46 Bible Verses about deliverance

Most Relevant Verses

Obadiah 1:17

But on Mount Zion there will be a remnant of those who escape, and it will be a holy place once again. The descendants of Jacob will conquer those who had conquered them.

Luke 21:28

But when these things begin to happen, stand up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near."

2 Chronicles 20:17

You will not fight in this battle. Take your positions, stand, and watch the Lord deliver you, O Judah and Jerusalem. Don't be afraid and don't panic! Tomorrow march out toward them; the Lord is with you!'"

Philippians 1:19

for I know that this will turn out for my deliverance through your prayers and the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ.

Psalm 44:4

You are my king, O God! Decree Jacob's deliverance!

Psalm 74:12

But God has been my king from ancient times, performing acts of deliverance on the earth.

Isaiah 26:18

We were pregnant, we strained, we gave birth, as it were, to wind. We cannot produce deliverance on the earth; people to populate the world are not born.

Psalm 35:3

Use your spear and lance against those who chase me! Assure me with these words: "I am your deliverer!"

2 Samuel 22:1

David sang to the Lord the words of this song when the Lord rescued him from the power of all his enemies, including Saul.

Acts 7:25

He thought his own people would understand that God was delivering them through him, but they did not understand.

2 Kings 13:17

Elisha said, "Open the east window," and he did so. Elisha said, "Shoot!" and he did so. Elisha said, "This arrow symbolizes the victory the Lord will give you over Syria. You will annihilate Syria in Aphek!"

Psalm 108:12

Give us help against the enemy, for any help men might offer is futile.

Psalm 72:4

He will defend the oppressed among the people; he will deliver the children of the poor and crush the oppressor.

1 Samuel 2:1

Hannah prayed, "My heart rejoices in the Lord; my horn is exalted high because of the Lord. I loudly denounce my enemies, for I am happy that you delivered me.

Psalm 77:11

I will remember the works of the Lord. Yes, I will remember the amazing things you did long ago!

Genesis 45:7

God sent me ahead of you to preserve you on the earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance.

Job 13:16

Moreover, this will become my deliverance, for no godless person would come before him.

Psalm 3:2

Many say about me, "God will not deliver him." (Selah)

Psalm 66:8

Praise our God, you nations! Loudly proclaim his praise!

Jonah 2:9

But as for me, I promise to offer a sacrifice to you with a public declaration of praise; I will surely do what I have promised. Salvation belongs to the Lord!"

Psalm 14:7

I wish the deliverance of Israel would come from Zion! When the Lord restores the well-being of his people, may Jacob rejoice, may Israel be happy!

1 Samuel 11:9

They said to the messengers who had come, "Here's what you should say to the men of Jabesh Gilead: 'Tomorrow deliverance will come to you when the sun is fully up.'" When the messengers went and told the men of Jabesh Gilead, they were happy.

Esther 4:14

"Don't imagine that because you are part of the king's household you will be the one Jew who will escape. If you keep quiet at this time, liberation and protection for the Jews will appear from another source, while you and your father's household perish. It may very well be that you have achieved royal status for such a time as this!"

Exodus 15:1

Then Moses and the Israelites sang this song to the Lord. They said, "I will sing to the Lord, for he has triumphed gloriously, the horse and its rider he has thrown into the sea.

Job 6:13

Is not my power to help myself nothing, and has not every resource been driven from me?

From Thematic Bible

Afflictions » Promises concerning » Deliverance

Psalm 34:19-20

The godly face many dangers, but the Lord saves them from each one of them. He protects all his bones; not one of them is broken.

Delayed blessings » Deliverance

Acts 12:5-7

So Peter was kept in prison, but those in the church were earnestly praying to God for him. On that very night before Herod was going to bring him out for trial, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, while guards in front of the door were keeping watch over the prison. Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared, and a light shone in the prison cell. He struck Peter on the side and woke him up, saying, "Get up quickly!" And the chains fell off Peter's wrists.

Deliverance » Divine, example of » Promised to believers

2 Corinthians 1:10

He delivered us from so great a risk of death, and he will deliver us. We have set our hope on him that he will deliver us yet again,

Job 5:19

He will deliver you from six calamities; yes, in seven no evil will touch you.

Psalm 91:3

he will certainly rescue you from the snare of the hunter and from the destructive plague.

Deliverance » Divine, example of » Sought by the psalmist

Psalm 43:1

Vindicate me, O God! Fight for me against an ungodly nation! Deliver me from deceitful and evil men!

Psalm 25:20

Protect me and deliver me! Please do not let me be humiliated, for I have taken shelter in you!

Psalm 59:2

Deliver me from evildoers! Rescue me from violent men!

Psalm 71:4

My God, rescue me from the power of the wicked, from the hand of the cruel oppressor!

Deliverance » Of israel

2 Chronicles 32:21

The Lord sent a messenger and he wiped out all the soldiers, princes, and officers in the army of the king of Assyria. So Sennacherib returned home humiliated. When he entered the temple of his god, some of his own sons struck him down with the sword.

2 Chronicles 20:22

When they began to shout and praise, the Lord suddenly attacked the Ammonites, Moabites, and men from Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated.

Exodus 14:30

So the Lord saved Israel on that day from the power of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians dead on the shore of the sea.

1 Samuel 14:15

Then fear overwhelmed those who were in the camp, those who were in the field, all the army in the garrison, and the raiding bands. They trembled and the ground shook. This fear was caused by God.

2 Chronicles 14:12

The Lord struck down the Cushites before Asa and Judah. The Cushites fled,

Deliverance » From sin » Our deliverance from, through Christ

Deliverance » The lord being your deliverer

2 Samuel 22:2

He said: "The Lord is my high ridge, my stronghold, my deliverer.

Daniel 3:29

I hereby decree that any people, nation, or language group that blasphemes the god of Shadrach, Meshach, or Abednego will be dismembered and his home reduced to rubble! For there exists no other god who can deliver in this way."

Psalm 40:17

I am oppressed and needy! May the Lord pay attention to me! You are my helper and my deliverer! O my God, do not delay!

Psalm 144:1-2

By David. The Lord, my protector, deserves praise -- the one who trains my hands for battle, and my fingers for war, who loves me and is my stronghold, my refuge and my deliverer, my shield and the one in whom I take shelter, who makes nations submit to me.

More verses: Jeremiah 1:19

Deliverance » What delivers

Proverbs 23:13-14

Do not withhold discipline from a child; even if you strike him with the rod, he will not die. If you strike him with the rod, you will deliver him from death.

Proverbs 2:10-12

For wisdom will enter your heart, and moral knowledge will be attractive to you. Discretion will protect you, understanding will guard you, to deliver you from the way of the wicked, from those speaking perversity,

Deliverance » Nobody being able to deliver out of hand of the lord

Deuteronomy 32:36-39

The Lord will judge his people, and will change his plans concerning his servants; when he sees that their power has disappeared, and that no one is left, whether confined or set free. He will say, "Where are their gods, the rock in whom they sought security, who ate the best of their sacrifices, and drank the wine of their drink offerings? Let them rise and help you; let them be your refuge! read more.
"See now that I, indeed I, am he!" says the Lord, "and there is no other god besides me. I kill and give life, I smash and I heal, and none can resist my power.

Isaiah 43:12-13

I decreed and delivered and proclaimed, and there was no other god among you. You are my witnesses," says the Lord, "that I am God. From this day forward I am he; no one can deliver from my power; I will act, and who can prevent it?"

Deliverance » Who shall be delivered

Joel 2:32

It will so happen that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be delivered. For on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be those who survive, just as the Lord has promised; the remnant will be those whom the Lord will call.

Proverbs 11:8-9

The righteous person is delivered out of trouble, and the wicked turns up in his stead. With his speech the godless person destroys his neighbor, but by knowledge the righteous will be delivered.

Deliverance » Divine, example of

Jonah 4:11

Should I not be even more concerned about Nineveh, this enormous city? There are more than one hundred twenty thousand people in it who do not know right from wrong, as well as many animals!"

Deliverance » What cannot deliver

Ecclesiastes 8:8

Just as no one has power over the wind to restrain it, so no one has power over the day of his death. Just as no one can be discharged during the battle, so wickedness cannot rescue the wicked.

Deliverance » Who the lord does not deliver

Judges 10:11-14

The Lord said to the Israelites, "Did I not deliver you from Egypt, the Amorites, the Ammonites, the Philistines, the Sidonians, Amalek, and Midian when they oppressed you? You cried out for help to me, and I delivered you from their power. But since you abandoned me and worshiped other gods, I will not deliver you again. read more.
Go and cry for help to the gods you have chosen! Let them deliver you from trouble!"

Deliverance » Divine, example of » David

1 Samuel 17:37

David went on to say, "The Lord who delivered me from the lion and the bear will also deliver me from the hand of this Philistine!" Then Saul said to David, "Go! The Lord will be with you."

Deliverance » Who delivers souls

Proverbs 14:25

A truthful witness rescues lives, but the one who breathes lies brings deception.

Deliverance » Divine, example of » Lot

Genesis 19:16

When Lot hesitated, the men grabbed his hand and the hands of his wife and two daughters because the Lord had compassion on them. They led them away and placed them outside the city.

Deliverance » Divine, example of » Apostles

Acts 5:18-19

They laid hands on the apostles and put them in a public jail. But during the night an angel of the Lord opened the doors of the prison, led them out, and said,

Deliverance » Divine, example of » The hebrew children

Daniel 3:27

Once the satraps, prefects, governors, and ministers of the king had gathered around, they saw that those men were physically unharmed by the fire. The hair of their heads was not singed, nor were their trousers damaged. Not even the smell of fire was to be found on them!

Deliverance » Divine, example of » Daniel

Deliverance » Divine, example of » Shipwrecked passengers, with paul

Acts 27:44

and the rest were to follow, some on planks and some on pieces of the ship. And in this way all were brought safely to land.

Deliverance » Divine, example of » Paul and silas

Acts 16:26

Suddenly a great earthquake occurred, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken. Immediately all the doors flew open, and the bonds of all the prisoners came loose.

Deliverance » Divine, example of » Peter

Acts 12:7

Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared, and a light shone in the prison cell. He struck Peter on the side and woke him up, saying, "Get up quickly!" And the chains fell off Peter's wrists.

Divine Promises » Deliverance

Psalm 34:19-20

The godly face many dangers, but the Lord saves them from each one of them. He protects all his bones; not one of them is broken.

Fasting » Instances of » Of daniel » Prayers » Deliverance

Glorifying God » For his » Deliverance

God » Promises of characteristics of » Deliverance

Psalm 34:19-20

The godly face many dangers, but the Lord saves them from each one of them. He protects all his bones; not one of them is broken.

God's Promises » To the afflicted » Deliverance

Psalm 34:19-20

The godly face many dangers, but the Lord saves them from each one of them. He protects all his bones; not one of them is broken.

Israel » Deliverance » Memorial

Exodus 12:42

It was a night of vigil for the Lord to bring them out from the land of Egypt, and so on this night all Israel is to keep the vigil to the Lord for generations to come.

Exodus 13:3-16

Moses said to the people, "Remember this day on which you came out from Egypt, from the place where you were enslaved, for the Lord brought you out of there with a mighty hand -- and no bread made with yeast may be eaten. On this day, in the month of Abib, you are going out. When the Lord brings you to the land of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Hivites, and Jebusites, which he swore to your fathers to give you, a land flowing with milk and honey, then you will keep this ceremony in this month. read more.
For seven days you must eat bread made without yeast, and on the seventh day there is to be a festival to the Lord. Bread made without yeast must be eaten for seven days; no bread made with yeast shall be seen among you, and you must have no yeast among you within any of your borders. You are to tell your son on that day, 'It is because of what the Lord did for me when I came out of Egypt.' It will be a sign for you on your hand and a memorial on your forehead, so that the law of the Lord may be in your mouth, for with a mighty hand the Lord brought you out of Egypt. So you must keep this ordinance at its appointed time from year to year. When the Lord brings you into the land of the Canaanites, as he swore to you and to your fathers, and gives it to you, then you must give over to the Lord the first offspring of every womb. Every firstling of a beast that you have -- the males will be the Lord's. Every firstling of a donkey you must redeem with a lamb, and if you do not redeem it, then you must break its neck. Every firstborn of your sons you must redeem. In the future, when your son asks you 'What is this?' you are to tell him, 'With a mighty hand the Lord brought us out from Egypt, from the land of slavery. When Pharaoh stubbornly refused to release us, the Lord killed all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of people to the firstborn of animals. That is why I am sacrificing to the Lord the first male offspring of every womb, but all my firstborn sons I redeem.' It will be for a sign on your hand and for frontlets on your forehead, for with a mighty hand the Lord brought us out of Egypt."

Israel » Under the judges » Idolatry » King of moab » Repentance » Deliverance

Judges 3:12-30

The Israelites again did evil in the Lord's sight. The Lord gave King Eglon of Moab control over Israel because they had done evil in the Lord's sight. Eglon formed alliances with the Ammonites and Amalekites. He came and defeated Israel, and they seized the City of Date Palm Trees. The Israelites were subject to King Eglon of Moab for eighteen years. read more.
When the Israelites cried out for help to the Lord, he raised up a deliverer for them. His name was Ehud son of Gera the Benjaminite, a left-handed man. The Israelites sent him to King Eglon of Moab with their tribute payment. Ehud made himself a sword -- it had two edges and was eighteen inches long. He strapped it under his coat on his right thigh. He brought the tribute payment to King Eglon of Moab. (Now Eglon was a very fat man.) After Ehud brought the tribute payment, he dismissed the people who had carried it. But he went back once he reached the carved images at Gilgal. He said to Eglon, "I have a secret message for you, O king." Eglon said, "Be quiet!" All his attendants left. When Ehud approached him, he was sitting in his well-ventilated upper room all by himself. Ehud said, "I have a message from God for you." When Eglon rose up from his seat, Ehud reached with his left hand, pulled the sword from his right thigh, and drove it into Eglon's belly. The handle went in after the blade, and the fat closed around the blade, for Ehud did not pull the sword out of his belly. As Ehud went out into the vestibule, he closed the doors of the upper room behind him and locked them. When Ehud had left, Eglon's servants came and saw the locked doors of the upper room. They said, "He must be relieving himself in the well-ventilated inner room." They waited so long they were embarrassed, but he still did not open the doors of the upper room. Finally they took the key and opened the doors. Right before their eyes was their master, sprawled out dead on the floor! Now Ehud had escaped while they were delaying. When he passed the carved images, he escaped to Seirah. When he reached Seirah, he blew a trumpet in the Ephraimite hill country. The Israelites went down with him from the hill country, with Ehud in the lead. He said to them, "Follow me, for the Lord is about to defeat your enemies, the Moabites!" They followed him, captured the fords of the Jordan River opposite Moab, and did not let anyone cross. That day they killed about ten thousand Moabites -- all strong, capable warriors; not one escaped. Israel humiliated Moab that day, and the land had rest for eighty years.

Israel » Under the judges » Agag » Slain » Deliverance

Judges 3:8-11

The Lord was furious with Israel and turned them over to King Cushan-Rishathaim of Aram-Naharaim. They were Cushan-Rishathaim's subjects for eight years. When the Israelites cried out for help to the Lord, he raised up a deliverer for the Israelites who rescued them. His name was Othniel son of Kenaz, Caleb's younger brother. The Lord's spirit empowered him and he led Israel. When he went to do battle, the Lord handed over to him King Cushan-Rishathaim of Aram and he overpowered him. read more.
The land had rest for forty years; then Othniel son of Kenaz died.

Israel » Under the judges » Deliverance » Deborah

Israel » Under the judges » Shamgar » Resists » Deliverance » Philistines

Judges 3:31

After Ehud came Shamgar son of Anath; he killed six hundred Philistines with an oxgoad and, like Ehud, delivered Israel.

Mordecai » Establishes » Festival of purim » commemorating » Deliverance

Praise » Is due to God on account of » Deliverance

Psalm 40:1-3

For the music director; By David, a psalm. I relied completely on the Lord, and he turned toward me and heard my cry for help. He lifted me out of the watery pit, out of the slimy mud. He placed my feet on a rock and gave me secure footing. He gave me reason to sing a new song, praising our God. May many see what God has done, so that they might swear allegiance to him and trust in the Lord!

Psalm 124:6

The Lord deserves praise, for he did not hand us over as prey to their teeth.

Feast of Purim » Adar (march) » Deliverance » Jews » Haman

Esther 9:17

All of this happened on the thirteenth day of the month of Adar. They then rested on the fourteenth day and made it a day for banqueting and happiness.

Esther 9:22

as the time when the Jews gave themselves rest from their enemies -- the month when their trouble was turned to happiness and their mourning to a holiday. These were to be days of banqueting, happiness, sending gifts to one another, and providing for the poor.

Esther 9:26

For this reason these days are known as Purim, after the name of pur.

Topics on Deliverance

Deliverance From Lions

Psalm 22:21

Rescue me from the mouth of the lion, and from the horns of the wild oxen! You have answered me!

Deliverance, Means Of

Exodus 14:13

Moses said to the people, "Do not fear! Stand firm and see the salvation of the Lord that he will provide for you today; for the Egyptians that you see today you will never, ever see again.

Deliverance, Response To

Luke 5:25

Immediately he stood up before them, picked up the stretcher he had been lying on, and went home, glorifying God.

Eternal Deliverance

Isaiah 51:6

Look up at the sky! Look at the earth below! For the sky will dissipate like smoke, and the earth will wear out like clothes; its residents will die like gnats. But the deliverance I give is permanent; the vindication I provide will not disappear.

Sin, Deliverance From God

Isaiah 6:7

He touched my mouth with it and said, "Look, this coal has touched your lips. Your evil is removed; your sin is forgiven."

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