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And their feet a straight foot; and the sole of their feet as the sole of a calf's foot; and sparkling as the appearance of polished brass.

And if thou hast admonished the unjust one, and he turned not back from his evil and from his way of injustice; he shall die in his iniquity and thou deliveredst thy soul.

And if thou admonishedst the just for the just not to sin, and he sin not, living, he shall live, for he was admonished; and thou didst deliver thy soul.

And saying, Ah, Lord Jehovah behold, my soul not being defiled: and a carcass and the torn in pieces I ate not from my youth and even till now; there came not flesh of uncleanness into my mouth.

And mine anger was completed, and I caused my wrath to rest upon them, and I was comforted: and they shall know that I Jehovah spake in my zeal in my completing my wrath upon them.

For he selling shall not turn back to the sale, and it was in their yet living: for the vision for all her multitude; it shall not turn back, and a man shall not be strengthened in his iniquity of his life.

The old man, the young man, and the virgin, and little ones, and women, ye shall slay to destruction: and every man which upon him the mark, ye shall not touch; and ye shall begin from my holy place. And they will begin upon the old men which are before the house

And Noah, Daniel, and Job, in its midst, I live, says the Lord Jehovah, if son if daughter they shall deliver; they by their justice shall deliver their soul.

No eye spared upon thee to do one of these to thee, to pity upon thee; and thou wilt be east to the face of the field in loathing of thy soul in the day of bringing thee forth.

And behold, I stretched forth my hand upon thee, and I will take away thy law, and I will give thee to the soul of those hating thee, the daughters of the rovers, being ashamed of thy way of wickedness.

The soul sinning, it shall die. The son shall not bear for the iniquity of the father, and the father shall not bear for the iniquity of the son: the justice of the just one shall be upon him, and the injustice of the unjust one shall be upon him.

And in the unjust one turning back from his injustice which he did; and he will do judgment and justice, he shall save his soul alive.

A conspiracy of her prophets in her midst as a roaring lion rending the prey; they consumed the soul; they will take the wealth and the precious thing; they multiplied her widows in her midst

They uncovered her nakedness: they took her sons and her daughters and slew them with the sword: and she will be a name to women, and they did judgments upon her.

And the sons of Babel will come to her to the bed of loves, and defile her with their fornications, and she will be defiled with them, and her soul will be rent away from them.

And she will uncover her fornications, and she will uncover her nakedness: and my soul will be rent away from her, as my soul was rent away from her sister.

For this, O Aholibah, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Behold me raising up those loving thee, against thee, whom thy soul was rent away from them, and I brought them against thee from round about

For thus said the Lord Jehovah: Behold me giving thee into the hand of whom thou didst hate, into the hand of whom thy soul was rent away from them.

And the convocation stoned upon them with stone, and cut them down with: their swords; they will slay their sons and their daughters, and their houses they will burn in fire.

Say to the house of Israel, Thus said the Lord Jehovah, Behold me profaning my holy place, the excellency of your strength, the desire of your eyes, and the pity of your soul, and your sons and your daughters whom ye left, shall fall by the sword.

And thou son of man, was it not in the day, I took from them their strength, the joy of their glory the desire of their eyes, the lifting up of their soul, their sons and their daughters.

For thus said the Lord Jehovah: Because of thy striking the hand and thy stamping with the foot and thou wilt rejoice in soul with all contempt against the land of Israel

Thy daughters in the field he shall slay with the sword: and he gave a watch-tower against thee, and he threw up a mound against thee, and lifted up the buckler against thee.

With the hoofs of his horses he will tread down all thy streets: he will slay thy people with the sword, and the garrisons of thy strength shall go down to the earth.

Javan, Tubal and Meshech, they thy merchants: they gave from thy traffic in the soul of man, and vessels of brass.

And they made themselves bald with baldness for thee, and they girded themselves with sackcloth, and they wept for thee with bitterness of soul and bitter wailing.

Son of man, lift up a lamentation over the king of Tyre, and say to him, Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Thou didst seal up the measure full of wisdom and complete of beauty.

And I caused many peoples to be astonished over thee, and kings shall shudder with shuddering over thee in my brandishing my sword over their faces; and they trembled at the moments each for his soul in the day of thy fall.

He heard the voice of the trumpet, and he took not warning; his blood shall be upon him. He taking warning delivered his soul.

And if the watchman shall see the sword coming, and he struck not upon the trumpet, and the people were not warned; and the sword shall come and take a soul from them, he was taken away in his iniquity, and his blood I will seek from the watchman's hand.

And thou, if thou warnedst the unjust from his way to turn back from it, and be turned not back from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; and thou didst deliver thy soul.

For this, thus said the Lord Jehovah: If not in the fire of my jealousy I spake against the rest of the nations and against all Edom who gave my land to them for a possession with joy of all the heart, with contempt of soul for casting it out for plunder.

And the cell and its entrance by the posts of the gates, there they will cleanse the burnt-offering.

And he will speak to me, This the cell whose face the way of the south, for the priests watching the watches of the house.

And the cell whose face the way of the north, for the priests watching the watches of the altar: they the sons of Zadok drawing near from the sons of Levi, to Jehovah to serve him.

And he will bring me forth to the enclosure without, the way a way of the north: and he will bring me to the cell which was over against the separated place, and which was over against the building to the north.

And it was every living soul that shall creep, to all where the two torrents shall come there, shall live: and there was very many fish, because these waters came there: and they shall be healed and all lived where the torrent shall come there.

And they shall not sell from it. and it shall not be exchanged, and he shall not cause the first-fruits to pane away, for it is holy to Jehovah.