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See mine affliction and my labor, and let go to all my sins.

See mine enemies, for they were many, and they hated me with the hatred of violence.

TO David. Judge me, O Jehovah, for I went in mine integrity, and in Jehovah I trusted: I shall not waver.

For thy mercy is before mine eyes, and I walked about in thy truth.

Thou wilt not gather my soul with the sinning, and my life with men of bloods:

And now he will lift up my head over mine enemies round about me: and I will sacrifice in his tent sacrifices of rejoicing; I will sing and I will play on the harp to Jehovah.

Chanting a song of consecration of the house of David. I will exalt thee, O Jehovah, for thou didst draw me out, and thou didst not gladden mine enemies to me.

I will rejoice and be glad in thy mercy, for thou sawest mine affliction; thou knewest my soul in straits;

Pity me, O Jehovah, for straits are to me: mine eye fell away; with trouble my soul and my belly.

For my life was finished in sorrow, and my years in sighing: my strength was weak in mine iniquity, and my bones fell away.

From all mine enemies I was a reproach, and greatly to my neighbors, and a fear to those knowing me: they seeing me without fled from me.

How much thy goodness which thou didst conceal for them fearing thee; thou didst work for those putting their trust in thee before the sons of man.

Thou wilt cover them in the covering of thy face from the snares of man: thou wilt conceal them in the booth from the strife of tongues.

Mine enemies shall not rejoice over me for falsehood: they hating me gratuitously shall pinch the eye.

For mine iniquities passed over my head: as a heavy lifting up they will be loaded above me.

For I will announce mine iniquity: I shall be afraid for my sin.

And they requiting evil for good will be mine adversaries, for my pursuing Thou Thou wilt not forsake me, O Jehovah: my God, thou wilt not remove far off from me.

Behold, thou gavest my days a hand-breadth, and my life as nothing before thee: but every man stood all vanity. Silence.

With corrections for iniquity thou didst correct man, and thou wilt melt down as a moth his beauty: surely every man is vanity. Silence.

For evils even not being numbered encompassed about me: mine inquities overtook me, and I was not able to see; they were numerous above the hairs of my head, and my heart forsook me.

Mine enemies will say evil to me: When shall he die, and his name perish?

By this I knew that thou didst delight in me, for mine enemy will not shout over me.

Judge me, O God, and contend my contention from a nation not godly: from the man of deceit and iniquity thou wilt deliver me.

Thou wert very beautiful above the sons of man: grace was poured forth by thy lips: for this God praised thee forever.

Also ye sons of Adam, also ye sons of man together, ye rich and needy.

I will incline mine ear to a parable: I will open my enigma upon the harp.

A man redeeming shall not redeem the brother, he shall not give to God his ransom:

For from all straits he delivered me, and mine eyes looked upon my enemies.

And thou, O God, wilt bring them down to the well of destruction: men of bloods and deceit shall not halve their days; and I will trust in thee.

To the overseer for the silent dove of those far off: to David, a poem in the rovers taking him in Gath. Compassionate me, O God, for man panted after me; warring all the day, he will press me.

Mine enemies panted after me all the day: for many warring against me proudly.

Then will mine enemies turn back in the day I shall call: this I knew, that God is for me.

My soul is in the midst of lions: I shall lie down with the flaming, the sons of man, their teeth spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword.

To the overseer, Thou wilt not destroy; to David a poem. Will ye indeed speak dumb justice? will ye judge justly, ye sons of man?

And man shall say, Truly, fruit to the just one: truly there is a God judging in the earth.

To the overseer, Thou wilt not destroy, to David a poem; in Saul sending, and they will watch the house to kill him. Deliver me from mine enemies, O God: thou wilt set me on high from those rising up against me.

Deliver me from those working vanity, and save me from men of bloods.

My God, his mercy shall anticipate me: God shall cause me to look upon mine enemies.

How long will ye set upon a man? ye will kill all of you: as a wall inclining, a wall thrust down.

Surely the sons of man vanity, the sons of man falsehood: to be brought up into the balances, they together of vanity.

And all men shall fear, and they shall announce the work of God: and they shall look at his doing.

Thou didst cause men to ride upon our head; we went through fire and through water: and thou wilt bring us forth to abundance.

Thou didst go up to height, thou didst take captive captivity: thou didst receive gifts in man, also those turning away, for Jehovah God to dwell.

Draw near to my soul, redeem it: ransom me on account of mine enemies.

Thou knewest my reproach and my shame, and my disgrace: all mine adversaries are before thee.

For mine enemies said to me, and they watching my soul took counsel together,

And they shall fear thee with the sun and before the moon, generation of generations.

The just one shall break forth in his days, and a multitude of peace even till no moon.

They are not in the trouble of men, and with man they shall not be struck.

And I shall think to know this, it is labor in mine eyes.

The mighty of heart were spoiled, they slumbered their sleep: and all the men of strength found not their hands.

For the wrath of man shall praise thee: the remainder of wrath thou wilt gird up.

Thou didst hold mine eyes watching: I was moved, and I will not speak.

And he will rain upon them manna to eat, and he gave the grain of the heavens to them.

Man ate the bread of the strong: he sent to them provision to fulness.

And he cast off the tent of Shiloh, the tent he pitched among man.

Thy hand shall be upon the man of thy right hand, upon the son of man thou madest Strong for thee.