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While they were speaking to the people, the priests, the captain of the temple, and the Sadduces came upon them,

now while the time was approaching to accomplish what God had sworn to Abraham, the people grew numerous in Egypt,

the mean while the men who accompany'd him, remain'd astonish'd, hearing a voice, but seeing no one.

Peter immediately went with them, and when he was come, they conducted him to the upper chamber: and all the widows advanc'd to him weeping, and shew'd the robes and garments which Dorcas made while she was with them.

and being seiz'd with hunger, he would have had something to eat: but while they were making it ready, he fell into a trance,

While Peter was perplexed about the signification of this vision, the messengers from Cornelius having enquir'd out Simon's house, arriv'd at the gate,

then Cornelius said, it is now four days ago that I was fasting, and while I was at prayers in my house, about the ninth hour, a man in bright attire presented himself before me,

and while I was speaking to them, the holy spirit descended upon them, as it did on us, at the beginning.

now the very night preceding the day which Herod design'd for his execution, Peter bound with two chains, was sleeping between two soldiers, while the other guards secured the prison door; when an angel of

While Paul was expecting them at Athens, he was grieved to the soul to see the whole city o'er-spread with idols.

and as Paul continued his discourse a great while, a young man, named Eutychus, who was sitting in the window, was seiz'd with a deep sleep, which quite o'er-came him; so that he fell down from the third story, and was taken up dead.

while they were waiting for day, Paul advis'd the whole company to take some refreshment: "these fourteen days, said he, you have been very abstemious, and not made a meal:

however, they expected to have seen him swell, or suddenly die away. but when they had waited a good while, and saw no harm come to him, they were of another opinion, and said he was a God.