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(For all these disgusting things were done by the men of this country who were there before you, and the land has been made unclean by them;)

Verse ConceptsPolluting The Land

So that the land may not put you out from it, when you make it unclean, as it put out the nations which were there before you.

Verse ConceptsPurity, Moral And SpiritualRetributionDefilementSame Sex Marriage

For all those who do any of these disgusting things will be cut off from among their people.

Verse ConceptsAbominationsExcommunicationDeath Penalty For Sexual SinThose To Be Cut Off From Israel

So then, keep my orders, so that you may not do any of these disgusting things which were done before you, or make yourselves unclean through them: I am the Lord your God.

Verse ConceptsCustomPurity, Moral And SpiritualThe Lord Is GodHating Uncleanness

Do not go after false gods, and do not make metal images of gods for yourselves: I am the Lord your God.

Verse ConceptsClaimsGod, Uniqueness OfLaw, Ten CommandmentsIdolsThe Lord Is GodIdolatryAvoiding Idolatry

And when you give a peace offering to the Lord, do it in the way which is pleasing to the Lord.

Verse ConceptsFellowship OfferingPeace offeringsAcceptance

If any of it is used for food on the third day, it is a disgusting thing and will not be pleasing to the Lord.

Verse ConceptsThree DaysRemaining FoodForbidden FoodAcceptanceEating Meat

And as for anyone who takes it for food, his sin will be on him, for he has put shame on the holy thing of the Lord: he will be cut off from his people.

Verse ConceptsProfanitySacrilegeThose To Be Cut Off From Israel

And when you get in the grain from your land, do not let all the grain be cut from the edges of the field, or take up what has been dropped on the earth after the getting in of the grain.

Verse ConceptsAgriculture, RestrictionsBinding cornHarvestGleaningLaws About Agriculture

And do not take all the grapes from your vine-garden, or the fruit dropped on the earth; let the poor man, and the man from another country, have these: I am the Lord your God.

Verse ConceptsGrapesOppression, God's Attitude ToPoverty, Remedies ForRightsVineyardStrangersGleaningLoving ForeignersThe Lord Is GodLaws About AgricultureAliens

Let there be no hate in your heart for your brother; but you may make a protest to your neighbour, so that he may be stopped from doing evil.

Verse ConceptsAngerConfrontationChallengesIncurring GuiltParticipation, In SinRebukeLove To Others Shown InDuties To NeighboursReproving PeopleGuiltSibling Love

Keep my laws. Do not let your cattle have offspring by those of a different sort; do not put mixed seed into your field; do not put on a robe made of two sorts of cloth.

Verse ConceptsMulesFieldsAnimals, religious role ofSeedCultivationAnimal ReproductionNot MixingMixing MaterialsInstruction About ClothesKeep The Commandments!GarmentsAgricultureDrugs

If any man has sex relations with a servant-woman who has given her word to be married to a man, and has not been made free for a price or in any other way, the thing will be looked into; but they will not be put to death because she was not a free woman.

Verse ConceptsBeatingsEngagementServants Of PeopleLaws Of Sexual UnionAdulteryDeath Penalty For Sexual Sin

Let him take his offering for wrongdoing to the Lord, to the door of the Tent of meeting; let him give a male sheep as an offering for wrongdoing.

Verse ConceptsSacrifices At The Doorway

And the priest will take away his sin before the Lord with the sheep which is offered for his wrongdoing, and he will have forgiveness for the sin which he has done.

Verse ConceptsPriests Atoning

And when you have come into the land, and have put in all sorts of fruit-trees, their fruit will be as if they had not had circumcision, and for three years their fruit may not be used for food.

Verse ConceptsForeskinsCultivationThree YearsEating Forbidden FoodFirst fruits

And in the fourth year all the fruit will be holy as a praise-offering to the Lord.

Verse ConceptsPraise To God Is Fitting

But in the fifth year you may take the fruit and the increase of it for your food: I am the Lord your God.

Verse ConceptsIncreasing FruitThe Lord Is GodFifthFood Permitted

Do not make your daughter common by letting her become a loose woman, for fear that the land may become full of shame.

Verse ConceptsdaughtersLove, In RelationshipsProstitutionRightsSexual Sin, Nature OfSexualityHarlotsProvokingTattoos Being Okwhores

And if a man from another country is living in your land with you, do not make life hard for him;

Verse ConceptsForeignersLaw, OtAliens, Believers DutySojourningStrangers in israelImmigrantsAliens

You are to keep all my rules and my decisions and do them: I am the Lord.

Verse ConceptsClaimsI Am The LordKeep The Commandments!

Then my face will be turned against him and his family, and he and all those who do evil with him will be cut off from among their people.

Verse ConceptsProstitutionGod OpposingThose To Be Cut Off From IsraelDeath Penalty For Heresy

And whoever goes after those who make use of spirits and wonder-workers, doing evil with them, against him will my face be turned, and he will be cut off from among his people.

Verse ConceptsAstrologyFamiliar SpiritsMediumsSeeking GodSorcery And MagicSpiritismSpiritsOccultismWitchcraftDivinationFortunetellingNecromancyGod OpposingAvoid SpiritismThose To Be Cut Off From IsraelDeath Penalty For Heresypsychics

And the man who has sex relations with his father's wife has put shame on his father: the two of them are to be put to death; their blood will be on them.

Verse ConceptsForbidden Sexual RelationshipsNakedness UncoveredDeath Penalty For Sexual SinFathers Responsibilities

And if a man has sex relations with his son's wife, the two of them are to be put to death: it is unnatural; their blood will be on them.

Verse ConceptsdaughtersForbidden Sexual RelationshipsDaughters In LawDeath Penalty For Sexual Sin

And if a man takes as wife a woman and her mother, it is an act of shame; let them be burned with fire, all three of them, so that there may be no shame among you.

Verse ConceptsAbominationsCremationPunishment, Legal Aspects OfForbidden Sexual RelationshipsBurning PeopleDeath Penalty For Sexual SinMarriage ControlledSex Before MarriageSame Sex Marriage

And if a man has sex relations with a beast, let him be put to death, and let the beast be put to destruction.

Verse ConceptsLaws Of Sexual UnionRules About Killing Animalssex

And if a woman goes near a beast and has sex relations with it, you will put an end to the woman and the beast: their blood will be on them.

Verse ConceptsBestialityLaws Of Sexual UnionRules About Killing Animals

And if a man takes his sister, daughter of his father or his mother, and has sex relations with her and she with him, it is an act of shame: they are to be cut off before the children of their people; he has had sex relations with his sister, and his sin will be on him.

Verse ConceptsdisgraceIncurring GuiltSexual Sin, Nature OfSistersForbidden Sexual RelationshipsNakedness UncoveredDeath Penalty For Sexual SinMothers And Daughters

And if a man has sex relations with a woman at the time when she is unwell, he has seen her fountain and she has let the fountain of her blood be uncovered, and the two of them are to be cut off from among their people.

Verse ConceptsMenstruationSexual Sin, Nature OfNakedness UncoveredBleedingSex And UncleannessDeath Penalty For Sexual SinThose To Be Cut Off From Israel

And you may not have sex connection with your mother's sister or your father's sister, for they are his near relations: their sin will be on them.

Verse ConceptsIncurring GuiltForbidden Sexual RelationshipsNakedness Uncovered

And if a man has sex relations with the wife of his father's brother, he has put shame on his father's brother: their sin will be on them; till the day of their death they will have no children.

Verse ConceptsIncurring GuiltOffspringForbidden Sexual RelationshipsReasons For BarrennessNakedness Uncovered

So then, keep my rules and my decisions and do them, so that the land which I am giving you as your resting-place may not violently send you out again.

Verse ConceptsKeep The Commandments!Eviction

And do not keep the rules of the nations which I am driving out before you; for they did all these things, and for that reason my soul was turned against them.

Verse ConceptsCustomAbhorConformityExamples, Badevil, warnings againstMannersPollutionsEvil AssociationsNot Imitating EvilGod Hating People

But I have said to you, You will take their land and I will give it to you for your heritage, a land flowing with milk and honey: I am the Lord your God who have made you separate from all other peoples.

Verse ConceptsFoodLand, Spiritual Aspects OfMilkProperty, LandSeparationThe Promised LandSeparation From Evil PeopleI Am The LordMilk And Honey

So then, make division between the clean beast and the unclean, and between the clean bird and the unclean: do not make yourselves disgusting by any beast or bird or anything which goes flat on the earth, which has been marked by me as unclean for you.

Verse ConceptsDefilement, Ceremonial CausesMan DifferentiatingClean And UncleanAnimals Having A Soul

And for his sister, a virgin, for she is his near relation and has had no husband, he may make himself unclean.

Verse ConceptsBrothersSinglenessvirginity

But let him, being a chief among his people, not make himself unclean in such a way as to put shame on himself.

Verse ConceptsPollution Forbidden

They may not take as wife a loose or common woman, or one who has been put away by her husband: for the priest is holy to his God.

Verse Conceptsdivorce, in OTDefilement, By SinPriests, Function In Ot TimesProstitutionDivorceMarriage ControlledMaking People HolyMarriage Kjvwhores

And he is to be holy in your eyes, for by him the bread of your God is offered; he is to be holy in your eyes, for I the Lord, who make you holy, am holy.

Verse ConceptsCommands, in OTRitual LawBe Holy For I Am Holy

And if the daughter of a priest makes herself common and by her loose behaviour puts shame on her father, let her be burned with fire.

Verse ConceptsdaughtersCremationAdulterersProfanityProstitutionPunishment, Legal Aspects OfHarlotsBurning Peoplebranding

And he who is the chief priest among his brothers, on whose head the holy oil has been put, who is marked out to put on the holy robes, may not let his hair go loose or have his clothing out of order as a sign of sorrow.

Verse ConceptsHigh Priest, In OtRankConsecrationBare HeadsAnointing PriestsPriests GarmentsNot Tearing ClothesAccompaniments Of MourningRivers

He may not go out of the holy place or make the holy place of his God common; for the crown of the holy oil of his God is on him: I am the Lord.

Verse ConceptsGoing OutsideAnointing PriestsI Am The Lord

A widow, or one whose husband has put her away, or a common woman of loose behaviour, may not be the wife of a priest; but let him take a virgin from among his people.

Verse ConceptsProfanityDivorceMarriage Controlledvirginity

And he may not make his seed unclean among his people, for I the Lord have made him holy.

Verse ConceptsI Am The LordMaking People Holy

Say to Aaron, If a man of your family, in any generation, is damaged in body, let him not come near to make the offering of the bread of his God.

Verse ConceptsPriests, Function In Ot Times

For any man whose body is damaged may not come near: one who is blind, or has not the use of his legs, or one who has a broken nose or any unnatural growth,

Verse ConceptsdisabilitiesMutilation

Or one whose back is bent, or one who is unnaturally small, or one who has a damaged eye, or whose skin is diseased, or whose sex parts are damaged;

Verse ConceptsMidgetsShort PeopleBent OverEyes HarmedMale Genitals

No man of the offspring of Aaron whose body is damaged in any way may come near to give the fire offerings of the Lord: he is damaged, he may not come near to make the offerings.

Verse Conceptsdrawing near to GodBlemished People

But he may not go inside the veil or come near the altar, because he is damaged; and he may not make my holy places common; for I the Lord have made them holy.

Verse ConceptsNot Coming Near To GodI Am The LordMaking People Holy

Give orders to Aaron and to his sons to keep themselves separate from the holy things of the children of Israel which they give to me, and not to make my holy name common: I am the Lord,

Verse ConceptsIrreverenceProfaning God's NameI Am The Lord

Say to them, If any man of all your seed through all your generations, being unclean, comes near the holy things which the children of Israel make holy to the Lord, he will be cut off from before me: I am the Lord.

Verse ConceptsRitual LawPollution ForbiddenI Am The LordThose To Be Cut Off From Israel

No man of the seed of Aaron who is a leper, or who has a flow from his body, may take of the holy food till he is clean. And any man touching anything which is unclean because of the dead, or any man whose seed goes from him;

Verse ConceptsLeprosySkinSemenDischargesRules About Corpses

Or anyone touching any unclean thing which goes flat on the earth, or someone by whom he may be made unclean in any way whatever;

Verse ConceptsCrawling

So then, let them keep what I have put into their care, for fear that sin may come on them because of it, so causing their death because they have made it common: I am the Lord, who make them holy.

Verse ConceptsPriests, Function In Ot TimesRitual LawSin BearerStewardshipDeath Due To God's PresenceI Am The LordMaking People Holy

No outside person may take of the holy food, or one living as a guest in the priest's house, or a servant working for payment.

Verse ConceptsLaws Restricting Foreigners

But any person for whom the priest has given money, to make him his, may take of it with him; and those who come to birth in his house may take of his bread.

Verse ConceptsMoney, Uses OfRightsSlavesPermitted To Eat Offerings

And if the daughter of a priest is married to an outside person she may not take of the holy things which are lifted up as offerings.

But if a priest's daughter is a widow, or parted from her husband, and has no child, and has come back to her father's house as when she was a girl, she may take of her father's bread; but no outside person may do so.

Verse ConceptsSinglenessDivorceFathers And Daughters

And if a man takes the holy food in error, he will have to give the holy thing back to the priest, with the addition of a fifth part.

Verse ConceptsFractions, One FifthUnintentional

So causing sin to come on them when they take their holy things for food: I am the Lord who make them holy.

Verse ConceptsIncurring GuiltI Am The LordMaking People Holy

Say to Aaron and to his sons and to all the children of Israel, If any man of the children of Israel, or of another nation living in Israel, makes an offering, given because of an oath or freely given to the Lord for a burned offering;

Verse ConceptsForeigners Included In The Law

So that it may be pleasing to the Lord, let him give a male, without any mark, from among the oxen or the sheep or the goats.

Verse ConceptsSheepMale AnimalsPerfect SacrificesSacrificing Cattle Sheep And Goats

But anything which has a mark you may not give; it will not make you pleasing to the Lord.

Verse ConceptsPriests, Function In Ot TimesBlemished CreaturesAcceptance

And whoever makes a peace-offering to the Lord, in payment of an oath or as a free offering, from the herd or the flock, if it is to be pleasing to the Lord, let it be free from any mark or damage.

Verse ConceptsFellowship OfferingPerfection, DivineVowsUnblemishmentPerfect SacrificesPeace offerings

Anything blind or broken or damaged or having any disease or any mark on it may not be offered to the Lord; you may not make an offering of it by fire on the altar to the Lord.

Verse ConceptsBoils Or UlcersMutilationAltars To The LordBlemished CreaturesSick AnimalsDischarges

An ox or a lamb which has more or less than its natural parts, may be given as a free offering; but it will not be taken in payment of an oath.

Verse ConceptsMaking VowsBlemished CreaturesRegulating SacrificesFree Will

An animal which has its sex parts damaged or crushed or broken or cut, may not be offered to the Lord; such a thing may not be done anywhere in your land.

Verse ConceptsCrushingBlemished CreaturesMale Genitals

And from one who is not an Israelite you may not take any of these for an offering to the Lord; for they are unclean, there is a mark on them, and the Lord will not be pleased with them.

Verse ConceptsAcceptance, Of WorshipStrangersBlemished CreaturesAcceptancecorruption

When an ox or a sheep or a goat is given birth, let it be with its mother for seven days; and after the eighth day it may be taken as an offering made by fire to the Lord.

Verse ConceptsSeven DaysYoung AnimalAnimal MothersLess Than A Year OldSeven Days For Legal PurposesRegulating Sacrifices

Let it be used for food on the same day; do not keep any part of it till the morning: I am the Lord.

Verse ConceptsRemaining OfferingsI Am The LordPermitted To Eat Offerings

And do not make my holy name common; so that it may be kept holy by the children of Israel: I am the Lord who make you holy,

Verse ConceptsGod, Holiness OfRitual LawSanctification, Nature And BasisProfaning God's NameI Am The LordHallowedMaking People Holy