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And Jacob will vow a vow, saying, If God will be with me, and will preserve me in this way which I went, and gave to me bread to eat, and covering to put on,

Verse ConceptsJourneyPresent, TheGod Will Be With YouGod With Specific PeopleGod KeepsProtecting Your FamilyGiving BackDivine Protection

I the God of the house of God, where thou didst anoint there a pillar; where thou didst vow to me there a vow: now arise, go forth from this land, and turn back to the land of thy kindred.

Verse ConceptsOilMonumentsI Am GodAnointing Things

And they will make a brightness, a diadem of the holy place of pure gold, and they will write upon it a writing, the engravings fo a seal, HOLY TO JEHOVAH.

Verse ConceptsInscriptionsSealsToolsPlatesengraving

And if a vow or a voluntary gift, the sacrifice of his offering in the day he brought it, his sacrifice it shall be eaten; and from the morrow that remaining from it shall be eaten.

Verse ConceptsFreewill OfferingVowsMaking VowsRemaining OfferingsPeople WillingFree Will

And when a man shall bring a sacrifice of peace to Jehovah, to separate a vow or a willing gift in cattle or in sheep, it shall be blameless for acceptance: not any blemish shall be in it

Verse ConceptsFellowship OfferingPerfection, DivineVowsUnblemishmentPerfect SacrificesPeace offerings

And an ox, and a sheep stretched out, and contracted, thou shalt do it a voluntary gift; and for a vow it shall not be accepted.

Verse ConceptsMaking VowsBlemished CreaturesRegulating SacrificesFree Will

Speak to the sons of Israel, and say to them, When a man shall separate a vow by thy estimation, the souls for Jehovah.

Speak to the sons of Israel, and say to them, When a man or woman shall separate to vow a vow, being consecrated, to be separated to Jehovah:

Verse ConceptsBaldness, Unnatural

All the days of the vow of his consecration a razor shall not pass over upon his head: till the filling up of the days which he shall consecrate to Jehovah, he shall be holy, increasing the locks of the hair of his head.

Verse ConceptsHairsShavingRazorsLong ThingsCutting HairDedicationHairdreadlocks

This the law of him consecrated who shall vow his offering to Jehovah for his consecration, besides what his hand shall attain: according to his vow which he vowed, so shall he do according to the law of his consecration.

Verse ConceptsSeparated To God

And the people will rise up all that day and all the night, and all the day of the morrow, and will gather the quails: the few gathered ten homers; and they will spread for themselves a spreading round about the camp.

Verse ConceptsGluttonyExcessWeights And Measures, DryGathering FoodLabour Day And Night

And see the land what it is, and the people dwelling upon it, whether it is strong or relaxed, whether it is few or many;

Verse ConceptsWeakness, PhysicalDealing With Many PeopleWhat Is This?Strong Nations

And ye did a sacrifice to Jehovah, a burnt-offering or a sacrifice to separate a vow, or in willingness, or in your assemblies, to make an odor of sweetness to Jehovah, from the oxen or from the sheep:

Verse ConceptsPleasing GodRefreshing God

And when thou shalt do the son of a cow, a burnt-offering or sacrifice to separate a vow, or peace to Jehovah:

Verse ConceptsFellowship OfferingSacrificing CattlePeace offerings

And Israel will vow a vow to Jehovah, and will say, If giving, thou wilt give this people into my hand, and I exterminated their cities.

Verse ConceptsVowsTo Be Given Into One's Hands

To the many thou shalt mutiply his inheritance, and to the few thou shalt diminish his inheritance: to each according to his reviewing his inheritance shall be given.

Verse ConceptsAccording To PeopleFew PeopleMany In Israel

According to the lot thou shalt divide his inheritance between the many to the few.

A man when he shall vow a vow to Jehovah, or swear an oath to bind a binding upon his soul, he shall not profane his word; according to all going forth from his mouth he shall do.

Verse ConceptsCovenant ObligationsCovenant breakersFaithfulness, To GodFaithfulness, In Human RelationshipsGuaranteeOaths, HumanPerjuryPledgesUnfaithfulness, To PeopleVowsVowsBindingMaking VowsSwearingfreemasonry

And a woman when she shall vow a vow to Jehovah, and bind a binding in the house of her father, in her youth;

Verse ConceptsRules About Young PeopleFathers And Daughters

And her father heard her vow and her binding which she bound upon her soul, and her father was silent to her; and all her vows stood, and all the binding which she bound upon her soul shall stand.

And the vow of a widow, and of her driven away, all which she bound upon her soul shall stand upon her.

Verse Conceptsdivorce, in OTUnfaithfulness, To PeopleDivorce

Every vow, and every oath of binding to afflict the soul, her husband shall cause it to stand, and her husband shall annul it

Verse ConceptsHusband And WifeWifeMan And WomanA Good Husband

And divide ye the land by lot to your tribes: to the many ye shall multiply his inheritance, and to the few ye shall diminish his inheritance; to whom shall come forth to him, there shall the lot be to him; according to the tribes of your fathers ye shall inherit

Verse ConceptsCasting LotsReal EstateAccording To PeopleFew PeopleMany In Israel

And the cities which ye shall give from the possession of the sons of Israel: from the many ye shall multiply; and from the few ye shall diminish: each according to his inheritance which they shall inherit, he shall give from his cities to the Levites.

Verse ConceptsAccording To PeopleFew PeopleMany In Israel

Not for your multitude did Jehovah delight in you above all the peoples, and will he choose you, for ye were few more than all the peoples.

Verse ConceptsAdoption, nature ofFew PeopleMany In IsraelGod's Love For IsraelAffection

And there was the place which Jehovah your God shall choose in it to cause his name to dwell there; there shall ye bring all which I command you: your burnt-offerings and your sacrifices, your tenths, and the offerings of your hands, and all the choice of your vows which ye shall vow to Jehovah.

Verse ConceptsGiftsChoicesOfferingsSacred PlacesAnimal Sacrifices, Heave OfferingBringing In The TitheRegulating SacrificesA Place For God's NameTithes And Offering

Thou shalt not be able to eat in thy gates the tenth of thy grain, and thy new wine and thy new oil, and the firstlings of thy herd and thy flocks, and all the vows which thou shalt vow, and thy voluntaries, and the offerings of thy hand:

Verse ConceptsGrainWineTithes And Offering

Thou shalt not bring the hire of a harlot, and the price of a dog to the house of Jehovah thy God, for any vow: for these two are also an abomination to Jehovah thy God.

Verse ConceptsAbominationsOfferingsVowsHarlotsWantonnessAbominations, To GodGod Hating ThingsMale ProstitutesWages Of A ProstituteGiving Money To The ChurchTithes And OfferingPetssalespremaritalwhores

When thou shalt vow a vow to Jehovah thy God thou shalt not delay to complete it, for Jehovah thy God requiring, will require it from thee; and it was sin in thee.

Verse ConceptsCovenant breakersdelay, humanOaths, HumanPromises, HumanProcrastinationMaking Vows

And if thou shalt cease to vow, it shall not be sin in thee.

Verse ConceptsAbstinenceNo Sin

That going out of thy lips, thou shalt watch and do according as thou didst vow to Jehovah thy God; a voluntary gift which thou spakest with thy mouth.

Verse ConceptsLipsAnimal Sacrifice, Free Will OfferingMaking VowsFree WillPromises

And thou didst answer and say before Jehovah thy God, An unfortunate Syrian my father; and he went down into Egypt, and he will sojourn there with a few men, and will be there into a great nation, mighty and many.

Verse ConceptsNationalismNomadsWanderersPeople MultiplyingFew Peoplesyriawandering

And ye were left few in extension, instead of which ye were as the stars of the heavens for multitude, because thou heardst not to the voice of Jehovah thy God.

Verse ConceptsFew People

And they will turn back to Joshua, and will say to him, All the people shall not go up; about two thousand men or about three thousand men shall go up and smite Ai: thou shalt not weary there all the people for they few.

Verse ConceptsTwo ThousandThree Thousand And UpUnderestimation

And Jephthah will vow a vow to Jehovah, and he will say, If giving, thou wilt give the sons of Ammon into my hand,

Verse ConceptsExamples Of ConsecrationTo Be Given Into One's Hands

And it will be from the end of two months, and she will turn back to her father and he will do to her his vow which he vowed: and she knew not man. And it will be a law in Israel,

And she will vow a vow, and say, Jehovah of armies, if seeing, thou wilt see the affliction of thy servant and remember me, and thou wilt not forget thy servant, and give to thy servant seed of men, and I gave him to Jehovah all the days of his life, and a razor shall not come up upon his head.

Verse ConceptsBaby dedicationExamples Of ConsecrationHairsHeadsVowsBirths ForetoldSeparated To GodGod Remembering The NeedyGod As A WarriorGod ReprovingThe Promise Of A Baby

And the man Elkanah and all his house will go up to sacrifice to Jehovah the sacrifice of days, and his vow.

Verse ConceptsEvery Year

And Jonathan will say to the boy lifting up his arms, Come, and we will pass over to the garrison of these uncircumcised: perhaps Jehovah will do for us: for no restraining to Jehovah to save by a multitude or by few.

Verse ConceptsFaith, And Blessings Of GodUncircumcisionBraveryCourage, Examples OfFew PeopleCrossing To The Other Sidearmor

And Eliab his brother the great, will hear in his speaking to the men, and Eliab's anger will kindle against David, and he will say, Why this camest thou down? and upon whom didst thou cast those few sheep in the desert? I knew thy pride and the evil of thy heart, for in order to see the battle thou camest down.

Verse ConceptsCriticism, against believersEmotions, Kinds OfAnger, HumanShepherds, As OccupationsSpeech, Negative Aspects OfAnger Of Man, CauseNamed People Angry With OthersNo More Tending The FlockEmotions

And it will be from the end of forty years, and Absalom will say to the king, I will go now and complete my vow which I vowed to Jehovah in Hebron.

For thy servant vowed a vow in my dwelling in Geshur in Aram, saying, If turning back, Jehovah shall turn me back to Jerusalem, and I served Jehovah.

Verse ConceptsReinstating People

In your being men of number, as few, and strangers in it.

Verse ConceptsForeignersCymbals

And I shall rise in the night, I and a few men with me; and I announced not to man what my God gave into my heart to do at Jerusalem: and no beast with me but the beast that I rode upon it

Verse ConceptsHeart, And Holy SpiritRiding HorsesDuring One NightThose Who Did Not Tell

And the city broad of hands, and great and the people few in its midst, and the houses not built.

Verse ConceptsCityLargenessFew People

Is it not my days few? He will cease; he will turn from me, and I shall be cheerful a little,

Verse ConceptsLife, Brevity OfLeave Us Alone

And Elihu, the son of Barachel the Buzite will answer and say, I few for days, and ye old men; for this I was afraid, and I shall fear showing you my knowledge.

Verse ConceptsSanctity Of LifeYouthLimitations Of Youth

To the overseer; chanting to David a song. Praise being silent to thee, O God in Zion: and to thee shall the vow be repaid.

Verse ConceptsVowsMaking VowsPeople Being SilentPraising God In Public Worship

Vow, ye, and repay to Jehovah your God: all being round about him shall bring a gift for fear.

Verse ConceptsGiftsGiving To GodVowsMaking VowsGod Is To Be Feared

Thou shalt not hasten with thy mouth, and thy heart shall not be quick to bring forth a word to the face of God: for God is in the heavens, and thou upon the earth: for this thy words shall be few.

Verse ConceptsMan's Conduct Towards GodCurbing SpeechDo Not Be RashMaking DecisionsDecision MakingThe Presence Of Godlimitationsimpulsivenessevangelising

When thou shalt vow a vow to God, thou shalt not delay to repay it; for there is no desire in the foolish: repay what thou shalt vow.

Verse ConceptsProcrastinationGod's Attitude To FoolsMaking VowsNot Pleasing GodThe promises of GodPromisesMaking Mistakesfulfillment

A little city, and men in it few; and a great king came against it, and surrounded it, and built against it great entrenchments:

Verse ConceptsFew People

In the day those watching the house shall tremble, and the strong men bent themselves, and the grinders ceased for they were few, and they looking through the lattice were darkened,

Verse ConceptsFeeblenessDimness Of VisionDentistryTeethLooking Through WindowsTremblingGrinding FoodEyes HarmedFew ThingsGrowingWeather In The Last Days

And he will not thus purpose, and his heart will not reckon thus; for in his heart to destroy and to cut off nations not few.

Verse ConceptsMan's PurposesPeople Destroying Foreign Nationsflexibility

And Jehovah shall be known to Egypt, and the Egyptians shall know Jehovah in that day, and they made a sacrifice and gift, and they vowed a vow to Jehovah, and they completed.

Verse ConceptsOrthodoxy, In OtSacrifice, Nt Fulfilment OfMaking Vows

Set in order the table; view the watch-tower; eat, drink: arise ye chiefs, anoint the shield.

Verse ConceptsAnointing With OilOfficersShieldsTablesAnointing ThingsEating And Drinking

And the rest of the bows of the strong sons of Kedar shall be few: for Jehovah God of Israel spake.

Verse ConceptsSurvivors Of IsraelFew People

And thanksgiving shall go forth from them, and the voice of those playing, and I multiplied them, and they shall not be few; and I honored them, and they shall not be small.

Verse ConceptsMultiplyingThanksgivingRestored JoyGod Multipling PeopleSource Of HonourBeing Thankful For BlessingsCelebrationThankscelebrating

And they will say to Jeremiah the prophet, Now shall our supplication fall before thee, and pray thou for us to Jehovah thy God, for all this remnant; for we were left few from many as thine eyes see us.

Verse ConceptsRemnantFew PeoplePray For Ussupplicationpetition

And take from thence a few in number and bind them in thy wings.

Verse ConceptsDressFringe Of ClothesFew Things

It shall be lower than the kingdoms, and it shall no more be lifted up over the nations: and I made them few not to rule over the nations.

Verse ConceptsInferiority

And he says to them, How many loaves have ye? And they said, Seven, and a few little fishes.

Verse ConceptsSevenSeven ThingsSmall CreaturesFew ThingsFish

I was a stranger and ye brought me not in; naked, and ye put not around me; sick, and in prison, and ye took not a view of me.

Verse ConceptsSocial SelfishnessOppressing ForeignersClothing The NeedyNaked In PovertyPeople VisitingNot Welcoming ChristReceiving Jesus As A Guestjail

And they had a few little fishes: and having praised, he spake to set them also before.

Verse ConceptsSmall CreaturesFew ThingsThanking God For FoodFish

Then said he to them, Truly the harvest much, and the laborers few: implore therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth laborers into his harvest.

Verse ConceptsBinding cornHarvestMissionaries, Task OfOpportunities, And SalvationMissionary WorkFruitful LabourReapingReapersFew In The KingdomWorkers

And he not having known, and having done things worthy of blows, shall be skinned with few. And to every one to whom much was given, shall much be required of him: and with whom they have deposited much, they will ask of him the more.

Verse ConceptsGiving, Of TalentsResponsibility, To GodSin, Nature OfStewardshipTrustworthinessWork, Divine And HumanIgnorance Of EvilGod's NeedsFaithful In MuchThose To Whom God GivesAccountabilityResponsibility

And when the time of forty years was completed to him, it came up upon his heart to take a view of his brethren the sons of Israel.

Verse ConceptsVisiting

And certain of them were persuaded, and were assigned by lot to Paul and Silas; and of worshipping Greeks a great multitude, and not a few of the first women.

Verse ConceptsDevout MenGreeksReverence, And ObedienceConverts To ChristianityProselytesJoined To The ChurchThose Who Believed In Christ

Therefore truly many of them believed; and of the distinguished Grecian women, and of men, not few.

Verse ConceptsMany In The ChurchThose Who Believed In Christ

And Paul yet having remained sufficient days, having taken leave of the brethren, sailed out to Syria, and with him Priscilla and Aquila; having shorn the head in Cenchrea: for he had a vow.

Verse ConceptsBaldness, UnnaturalBarbersBaldnessHairsSeafaringVowsAquilaCutting HairSea Travelsyriagoodbyes

Therefore do this which we say to thee: Four men are to us having a vow upon them;

Verse ConceptsFour People

This, truly, being exposed to public view both by reproaches and pressures; and this, having been partakers of those thus overturned.

Verse ConceptsReproachSpectaclePersecutionAbuse

And I beseech you, brethren, hold up the word of entreaty: for I also sent to you in a few words.

Verse ConceptsExhortation, Nature Ofencouragement, examples ofLettersConcisenessWriting Letters

But I have a few things against thee, for thou hast there them holding the teaching of Balsam, who taught Balac to cast a stumbling-block before the sons of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols, and to commit fornication.

Verse ConceptsBalaams DonkeyFreedom, Abuse Of ChristianFoodAdultery, SpiritualChastityToleranceAbuse, Of Christian FreedomFalse Teachers, Examples OfStumbling BlocksMisteachingFood For Other godsFood Offered To IdolsThey Committed ImmoralitysexSexual Immorality

But I have a few things against thee, for thou sufferest the woman Jezebel, calling herself a prophetess, to teach and to lead my servants astray to commit fornication, and to eat things offered to idols.

Verse ConceptsFalse TeachingsOpposition, To Sin And EvilPeople Of God, In NtFalse Prophets, Examples OfSexual Sin, Nature OfProphetessSeducersBeing MisleadMisteachingFood For Other godsFood Offered To IdolsThey Committed Immoralityjezebel

Thou hast a few names also in Sardis which stained not their garments; and they shall walk about with me in white things: for they are worthy.

Verse ConceptsRest, EternalWalkingWorthinessWhite And Bright ClothesClothed With RighteousnessWhite ClothsClean ClothesFew PeopleFew In The KingdomWorthy PeopleThe Environment