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And Heber the Kenite separated himself from Kain, from the sons of Hobab, father-in law of Moses, and he will stretch out his tent even to the oak in Zaanaim which is at Kadesh.

And a messenger of Jehovah will come and sit under an oak which is in Ophrah, which is to Joash, father of Ezri: and Gideon his son threshed wheat in the wine press to place in safety from the face of Midian.

And Gideon went in, and he will do a kid of the goats, and an ephah of flour of unleavened: the flesh he put in a basket, and he put the broth in a pot, and he will bring forth to him under the oak and will bring near.

And they will say, Giving, we will give. And they will spread a garment, and they will cast there each the rings of his spoil.

And all the lords of Shechem will gather together, and all the House of the Rampart, and they will make Abimelech king, by the Oak of the Pillar which is in Shechem.

And Gaal will add to speak, and will say, Behold, people coming down from the height of the land, and one head coming from the way of the oak of Meonenim.

And also all the people will cut each a bough, and will go after Abimelech, and they will put upon the tower, and will set the tower on fire upon them, and all the men of the tower of Shechem will die; about a thousand men and women.

And the men of Israel will see that Abimelech died, and they will go each to his place.

And the princes of Philisteim will come up and will say to her, Persuade him, and see in what is his great strength, and in what we shall prevail against him, and bind him to humble him: and we give to thee each a thousand and a hundred of silver.

And Samson will say to her, If they shall bind me with seven moist cords that were not dried, and I was weak and shall be as another man.

And he will say to her, If binding, they shall bind me with new cords which work was not done with them, and I was weak and was as another man.

And he will announce to her all his heart, and he will say to her, A razor came not up upon my head, for I am devoted to God from my mother's womb: if I were shaved, and my strength removed from me, and I was weak, and was as all men.

And see, and behold, if the daughters of Shiloh shall come forth to dance in dances, and come ye out from the vineyards and catch for yourselves each his wife from the daughters of Shiloh) and go to the land of Benjamin.