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And they drew near to the village where they were going, and he acted as though he was going farther.

Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward him and said about him, "Look! {A true Israelite} in whom is no deceit!"

Nathanael said to him, "From where do you know me?" Jesus answered and said to him, "Before Philip called you, [when you] were under the fig tree, I saw you."

Jesus answered and said to him, "Because I said to you that I saw you under the fig tree, do you believe? You will see greater [things] than these!"

And he said to them, "Now draw [some] out and take [it] to the head steward. So they took [it].

The one who accepts his testimony has attested that God is true.

A woman of Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her, "Give me [water] to drink."

The woman said to him, "Sir, give me this water, so that I will not be thirsty or come here to draw [water]!"

But an hour is coming--and now is [here]--when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for indeed the Father seeks such [people] [to be] his worshipers.

For in this [instance] the saying is true, 'It is one who sows and another who reaps.'

There is another who testifies about me, and I know that the testimony which he testifies about me is true.

The one who speaks from himself seeks his own glory. But the one who seeks the glory of the one who sent him--this one is true, and there is no unrighteousness in him.

Then Jesus cried out in the temple [courts], teaching and saying, "You both know me and you know where I am from! And I have not come from myself, but the one who sent me is true, whom you do not know.

Jesus answered and said to them, "Even if I testify concerning myself, my testimony is true, because I know where I have come from and where I am going. But you do not know where I have come from or where I am going.

I have many [things] to say and to judge concerning you, but the one who sent me is true, and [the things] which I heard from him, these [things] I say to the world."

"Truly, truly I say to you, the one who does not enter through the door into the fold of the sheep, but climbs up at some other place--that one is a thief and a robber.

But the one who enters through the door is the shepherd of the sheep.

And many came to him and began to say, "John performed no sign, but everything John said about this man was true!"

Then Simon Peter, who had a sword, drew it and struck the slave of the high priest and cut off his right ear. (Now the name of the slave was Malchus.)

But Peter was standing by the door outside. So the other disciple [who was] known to the high priest went out and spoke to the doorkeeper and brought Peter in.

So they said to one another, "Let us not tear it apart, but cast lots for it, [to see] whose it will be," so that the scripture would be fulfilled that says, "They divided my garments among themselves, and for my clothing they cast lots." Thus the soldiers did these [things].

And the one who has seen [it] has testified, and his testimony is true, and that person knows that he is telling the truth, so that you also may believe.

This is the disciple who is testifying about these [things], and who has written down these [things]. And we know that his testimony is true.

'I [am] the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham and of Isaac and of Jacob!' So Moses began trembling [and] did not dare to look at [it].

And we [are] witnesses of all [the things] that he did both in the land of the Judeans and in Jerusalem, whom they also executed [by] hanging [him] on a tree.

who, [when he] arrived and saw the grace of God, rejoiced and encouraged [them] all to remain true to the Lord with {devoted hearts},

Now when Herod was about to bring him [out], on that [very] night Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and guards before the door were watching the prison.

And [when] he knocked at the door of the gateway, a female slave {named} Rhoda came up to answer.

And when they had carried out all the things that were written about him, they took [him] down from the tree [and] placed [him] in a tomb.

But [when] the apostles Barnabas and Paul heard about [it], they tore their clothing [and] rushed out into the crowd, shouting

And [when they] arrived and called the church together, they reported all that God had done with them, and that he had opened a door of faith for the Gentiles.

it seemed best to us, {having reached a unanimous decision}, [and] having chosen men, to send [them] to you together with our dear friends Barnabas and Paul,

And the crowd joined in attacking them, and the chief magistrates tore off their clothing [and] gave orders to beat [them] with rods.

And [after] the jailer was awake and saw the doors of the prison open, he drew [his] sword [and] was about to kill himself, [because he] thought the prisoners had escaped.

And leaving there, he entered into the house of someone {named} Titius Justus, a worshiper of God whose house was next door to the synagogue.

And it happened that after we tore ourselves away from them, we put out to sea, [and] running a straight course we came to Cos and on the next [day] to Rhodes, and from there to Patara.

And [after we] sighted Cyprus and left it behind {on the port side}, we sailed to Syria and arrived at Tyre, because the ship was to unload [its] cargo there.

And [when] we had completed the voyage from Tyre, we arrived at Ptolemais. And [after we] greeted the brothers, we stayed one day with them.

But on the next day, [because he] wanted to know the true [reason] why he was being accused by the Jews, he released him and ordered the chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin to assemble, and he brought down Paul [and] had [him] stand before them.

If then I am doing wrong and have done anything deserving death, I am not trying to avoid dying. But if there is nothing [true] of [the things] which these [people] are accusing me, no one can give me up to them. I appeal to Caesar!"

May it never be! But let God be true but every human being a liar, just as it is written, "In order that you may be justified in your words, and may prevail when you are judged."

For only rarely will someone die on behalf of a righteous person (for on behalf of a good person possibly someone might even dare to die),

Now if some of the branches were broken off, and you, [although you] were a wild olive tree, were grafted in among them and became a sharer of the root of the olive tree's richness,

For if you were cut off from what is by nature a wild olive tree, and contrary to nature were grafted into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these who are {natural branches} be grafted into their own olive tree?

For I will not dare to speak about anything except [that] which Christ has accomplished through me, resulting in the obedience of the Gentiles by word and deed,

also [greet] the church in their house. Greet Epenetus my dear [friend], who is {the first convert} of Asia for Christ.

Greet Ampliatus, my dear [friend] in the Lord.

Greet Urbanus, our fellow worker in Christ, and my dear [friend] Stachys.

Greet Tryphena and Tryphosa, the laborers in the Lord. Greet Persis, the dear [friend] who {has worked hard} in the Lord.

Now [when I] arrived in Troas for the gospel of Christ and a door was opened for me by the Lord,

For if I have boasted anything to him about you, I have not been put to shame, but as I have spoken everything to you in truth, thus also our boasting to Titus {has proven to be true}.

For we do not dare to classify or to compare ourselves with some who commend themselves, but [they] themselves, [when they] measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, do not understand.

I say [this] to [my] shame, namely, that we have been weak. But in whatever anyone dares to [boast]--I am speaking in foolishness--I also dare to [boast].

Have you been thinking all this time that we are defending ourselves to you? We are speaking in Christ before God, and all [these things], dear friends, [are] for your edification.

Now, so that you also may know {my circumstances}, what I am doing, Tychicus, my dear brother and faithful servant in the Lord, will make known to you all [things],

and most of the brothers, trusting in the Lord because of my imprisonment, dare [even] more to speak the word without fear.

Yes, I ask also you, true yokefellow, help them, who struggled along with me in the gospel with both Clement and the rest of my fellow workers whose names [are] in the book of life.

just as you learned [it] from Epaphras, our dear fellow slave who is a faithful minister of Christ [on] our behalf,

Tychicus, my dear brother and faithful servant and fellow slave in the Lord, will make known to you all {my circumstances},

together with Onesimus, my faithful and dear brother, who is [one] of you. They will make known to you all {the circumstances} here.

Luke the physician, our dear friend, greets you, [as does] Demas.

to Timothy, [my] dear child. Grace, mercy, [and] peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.

to Titus, [my] true child according to a common faith. Grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior.

This testimony is true, for which reason reprove them severely, in order that they may be sound in the faith,

Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus, and Timothy our brother, to Philemon, our dear friend and fellow worker,

But even if we are speaking in this way, dear friends, we are convinced of better [things] concerning you, and belonging to salvation.