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Wake up, rally what is still left to you, though it is on the very point of death; for I find nothing you have done is complete in the eyes of my God.

Now remember what you received and heard, hold to it and repent. If you will not wake up, I shall come like a thief; you will not know at what hour I come upon you.

also in front of the throne there is like a sea of glass, resembling crystal. And on each side of the throne, all round it, four living Creatures full of eyes inside and outside;

And when it took the scroll, the four living Creatures and the four and twenty Presbyters fell down before the Lamb, each with his harp and with golden bowls full of incense (that is, full of the prayers of the saints),

And away went another red horse; its rider was allowed to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other; he was given a huge sword.

The twelve gates are twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl; and the streets of the City are pure gold, clear as crystal.