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Upon arriving at the house where they were staying, they went upstairs. [Those present were]: Peter, John, James, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, James, the son of Alpheus, Simon the Zealous [one] and Judas, the son of James. [Note: Judas Iscariot, the twelfth apostle, had already committed suicide].

Verse ConceptsStairwaysZealAndrewPrayer MeetingsUpper RoomsGuest Roomszealots

And during this time Peter stood up to speak to a gathering of about one hundred twenty persons.

Verse ConceptsBelieversA Hundred And Somegroupsgoodbyes

But Peter [responded by] standing up with the eleven [other] apostles and, lifting up his voice, began to speak. He said, "People of Judea and all who live in Jerusalem, listen to what I am saying so you will understand this situation.

Verse ConceptsExplanationsCrowdsListeningPeter, The ApostleRevival, PersonalElevenPay Attention To People!uncertainty

Now when the people heard this message [of Peter and the other apostles, See verse 14], they were convicted [of its truth] in their hearts and said to Peter and the other apostles, "Brothers, what shall we do [about our condemned condition]?"

Verse ConceptsConviction, Leading To RepentanceGoadsEmotions, Kinds OfHeart, Fallen And RedeemedPeter, The ApostleRegretRevival, PersonalSuffering, Emotional Aspects OfTeachablenessConviction Of SinDoing God's WorksThe Apostles In Action

So, Peter testified and urged the crowd with many additional words, saying, "Save yourselves from [the condemnation coming on] this sinful generation [by responding to this message]."

Verse ConceptsCorruption, Of HumanityCommitment, to the worldevil, believers' responses toGenerationsImportunity, Towards PeopleSafetyWarningCharacter Of WickedEvil GenerationsCivilizationSaving OneselfSubsequent Witness To Christ

Now Peter and John were going to the Temple at three o'clock one afternoon [Note: Jewish time calculations are employed here], during the regular [Jewish] prayer hour.

Verse ConceptsFamily SolidarityCeremoniesHourWorship, Times ForPrayer Meetings3 PmDisciples In The TempleWhen To PrayThe First TemplePrayingpartnership

When he saw Peter and John about to enter the Temple he asked them [also] for money.

Verse ConceptsMoney, Uses Of

Peter looked directly at the man and, together with John, said [to him], "Look [at me]."

Verse ConceptsLooking Intently At People

But instead, Peter said, "I do not have any money [i.e., silver or gold], but I will give you what I do have. In the name of Jesus from Nazareth [i.e., by His authority], get up and walk."

Verse ConceptsCuresGoldMaterialism, As An Aspect Of SinMoney, Attitudes ToThe Healed WalkingIn The Name Of ChristGiving To The PoorLacking MoneyGiving Without Expecting ReturnNever Giving Uppeter

And Peter took him by his right hand and lifted him up. Immediately the man's feet and ankles became strong [enough to walk on].

Verse ConceptsCripplesFeetMiracles Of PeterPersonal ContactGod Strengthening PeopleTaking By The HandCare Of FeetBlessings For The Right Hand

He [then] jumped up, stood on his feet and began to walk. And [as] he entered the Temple with Peter and John he was able to walk and [even] jump, while praising God [for his complete healing].

Verse ConceptsLeapingGesturesDeliverance, Response ToMiracles, Responses ToThe Healed WalkingPeople JumpingSpecific Praising Of Godjumping

And as this [former] crippled man stayed close beside Peter and John, all the people rushed toward them at "Solomon's Portico" [Note: This was a large covered area, with rows of columns, on the side of the Temple enclosure], completely astonished [at what had happened].

Verse ConceptsSolomon, Life OfPorchesClinging To PeopleGateways Of The TempleGroups Running

And when Peter saw [the crowd assembling] he gave this explanation: "Men of Israel, why are you so shocked at [what happened to] this man? And why are you gazing at us, as though it were by our power or godly qualities that we caused him to walk?

Verse ConceptsPower Through GodPeter, The ApostleThe Healed WalkingLooking Intently At Peoplepietysurprises

So, these [Jewish] leaders arrested Peter and John and put them in jail until the next day because it was [already] evening.

Verse ConceptsInjustice, Nature And Source OfSuffering, Of BelieversThe Next DayEvenings For Jesus And His Disciples

And when these men had Peter and John brought before them, they asked, "By whose authority or in what name have you done this thing [i.e., healed the crippled man]?"

Verse ConceptsHigh Priest, In NtPower, HumanIn The Name Of Christmagic

And when they saw the healed man standing there with Peter and John, there was nothing they could say [to refute the obvious miracle].

Verse Conceptsevangelism, kinds ofSilenceLiving WitnessesSeeing People

But when the Council [of Jewish leaders] made Peter and John leave [the meeting], they discussed the matter among themselves,

Verse ConceptsCommands, in NTDiscussionsGroups Sent Away

And so they called Peter and John in and warned them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus [anymore].

Verse Conceptsenemies, of believersSpeaking In Christ's NameMen's OrdersTeaching The Way Of Godpreaching

So, after Peter and John were released, they went [back to the other disciples] and reported everything the leading priests and elders [of the Jews] had said to them.

Verse ConceptsChief priestsPeople Set Free By PeopleTelling What People Saidelders

And Peter said to her, "Tell me, did you sell the land for such and such a price?" She answered, "Yes, we did."

Verse ConceptsAssenting

[One of the miracles performed was that] sick people were even carried into the streets on beds and couches so that, as he passed them, Peter's shadow would fall on someone [in hope of it producing a miraculous healing].

Verse ConceptsShadowsBedsUsing RoadsPeople Carrying Live PeopleHope And Healing

Now when the apostles in Jerusalem heard that the people of Samaria had responded to the message of God, they sent Peter and John to them.

Verse ConceptsMissionaries, Support ForAcceptance, Of The GospelThe Apostles In ActionAcceptance

But Peter said to him, "You and your money will both be destroyed for thinking you could buy the gift from God with money.

Verse ConceptsBuying and sellingPeter, The ApostlePurchasingMoneyThe Holy Spirit Described As God's GiftBuying God's GiftGod Giving FreelyMoney Blessings

When Peter and John had testified [regarding the truth] and had proclaimed the message of God [to the people] they returned to Jerusalem, preaching the good news [about Jesus] in many Samaritan villages [on their way back].

Verse Conceptsevangelists, identity ofLordship, Human And DivineVillagesThe Gospel PreachedIndividuals going homeevangelizing

Then after that, Peter traveled throughout the entire region until he came down to visit God's holy people who lived in Lydda. [Note: This was a town on the west coast of Palestine].

Verse ConceptsSaintsVisiting

Peter said to him, "Aeneas, Jesus Christ is healing you, so get up and make your bed." And immediately he got up [out of his bed, completely healed].

Verse ConceptsHealingPeter, The ApostleMiracles Of PeterBedsGet Up!Jesus Healing

And since Lydda was very close to Joppa, the disciples [at Joppa], hearing that Peter was at Lydda [See verse 32], sent two men there to urge him, "Do not delay your coming [here] to us."

Verse ConceptsTwo Disciples

So, Peter got up and went with them. When he arrived they took him to the upstairs room [where Dorcas' body lay]. All the widows [i.e., her friends] stood near Peter, crying and showing [him] the coats and [other] clothing which Dorcas had made when she was alive.

Verse ConceptsClothBereavement, Experience OfStairwaysDressMournersWidowsClothing The NeedyOuter GarmentsInner GarmentsActual WidowsUpper RoomsMourning The Death Of Otherssisterhood

Then Peter asked them all to leave [the room]; he knelt down and prayed over her body, saying, "Tabitha, get up." She opened her eyes, and when she saw Peter, she sat up.

Verse ConceptsAnswered PrayerKneelingPrayer, Answers ToPrayer, In The ChurchPrayer, Practicalities OfMiracles Of PeterReceiving SightGet Up!Groups Sent AwayPeople Getting UpNamed Individuals Who Prayed

Peter then reached out his hand and raised her up; he called the saints [i.e., God's holy people] and the widows [back into the room] and presented her [to them] alive.

Verse ConceptsAlive, Description OfBelieversPersonal ContactTaking By The HandActual WidowsOthers Summoning

And Peter lived for some time in Joppa with Simon, who was an [animal hide] tanner.

Verse ConceptsTanningOccupations

And now send men to Joppa to get Simon Peter;

As they were traveling the next day, and were coming close to the city [of Joppa], Peter went up about noontime [Note: Or

Verse ConceptsNoonPrayer, Practicalities OfRoofHousetopsSecret PrayerRooftopWhere To Pray

A voice then directed Peter with the words, "Get up; kill and eat [one of] them."

Verse ConceptsGathering FoodKilling Wild AnimalsGet Up!Rising

But Peter answered, "No, Lord, I cannot. I have never eaten any such ordinary or [ceremonially] unfit creatures."

Verse ConceptsHoliness,  Worldly SeparationUnclean SpiritsFar Be It!Forbidden FoodLack Of HolinessDefilementEating Meatporkbugspeter

Now while Peter was much perplexed over the meaning of this vision, the men sent by Cornelius, having learned where Simon [the tanner] lived, arrived at the gate [of his house],

Verse ConceptsGatesComing To GatesAsking Particular QuestionsPuzzlementPeople Sending People

While Peter was thinking about [the meaning of] the vision, the Holy Spirit said to him, "Look, there are three men [here] looking for you.

Verse ConceptsMind, Of ChristThe Spirit SpeakingThose Looking For People

So, Peter went down to the men and said, "I am the one you are looking for. Why have you come here?"

Verse ConceptsThis Is MeWhy Do Others Do This?

So, Peter invited them to stay [for the night]. The next day Peter got up and went with the men, [who were] accompanied by certain [Christian] brothers from Joppa.

Verse Conceptsevangelists, ministry ofInvitationsGoing TogetherWelcoming Other People

When Peter entered [the house] Cornelius met him and fell down at his feet [and attempted] to worship him.

Verse ConceptsAdoration, FalseFeetReverence, And Social Behaviourreverence

But Peter lifted him up, saying, "I am just a man, myself."

Verse ConceptsUnbelief, Sourced InWorshiping Togethermyself

As they talked, Peter went into the house and found many people gathered together [there].

Verse ConceptsDealing With Many PeopleWhile Still Speaking

Therefore, send [men] to Joppa and ask for Simon Peter to come to you. He is staying at the house of Simon, a tanner [of animal hides] who lives close to the [Mediterranean] sea.'

Verse ConceptsGuestsHospitality, Examples OfSeashoresStaying Temporarily

While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit descended upon all those who were listening to this message [i.e., Cornelius and his household].

Verse ConceptsBaptism Of The Holy SpiritGiftsPreaching, Importance OfSpiritual UnderstandingWhile Still Speakingghosts

And the believers of Jewish descent, who had come with Peter, were amazed [when they saw] that the gift of the Holy Spirit had [now] been poured out on the Gentiles also.

Verse ConceptsCircumcision, physicalGenerosity, God'sBelieversPrejudiceAstonishmentThe Gentiles ConversionThe Holy Spirit Described As God's Gift

For [as evidence of it] they heard them speaking in [other] languages [supernaturally] and lifting up God [in praise]. Peter then said,

Verse ConceptsBaptism Of The Holy SpiritCharismatic IssuesSpecific Praising Of God

So, Peter commanded them to be immersed in the name of Jesus Christ. Then Cornelius and his household asked Peter to stay on for a number of days.

Verse ConceptsBaptism, practice ofCommands, in NTHospitality, Examples OfChristian Baptism

And when Peter came up to Jerusalem, those [believers] of Jewish descent began to argue with him,

Verse ConceptsCircumcision, physicalDisputes

Then Peter began to explain the whole matter to them, step by step, saying,

Verse ConceptsOrderly Accounts

and he told us about seeing an angel standing in his house and saying [to him] 'Send to Joppa for Simon Peter and bring him [here]

Verse ConceptsAngels, as God's messengers

When he realized that this act pleased the Jews, he proceeded to have Peter arrested also. [This happened] during the Festival of Unleavened Bread [See Exodus 12:15ff].

Verse ConceptsFeast Of Unleavened BreadPublic Opinion

So, Peter was arrested and put in jail with four groups of four soldiers each guarding him. Herod planned to have him brought before the people after the Passover Festival was over.

Verse ConceptsGuardsImprisonmentsPassoverPrisonersPunishment, Legal Aspects OfSoldiersFour GroupsEasterPeople Releasing Othersjail

Then on the night that Herod was planning to have him brought [before the court], Peter was asleep, chained between two soldiers, with guards stationed at the jail doors.

Verse ConceptsLeisure, And PastimesSleep, PhysicalGod Is ImmanentIron ChainsDuring One NightTwo Other ThingsTwo Other MenSleeping Peacefullytrailsjail

[Then it happened]: [Suddenly] an angel from the Lord stood beside Peter as a light shone into his cell. [The angel] gently struck his side, waking him up, saying, "Get up quickly." His chains fell from his hands.

Verse ConceptsAngel of the LordExamples Of EscapingDeliverance, Means OfArmsLight, NaturalHeaven And AngelsShiningIron ChainsGod Beating PeopleLight In The WorldGet Up!God Freeing CaptivesSide Of PeopleSleeping PeacefullyBreaking Chainsjail

Then when Peter realized what had actually happened, he said, "Now I know for certain that [it was] the Lord who sent His angel to rescue me from Herod's custody and from all that the Jewish people had planned [to do to me]."

Verse ConceptsSafetySelf KnowledgeAngels Doing God's WorkChrist Sendingexpectations

When Peter knocked at the entryway door, a young woman named Rhoda answered.

Verse ConceptsKnockinganswers

And when she recognized Peter's voice [speaking to her from outside], she ran back in [to where the prayer group was assembled] without even opening the door, and joyously told them that it was Peter [knocking].

Verse ConceptsVoicesExcitementThe Act Of OpeningOpening GatesRecognising People

But Peter continued to knock and when they [finally] opened [the door] they saw that it [really] was Peter and were amazed.

Verse ConceptsImportunity, Towards PeopleMiracles, Responses ToUnceasingAlways Being ActiveThe Act Of OpeningOpening To OthersKnocking

Now as soon as it got daylight there was a lot of commotion among the soldiers over what had become of Peter.

Verse ConceptsMorningGroups Trembling

And after many questions were asked [about it] Peter stood up and addressed the assembly [including the former Pharisees who were now brothers]: "Brothers, you are aware that some time ago God decided that, from among your number, it would be through my ministry that the Gentiles would hear and believe the Gospel message.

Verse Conceptsevangelists, identity ofevangelists, ministry ofHeraldLipsDissensionDisputesMissionary ExamplesThe Gentiles ConversionPreaching Gospel To ForeignersForeigners Saved By FaithChosen DisciplesSpeaking With The Mouth

Symeon [i.e., Peter] reported how God first sent [someone to preach] to the Gentiles in order to reach a group of them [with the Gospel message] for His name.

Verse ConceptsFirst Among The GentilesOther References To God's Name

After we had [reluctantly] left [the Ephesian elders] and set sail, we traveled straight [south] to Cos [i.e., a small island] and the next day to Rhodes [i.e., another island], and from there on to Patara [i.e., a seaport town on the southern coast of the province of Asia Minor].

Verse ConceptsIslandsStraight Pathssailinggoodbyes