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'Let us draw off Their cords, And cast from us Their thick bands.'

On Thee I have been cast from the womb, From the belly of my mother Thou art my God.

When he falleth, he is not cast down, For Jehovah is sustaining his hand.

For thou art the God of my strength. Why hast Thou cast me off? Why mourning do I go up and down, In the oppression of an enemy?

In anger Thou hast cast off and causest us to blush, And goest not forth with our hosts.

Stir up -- why dost Thou sleep, O Lord? Awake, cast us not off for ever.

To the Overseer. -- 'Concerning the Lily of Testimony,' a secret treasure of David, to teach, in his striving with Aram-Naharaim, and with Aram-Zobah, and Joab turneth back and smiteth Edom in the valley of Salt -- twelve thousand. O God, Thou hadst cast us off, Thou hadst broken us -- hadst been angry! -- Thou dost turn back to us.

Moab is my pot for washing, over Edom I cast my shoe, Shout, concerning me, O Philistia.

Is it not Thou, O God? hast Thou cast us off? And dost Thou not go forth, O God, with our hosts!

Till when do ye devise mischief against a man? Ye are destroyed all of you, As a wall inclined, a hedge that is cast down.

An Instruction of Asaph. Why, O God, hast Thou cast off for ever? Thine anger smoketh against the flock of Thy pasture.

To the ages doth the Lord cast off? Doth He add to be pleased no more?

A vine out of Egypt Thou dost bring, Thou dost cast out nations, and plantest it.

And Thou, Thou hast cast off, and dost reject, Thou hast shown Thyself wroth With Thine anointed,

Hast caused him to cease from his brightness, And his throne to the earth hast cast down.

From Thine indignation and Thy wrath, For Thou hast lifted me up, And dost cast me down.

Moab is a pot for my washing, Upon Edom I cast my shoe, Over Philistia I shout habitually.

Hast not Thou, O God, cast us off? And Thou goest not out, O God, with our hosts!

They cause to fall on themselves burning coals, Into fire He doth cast them, Into deep pits -- they arise not.