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And you may not have sex relations with a beast, making yourself unclean with it; and a woman may not give herself to a beast: it is an unnatural act.

Do not make yourself unclean in any of these ways; for so have those nations whom I am driving out from before you made themselves unclean:

So then keep my rules and my decisions, and do not do any of these disgusting things, those of you who are Israelites by birth, or any others who are living with you:

So that the land may not put you out from it, when you make it unclean, as it put out the nations which were there before you.

So then, keep my orders, so that you may not do any of these disgusting things which were done before you, or make yourselves unclean through them: I am the Lord your God.

Do not go after false gods, and do not make metal images of gods for yourselves: I am the Lord your God.

If any of it is used for food on the third day, it is a disgusting thing and will not be pleasing to the Lord.

And when you get in the grain from your land, do not let all the grain be cut from the edges of the field, or take up what has been dropped on the earth after the getting in of the grain.

And do not take all the grapes from your vine-garden, or the fruit dropped on the earth; let the poor man, and the man from another country, have these: I am the Lord your God.

Keep my laws. Do not let your cattle have offspring by those of a different sort; do not put mixed seed into your field; do not put on a robe made of two sorts of cloth.

If any man has sex relations with a servant-woman who has given her word to be married to a man, and has not been made free for a price or in any other way, the thing will be looked into; but they will not be put to death because she was not a free woman.

And when you have come into the land, and have put in all sorts of fruit-trees, their fruit will be as if they had not had circumcision, and for three years their fruit may not be used for food.

Do not make your daughter common by letting her become a loose woman, for fear that the land may become full of shame.

And if a man from another country is living in your land with you, do not make life hard for him;

And if the people of the land do not take note of that man when he gives his offspring to Molech, and do not put him to death,

And you may not have sex connection with your mother's sister or your father's sister, for they are his near relations: their sin will be on them.

So then, keep my rules and my decisions and do them, so that the land which I am giving you as your resting-place may not violently send you out again.

And do not keep the rules of the nations which I am driving out before you; for they did all these things, and for that reason my soul was turned against them.

So then, make division between the clean beast and the unclean, and between the clean bird and the unclean: do not make yourselves disgusting by any beast or bird or anything which goes flat on the earth, which has been marked by me as unclean for you.

But let him, being a chief among his people, not make himself unclean in such a way as to put shame on himself.

Let them be holy to their God and not make the name of their God common; for the fire offerings of the Lord and the bread of their God are offered by them, and they are to be holy.

They may not take as wife a loose or common woman, or one who has been put away by her husband: for the priest is holy to his God.

And he who is the chief priest among his brothers, on whose head the holy oil has been put, who is marked out to put on the holy robes, may not let his hair go loose or have his clothing out of order as a sign of sorrow.

He may not go out of the holy place or make the holy place of his God common; for the crown of the holy oil of his God is on him: I am the Lord.

A widow, or one whose husband has put her away, or a common woman of loose behaviour, may not be the wife of a priest; but let him take a virgin from among his people.

And he may not make his seed unclean among his people, for I the Lord have made him holy.

Say to Aaron, If a man of your family, in any generation, is damaged in body, let him not come near to make the offering of the bread of his God.

For any man whose body is damaged may not come near: one who is blind, or has not the use of his legs, or one who has a broken nose or any unnatural growth,

No man of the offspring of Aaron whose body is damaged in any way may come near to give the fire offerings of the Lord: he is damaged, he may not come near to make the offerings.

But he may not go inside the veil or come near the altar, because he is damaged; and he may not make my holy places common; for I the Lord have made them holy.

Give orders to Aaron and to his sons to keep themselves separate from the holy things of the children of Israel which they give to me, and not to make my holy name common: I am the Lord,

Any person touching any such unclean thing will be unclean till evening, and may not take of the holy food till his flesh has been bathed in water;

And if the daughter of a priest is married to an outside person she may not take of the holy things which are lifted up as offerings.

And they may not make common the holy things which the children of Israel give to the Lord,

But anything which has a mark you may not give; it will not make you pleasing to the Lord.

Anything blind or broken or damaged or having any disease or any mark on it may not be offered to the Lord; you may not make an offering of it by fire on the altar to the Lord.

An ox or a lamb which has more or less than its natural parts, may be given as a free offering; but it will not be taken in payment of an oath.

An animal which has its sex parts damaged or crushed or broken or cut, may not be offered to the Lord; such a thing may not be done anywhere in your land.

And from one who is not an Israelite you may not take any of these for an offering to the Lord; for they are unclean, there is a mark on them, and the Lord will not be pleased with them.

Let it be used for food on the same day; do not keep any part of it till the morning: I am the Lord.

And do not make my holy name common; so that it may be kept holy by the children of Israel: I am the Lord who make you holy,

And when you get in the grain from your land, do not let all the grain at the edges of the field be cut, and do not take up the grain which has been dropped in the field; let that be for the poor, and for the man from another country: I am the Lord your God.

You may not do any sort of work: this is an order for ever through all your generations wherever you may be living.

And he who says evil against the name of the Lord will certainly be put to death; he will be stoned by all the people; the man who is not of your nation and one who is an Israelite by birth, whoever says evil against the holy Name is to be put to death.

But let the seventh year be a Sabbath of rest for the land, a Sabbath to the Lord; do not put seed into your land or have your vines cut.

That which comes to growth of itself may not be cut, and the grapes of your uncared-for vines may not be taken off; let it be a year of rest for the land.

Let this fiftieth year be the Jubilee: no seed may be planted, and that which comes to growth of itself may not be cut, and the grapes may not be taken from the uncared-for vines.

And if you say, Where will our food come from in the seventh year, when we may not put in seed, or get in the increase

But if he is not able to get it back for himself, then it will be kept by him who gave a price for it, till the year of Jubilee; and in that year it will go back to its first owner and he will have his property again.

And if he does not get it back by the end of the year, then the house in the town will become the property of him who gave the money for it, and of his children for ever; it will not go from him in the year of Jubilee.

And if a Levite does not give money to get back his property, his house in the town which was exchanged for money will come back to him in the year of Jubilee. For the houses of the towns of the Levites are their property among the children of Israel.

But the land on the outskirts of their towns may not be exchanged for money, for it is their property for ever.

And if your brother becomes poor and is not able to make a living, then you are to keep him with you, helping him as you would a man from another country who is living among you.

Do not take interest on the money which you let him have or on the food which you give him.

And if your brother becomes poor and gives himself to you for money, do not make use of him like a servant who is your property;

For they are my servants whom I took out from the land of Egypt; they may not become the property of another.

And they will be your children's heritage after you, to keep as their property; they will be your servants for ever; but you may not be hard masters to your countrymen, the children of Israel.

And he will be with him as a servant working for payment year by year; his master is not to be cruel to him before your eyes.

And if he is not made free in this way, he will go out in the year of Jubilee, he and his children with him.

And I will put my holy House among you, and my soul will not be turned away from you in disgust.

I am the Lord your God, who took you out of the land of Egypt so that you might not be servants to them; by me the cords of your yoke were broken and I made you go upright.

And if you go against my rules and if you have hate in your souls for my decisions and you do not do all my orders, but go against my agreement;

And if, even after these things, you will not give ear to me, then I will send you punishment seven times more for your sins.

And your strength will be used up without profit; for your land will not give her increase and the trees of the field will not give their fruit.

And if you still go against me and will not give ear to me, I will put seven times more punishments on you because of your sins.

And if by these things you will not be turned to me, but still go against me;

And if, after all this, you do not give ear to me, but go against me still,

But for all that, when they are in the land of their haters I will not let them go, or be turned away from them, or give them up completely; my agreement with them will not be broken, for I am the Lord their God.

It may not be changed in any way, a good given for a bad, or a bad for a good; if one beast is changed for another, the two will be holy.

And if it is any unclean beast, of which offerings are not made to the Lord, then let him take the beast before the priest;

But if he has no desire to get it back, or if he has given it for a price to another man, it may not be got back again.

And if a man gives to the Lord a field which he has got for money from another, which is not part of his heritage;

But a man may not give by oath to the Lord the first-fruits of cattle which are offered to the Lord: if it is an ox or a sheep it is the Lord's.

And if it is an unclean beast, then the owner of it may give money to get it back, in agreement with the value fixed by you, by giving a fifth more; or if it is not taken back, let it be given for money in agreement with your valuing.

Any man given completely to the Lord may not be got back: he is certainly to be put to death.

He may not make search to see if it is good or bad, or make any changes in it; and if he makes exchange of it for another, the two will be holy; he will not get them back again.

But the Levites, of the tribe of their fathers, were not numbered among them.

Only the tribe of Levi is not to be numbered among the children of Israel,

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