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For those who guide this people have been leading them astray, and those who are guided by them are swallowed up.

Verse ConceptsGuidance, Need For God'sBeing MisleadMisleading ChildrenLeaders

Therefore the Lord does not have pity on their young men, and has no compassion on their orphans and widows, because each of them was godless and an evildoer, and every mouth spoke folly. "Yet for all this, his anger has not turned away, and his hand is still stretched out, ready to strike.

Verse ConceptsOrphansSin, Nature OfWidowsDecadenceGod's HandVirtues Of Young PeopleGod's Hands Stretched OutLack Of RejoicingNot Helping WidowsHypocrisy

From the wrath of the LORD of the Heavenly Armies the land has been scorched, and the people have become like fuel for the fire; no one will spare his neighbor.

Verse ConceptsWicked Described AsFire Of God's AngerNot Sparingwrath

"How terrible it will be for the one who enacts unjust decrees, for those who write oppressive laws that they have prescribed

Verse Conceptsethics, socialWicked RulersRulers, WickedHuman LawWoe To The WickedInjusticeMaking DecisionsDecision Makingoppression

so you won't have to crouch among those in chains or fall among the slain? "Yet for all this, his anger has not turned away, and his hand is still stretched out, ready to strike."

Verse ConceptsGod's HandCrouchingGod's Hands Stretched Out

will I not deal with Jerusalem and her idols as I have dealt with Samaria and her images?'"

Verse ConceptsGod Opposes Idolatry

My hand has found, as if in a nest, the wealth of the people; and as one gathers eggs that have been abandoned, so I have gathered all the inhabitants of the earth. Nothing moved a wing, opened its mouth, or chirped.'

Verse ConceptsNestsWingsWings Of BirdsBird Soundsrelentless

At that time, you will say: "I will praise you, LORD, for although you were angry with me, your anger has turned away, and you have comforted me.

Verse ConceptsAfflictions, Consolation DuringComfort, Of GodGod Has ComfortedGod Will No More Be AngryWe Thank GodreunitingFinding Comfort In God

I myself have commanded my consecrated ones; I have also summoned my warriors, those who rejoice in my triumph, to carry out my angry judgments.

Verse ConceptsSanctificationheroesventing

In answer, all of them will tell you, "You've also become as weak as we are! You have become just like us!'

Verse ConceptsBecoming Like People

"How you have fallen from heaven, Day Star, son of the Dawn! How you have been thrown down to earth, you who laid low the nation!

Verse ConceptsSatanticWeakness, PhysicalThe Morning StarFalling From HeavenAffecting Sun Moon And StarsRebellion of Satan and AngelsSatan as DestroyerLucifersoaring

you will not be united with them in burial, for you have destroyed your land, you have slain your people. People will never mention the descendants of those who practice evil again!

Verse ConceptsBad ParentsParents SinSins Of The Fathers

Therefore the wealth they have acquired and what they have stored up they carry them away over the Arab Wadi.

For the fields of Heshbon wither, as well as the vines of Sibmah. The rulers of the nations have struck down its choicest vines, which once reached Jazer and pushed to the desert. Its shoots spread out and passed over the sea."

Verse ConceptsDestroying Vineyards

"Therefore I weep with the tears of Jazer for the vines of Sibmah. I drench you with my tears, O Heshbon and Elealeh for the shouts of joy over your summer fruit and your grain harvest have ended.

Verse ConceptsGod, Suffering OfHarvestDestroying VineyardsI Mourn CatastropheSummer Fruit

"At that time, Jacob's glory will have become weakened, and his strong flesh will turn gaunt;

Verse ConceptsFatnessDecayThin BodiesLosing Honour

They will not look upon the altars, the products that their own fingers have made, and they will have no regard for Asherah poles or incense altars.

Verse ConceptsFingersAltars, Pagan

For you have forgotten the God of your salvation and have not remembered the Rock that is your strength. Therefore even though you plant delightful plants, sowing them with imported vine-seedlings,

Verse ConceptsFortressesGod, The RockRocksMetaphorical Plantingmindfulness

The princes of Zoan have become fools, and the princes of Memphis deluded; the leaders of its tribes have led Egypt astray.

Verse ConceptsCornerstoneMemphisFoolish PeopleStrong Delusion

Therefore my body is racked with pain; pangs have seized me, like the pangs of a woman in labor; I am so upset that I cannot hear; I am so frightened that I cannot see while I'm reeling around.

Verse ConceptsAgony, Of BodyBodyPunishment, Nature OfLabour Pains

For this is what the LORD told me: "Go post a lookout. Have him report what he sees.

Verse ConceptsWatchman

Look! Here come riders, each man with a pair of horses!" They're shouting out the answer: "Babylon has fallen, has fallen, and they have shattered all the images of her gods on the ground!

Verse ConceptsBabylonThe Prophecy Towards BabylonDestruction Of BabylonBabylon DestroyedPutting Away Other GodsAbandoning Idols

O my downtrodden people, my wall! I'll tell you what I have heard from the LORD of the Heavenly Armies, the God of Israel."

Verse ConceptsThreshing Floor

All your leaders have fled together; she is captured without using bows. All of you who were caught were captured together, although they had fled while the enemy was still far away.

Verse ConceptsIsrael Fleeing

Be ashamed, Sidon, because the sea has spoken, the fortress of the sea: I have neither been in labor nor given birth, I have neither reared young men nor brought up young women."

Verse ConceptsConfidence In God, Produces BoldnessBirth Not Being Possible

The earth lies defiled beneath its inhabitants; because they have transgressed the laws, violated the statutes, and broken the everlasting covenant.

Verse ConceptsCovenant breakersCovenant, God's with NoahGod, The EternalEcological ConcernsPolluting The LandBreaking The CovenantBreaking God's LawDefilement

"The celebrations of the tambourine have ended, the noise of the jubilant has stopped, and the mirth that the harp produces has ended.

Verse ConceptsHarpsMusical Instruments, types ofCessationStopping RejoicingLack Of Rejoicingdrums

For you have made the city a heap of rubble, the fortified city into a ruin; the foreigners' citadel is no longer a city it will never be rebuilt!

Verse ConceptsForeignersFortificationsFortressesTownNeverDestruction Of Cities

For you have been a stronghold for the poor, a stronghold for the needy in distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat for the blistering attack from the ruthless is like a rainstorm beating against a wall,

Verse ConceptsFortressesAfflicted SaintsThe NeedyExploitationsdefence, divineGod, The ProviderGuardiansNoonPoverty, Remedies ForRefugeesSanctuaryStormsWallsDistressGod Being Our RefugeShadow Of GodshelterThe Storms Of Life

At that time, people will sing this song in the land of Judah: "We have a strong city; God crafts victory, its walls and ramparts.

Verse ConceptsDay of the LORDSongsGod's Salvation Made KnownWallsSalvation, Illustrations OfCity Of GodFigurative Walls

LORD, you will decide peace for us, for you have indeed accomplished all our achievements for us.

Verse ConceptsSpiritual PeaceGod's Work In Usaccomplishmentsaccomplishment

O LORD our God, other lords besides you have ruled over us, but through you alone we acknowledge your name.

Verse ConceptsMagnifying GodGod Alonedominion

"But you have enlarged the nation, LORD; you have enlarged the nation. You have gained honor; you have extended all the borders of the land.

Verse ConceptsBoundariesEnlargementGod Multipling People

We were pregnant, writhing in pain, but we gave birth only to wind. We have not won your victory on earth, nor have the inhabitants of the world been born."

Verse ConceptsMission, Of IsraelWindBirth Not Being PossibleHaving A Babydeliverancechildbearing

Has the LORD struck them down, just as he struck down those who struck them? Or have they been killed, just as their killers were killed?

Verse ConceptsGod Beating PeopleGod KillingGod Killed His People

Because you said: "We have entered into a covenant with death, and we have an agreement with Sheol, so when the overwhelming scourge makes its choice, it cannot reach us, since we have made lies our refuge and have concealed ourselves inside falsehood,'

Verse ConceptsAgreement, Example OfFalse ConfidenceGrave, TheHell, As An ExperienceImmunityRefugeSelf ConfidenceTrust, Lack OfArrogance, Characterizes The WickedHiding From Peopleshelter

But as for you, don't start mocking, or your chains will become tighter; for I have heard from the LORD of the Heavenly Armies about destruction, and it is decreed against the whole land.

Verse ConceptsChainsMockeryRejection Of God, Results OfRidicule, Objects OfDestructionTying Upmockers

"How terrible it will be for you who go to great depths to hide your plans from the LORD, you whose deeds have been done in the dark, and who say, "Who can see us? Who has recognized us?'

Verse ConceptsConcealment, Of SinVeilsSecret SinsDarkness Of EvilNot Seeing PeopleUnseenHiding SinsWoe To The WickedDarknesshiding

For the ruthless will vanish, and mockers will disappear, and all who have an eye for evil will be cut down

Verse ConceptsCruelty, God's attitude toMockeryInfidelity To GodUncharitablenessWatching To EntrapPeople EndedScoffersmockers

You will have songs as on nights when people celebrate a holy festival, and gladness of heart, as when they set out with flutes to go to the LORD's mountain, to the Rock of Israel.

Verse ConceptsFlutesequipping, physicalClimbingGod, The RockJoy, Of IsraelNightPilgrimageCelebration

Turn back to him, yes to him whom your people have so greatly betrayed, you people of Israel.

Verse ConceptsRebellion Against God, Shown InReturning To GodHurt And Betrayal

For at that time, everyone will throw away their idols of silver and their idols of gold that your hands have sinfully made for yourselves.

Verse ConceptsGoldThrowing AwayAbandoning Idols

"As for you ladies of leisure Get up and listen to my voice! You daughters who feel so complacent hear what I have to say!

Verse ConceptsComplacencyWomen Doing WrongBeing A Woman Of God

"How terrible it will be for you, destroyer, you who have not been destroyed yourself! And how terrible it will be for you, traitor, one whom people have not betrayed! When you have sunk so low in destroying others, you will be destroyed; and when you have finished betraying, they will betray you."

Verse ConceptsBetrayalTreacheryWoeThe DestroyerWoe To The WickedUnfaithfulfinishingtraitors

Your plunder is gathered as when grasshoppers gather; just like locusts pounce, people have pounced on it.

Verse ConceptsPlunderingHarvestCaterpillarsLocusts

The highways are deserted; travelers have quit the road. The enemy has broken treaties; he despises their witnesses, and respects no one.

Verse ConceptsHighwayInferiorityTreatyEmpty ThingsTravellersTragedy On The StreetsHighways

"Those who are far away have heard what I've done; and those that are near have acknowledged my power.

Verse ConceptsAcknowledged

And no one living there will say, "I am ill.' The people living there will have their sins forgiven."

Verse ConceptsSin, Deliverance From GodHealth PromisedGod Will ForgiveBenefits Of HeavenSicknessIllnessHealth And Healing

For my sword will be seen in the heavens. Look! It descends in judgment on Edom, on the people I have doomed to destruction.

Verse ConceptsMore Than EnoughGod's Sword

One other thing: have I really marched against this country to destroy it apart from the LORD's direction? The LORD himself ordered me, "March against this country to destroy it.'"

Verse ConceptsDestruction Of Countries

But the field commander asked, "Was it only to all of you and to your master that my master sent me to speak these things? Wasn't it also to the men sitting on the wall who, like you, will have to eat their own excrement and drink their own urine?"

Verse ConceptsMonotonyRepulsive FoodDefecationUrinatingpoop

Where are the gods of Hamath and Arpad? Where are the gods of Sephar-vaim? Have they saved Samaria from me?

Verse ConceptsColonization

"Here is what to tell your master," Isaiah told them. "This is what the LORD says: "Don't be afraid of the words you've heard those words with which the underlings of the king of Assyria have insulted me.

Verse ConceptsWord Of God

Watch this! I'm going to place an attitude within him, so that when he hears a certain report, he'll return to his own country. Then I'll have him cut down by the sword in his own land."

Verse ConceptsRumoursSpirit, Emotional Aspects OfKilling Will Happenrumors

Surely you have heard what the kings of Assyria have done to all countries, dooming them to destruction. So do you think you will be saved?

Verse ConceptsBad NewsNot SparingPeople Destroying Foreign Nations

It is true, LORD, that Assyrian kings have devastated all these countries,

Verse ConceptsPeople Destroying Foreign Nations

and have thrown their gods into the fire but they are not gods, but rather the products of human hands, mere wood and stone. So the Assyrians destroyed them.

Verse ConceptsMonotheismStonesWoodBurning Idolatrous ThingsWood And Stonestatues

Whom have you insulted and reviled? Against whom have you raised your voice and lifted your eyes in pride? Against the Holy One of Israel!

Verse ConceptsVoicesChrist, Names For

By your messengers you have insulted the LORD, and you have said, "With my many chariots I have climbed the heights of mountains, the utmost heights of Lebanon. I cut down its tallest cedars, the choicest of its pines; I reached its remotest heights, the most verdant of its forests.

Verse ConceptsChariotsCedarFelling TreesTrusting In Chariots

Then the ones belonging to the house of Judah who have escaped will gather, and those who are found will take root downward and bear fruit upward.

Verse ConceptsSurvivors FavouredPotential Of FruitGod's People Planted

"Please, LORD," he said, "Remember how I have walked before you faithfully and with a true heart, and I have done what pleases you." And Hezekiah wept bitterly.

Verse ConceptsFaithfulness, Examples OfLoyaltyOthers MourningOne's Deedsdevotion

"My Lord is against them, yet they live, and among all of them who live is his spirit. Now you have restored me to health, so let me live!

Verse ConceptsRevival, PersonalRecovery

Yes, it was for my own good that I suffered extreme anguish. But in love you have held back my life from the Pit in which it has been confined; you have tossed all my sins behind your back.

Verse ConceptsReinstatementSuffering, Of BelieversBeing BitterGod Has ForgivenPits Symbolizing GriefHope In Hard TimesBitternesscorruption

Then the prophet Isaiah came to King Hezekiah and asked him, "What did these men have to say? And from where did they come to you?" Hezekiah replied, "From a distant land they came to me from Babylon."

Verse ConceptsPeople From Far AwayWhere From?Named Prophets Of The Lord

"The days are surely coming when everything in your palace and all that your ancestors have stored up to this day will be carried off to Babylon. They will come in, and nothing will be left,' says the LORD.

Verse ConceptsPossessions Taken To Babylon

"The message from the LORD that you have spoken is good," Hezekiah replied to Isaiah, since he was thinking, ""at least there will be peace and security in my lifetime."

Verse ConceptsSearchingTime Of Peace

"You know, don't you? You have heard, haven't you? Hasn't it been told you from the beginning? Haven't you understood from the foundations of the earth?

Verse ConceptsBeginningUnderstandingHearing About GodFrom The Beginninga new beginningpotential

No sooner are they planted, no sooner are they sown, no sooner have their stems taken root in the earth, than he blows on them, and they wither, and the tempest sweeps them away like stubble.

Verse ConceptsBreath Of GodRootsWhirlwindsPeople WitheredMetaphorical Planting

"The coastlands have looked and are afraid; the ends of the earth have drawn near together and come forward.

Verse ConceptsTremblingTerror Of God

See, the former things have taken place, and I'm announcing the new things before they spring into being I'm telling you about them."

Verse ConceptsGod, All knowingFutureForeknowledgeGod's Foreknowledgea new beginningThe Pastspringtime

"I have certainly stayed silent for a long time; I've kept still and held myself back. Now, like a woman giving birth, I'll cry out. All of a sudden I'll gasp and pant.

Verse ConceptsGod, Patience OfGod, Suffering OfSilenceLabour PainsGod Being Silent

But this is a people who have been robbed and plundered, all of them trapped in pits or hidden away in prisons. They have become prey, with no one to rescue them; they have been made loot, with no one to say, "Send them back!'

Verse ConceptsPlunderingRescueTrapPrisonscredibilityjail

"Who handed Jacob over to looters, and Israel to robbers? Was it not the LORD, against whom we have sinned? After all, they weren't willing to walk in his ways, and they wouldn't obey his instruction,

Verse ConceptsSelf Will

"Bring out the people who are blind, yet still have eyes, who are deaf, yet still have ears!

Verse ConceptsUnhearing

"You are my witnesses," declares the LORD, "and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and trust me and understand that I am the One. Before me no God was formed, nor will there be one after me.

Verse ConceptsAffirmationsIsrael As The ElectGod, Immutability OfMonotheismOne GodUnderstandingWitnessing, Importance OfBeforeNo Other Is GodKnowing That There Is A GodTrust In God!God As The Object Of Faith

You haven't brought me your sheep for a burnt offering, nor have you honored me with your sacrifices, nor have you made meal offerings for me yet I have not tired you about incense!

You haven't bought me sweet cane with money, nor have you satisfied me with the fat of your sacrifices. You have only burdened me with your sins and made me tired with your iniquities.

Verse ConceptsFatnessGod, Patience OfOffencePlantsSweetnessFat Of The SacrificesGod Growing Weary

"But now listen, Jacob my servant and Israel whom I have chosen:

Verse ConceptsPay Attention To God!

This what the LORD says, the one who made you, formed you from the womb, and who will help you: "Don't be afraid, Jacob my servant, and Jeshurun, whom I have chosen.

Verse ConceptsGod, Feminine Descriptions OfAbortionWombUnborn FetusesGod Helps

One will say, "I belong to the LORD,' and another will call himself by the name of Jacob; still another will have written on his hand, "the LORD's,' and will adopt the name of Israel."

Verse ConceptsTattoosWriting On PeoplePeople Belong To Godisraelbelongingbranding

"Remember these things, Jacob, Israel, for you are my servant. I have formed you; you are a servant to me. Israel, you must not mislead me.

Verse ConceptsForgettingJews As God's Chosen PeopleGod Remembering The NeedyGod Reproving

For the sake of Jacob my servant, Israel my chosen, I've called you, and he has established you with a name, although you have not acknowledged me.

Verse Conceptselection, privileges ofElection, Description OfIsrael As The ElectCalling, Of IndividualsGod, All knowingPeople Have HonourFor The Sake Of God's People

I am the LORD, and there is no other besides me: and there are no gods. I'm strengthening you, although you have not acknowledged me,

Verse ConceptsGod, The LordGod Clothing PeopleNo Other Is GodI Am The LordSolar EclipseAcknowledged

"I have aroused him in righteousness, and I'll make all his pathways smooth. It is he who will rebuild my city and set my exiles free, but not for a price nor reward, " says the LORD of the Heavenly Armies.

Verse ConceptsBuilding CitiesVictory, As An Act Of GodStraight PathsFree Of Chargefree

By myself I have sworn from my mouth has gone out integrity, a promise that won't be revoked: "To me every knee will bow, and every tongue will swear.'

Verse ConceptsFeetFace Of GodAttitudes, in prayerGod, Will OfHeadshipKneelingOaths, DivineSatan, Resistance ToTongueTributesSwearing OathsSolar EclipseSwearing

"Listen to me, house of Jacob, and all you remnant of the house of Israel, who have been upheld from before your birth, and who have been carried from the womb.

Verse ConceptsFrom The WombFrom BirthPay Attention To God!

"You trusted in your own knowledge. You said, "No one sees me.' Your wisdom and knowledge have misled you. You said in your heart, "I am the one, and there will be none besides me.'

Verse ConceptsBeing ConfidentPride, Results OfArrogant ExistenceWisdom, Source Of HumanSelf ExaltationUnseenDrawbacks To KnowledgeFalse WisdomDeceiving OneselfWorldly WisdomUnique NationsStrong Delusion

"But stand up now with your spells and your many incantations, at which you have labored from your childhood until today,

Verse ConceptsBabylonAstrologyMagiciansSorcerymagic

"Listen to this, house of Jacob, you who are called by the name of Israel, and who have come forth from Judah's loins; you who swear oaths in the name of the LORD and invoke the God of Israel but not in truth, nor in good faith.

Verse ConceptseagernessPerjuryProfessingSwearing Oaths FalselyGod Renaming PeopleSwearingListening To Godisrael

"You have heard now look at them all! How can you not admit them? From now on, I'll make you hear new things, hidden things that you have not known.

Verse ConceptsIgnorant Of Facts

"Listen to these things, Jacob, and Israel, whom I have called. I am the One: I am the first, I am even the last.

Verse ConceptsAlpha And OmegaBeginningBeginning And EndI Am The LordI Am GodPay Attention To God!legacy

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