmentGood ActivityBeing ContentBeing Happy And Enjoying LifeEnjoying Life

I also know that whatever God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it, and nothing taken away from it. God has made it this way, so that men will fear him.

Verse ConceptsAdding To GodSubtracting From God

So I perceived there is nothing better than for people to enjoy their work, because that is their reward; for who can show them what the future holds?

Verse ConceptsCareersWithheld KnowledgeUnknown FutureBeing Happy And Enjoying LifeEnjoying Lifeaccomplishments

Then I considered all the skillful work that is done: Surely it is nothing more than competition between one person and another. This also is profitless -- like chasing the wind.

Verse ConceptsVanityUseless EndeavourMotivationSuccess And Hard WorkCompetitionaccomplishmentsaccomplishmenthardworkstriving

The fool folds his hands and does no work, so he has nothing to eat but his own flesh.

Then that wealth was lost through bad luck; although he fathered a son, he has nothing left to give him.

Verse ConceptsBad LuckBeing Lost

Just as he came forth from his mother's womb, naked will he return as he came, and he will take nothing in his hand that he may carry away from his toil.

Verse ConceptsNudityBabiesHow Death Is InevitableNaked In OriginNew Born

God gives a man riches, property, and wealth so that he lacks nothing that his heart desires, yet God does not enable him to enjoy the fruit of his labor -- instead, someone else enjoys it! This is fruitless and a grave misfortune.

Verse ConceptsUseless EndeavourSuffering From ForeignersGod Gives WealthTragedyBeing Happy And Enjoying LifeWealth And ProsperityEnjoying LifeMoney Blessingscatspossessionsempowerment

All of man's labor is for nothing more than to fill his stomach -- yet his appetite is never satisfied!

Verse ConceptsBeing UnsatisfiedFamine ComingWorking For FoodFamine Will ComeAddictioneffort

So I recommend the enjoyment of life, for there is nothing better on earth for a person to do except to eat, drink, and enjoy life. So joy will accompany him in his toil during the days of his life which God gives him on earth.

Verse ConceptsLifestylesExperience, of lifeEating And DrinkingUnder The SunSunFunStaying Strong During Hard TimesSleeping PeacefullyBeing Happy And Enjoying LifeSunshineEnjoying Liferelaxing

Therefore my people will be deported because of their lack of understanding. Their leaders will have nothing to eat, their masses will have nothing to drink.

Verse ConceptsDangers Of IgnorancePoverty, SpiritualSuffering, Causes OfPeople Exiled

The officials of Zoan are nothing but fools; Pharaoh's wise advisers give stupid advice. How dare you say to Pharaoh, "I am one of the sages, one well-versed in the writings of the ancient kings?"

Verse ConceptsadvisersAdvice, Bad Human AdviceWisdom, Human NatureWisdom, Source Of HumanFoolish People

Whenever it sweeps by, it will overtake you; indeed, every morning it will sweep by, it will come through during the day and the night." When this announcement is understood, it will cause nothing but terror.

Verse ConceptsEvery MorningFearing God's Wordterrorism

Therefore I will again do an amazing thing for these people -- an absolutely extraordinary deed. Wise men will have nothing to say, the sages will have no explanations."

Verse ConceptsFolly, Examples OfIntelligencePhilosophyReasonShrewdnessThoughtWisdom, Source Of HumanInventionsFalse WisdomWorldly WisdomDiscernment

Bible Theasaurus

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
never , nay , neither , no , none , nor , not , nothing , rather than , whither , nothing worth
Usage: 727

Usage: 32

ends , no , none , not , nothing , without , else , beside , but , cause , howbeit , .
Usage: 43

none, not, nor, lest, nothing, not, neither, no
Usage: 69

but, except, save, nothing, lest, no, from, inasmuch, and not
Usage: 109

לה לא 
La' (Aramaic) 
not , no , nor , without , neither , none , cannot , ever , never , no , nothing
Usage: 82

Usage: 32

Usage: 22

only, surely, nothing but, except, but, in any wise
Usage: 107

Usage: 20

Usage: 10

nothing to draw with
Usage: 1

μηδείς μηδεμία μηδέν 
no man , nothing , no , none , not , anything ,
Usage: 79

no man , nothing , none , no , any man , any , man , neither any man ,
Usage: 160

Usage: 10

never before , never yet , nothing yet , not yet , as yet not
Usage: 5

Usage: 373

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