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And it will be after this, and the king of the sons of Ammon will die, and Hanun his son will reign in his stead.

And Absalom rose early and stood by the hand of the way of the gate: and it will be every man which shall be to him strife coming to the king for judgment, and Absalom will call to him and say, Where, from what city thou? And he will say, of one of the tribes of Israel is thy servant

Verse ConceptsGatesRoadsStanding In The GatewayThose Who Rose EarlyWhere From?

Jehovah turned back upon thee Belial all the bloods of the house of Saul of whom thou didst reign in his stead; and Jehovah will give the kingdom into the hand of Absalom thy son; and behold thee in thine evil, for a man of bloods art thou.

Verse ConceptsGod Makes Evil ReboundKings Of All Israel Or Judah

And a man from Joab's boys stood by him, and he will say, Who delighted in Joab, and who that is for David, after Joab.

Verse ConceptsPeople Following People

And Amasa rolling in blood in the midst of the highway. And the man will see that all the people stood, and he will turn Amasa from the highway to the field, and he will cast upon him a garment when he saw all coming by him and standing.

Verse ConceptsMotionlessnessComing To RestCovered With BloodTragedy On The StreetsCorpses Of Other People