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Why do the nations rebel? Why are the countries devising plots that will fail?

Then he angrily speaks to them and terrifies them in his rage, saying,

So now, you kings, do what is wise; you rulers of the earth, submit to correction!

Give sincere homage! Otherwise he will be angry, and you will die because of your behavior, when his anger quickly ignites. How blessed are all who take shelter in him!

For the music director, to be accompanied by stringed instruments; a psalm of David. When I call out, answer me, O God who vindicates me! Though I am hemmed in, you will lead me into a wide, open place. Have mercy on me and respond to my prayer!

You men, how long will you try to turn my honor into shame? How long will you love what is worthless and search for what is deceptive? (Selah)

For the music director, to be accompanied by wind instruments; a psalm of David. Listen to what I say, Lord! Carefully consider my complaint!

Pay attention to my cry for help, my king and my God, for I am praying to you!

Lord, lead me in your righteousness because of those who wait to ambush me, remove the obstacles in the way in which you are guiding me!

But may all who take shelter in you be happy! May they continually shout for joy! Shelter them so that those who are loyal to you may rejoice!

For the music director, to be accompanied by stringed instruments, according to the sheminith style; a psalm of David. Lord, do not rebuke me in your anger! Do not discipline me in your raging fury!

A musical composition by David, which he sang to the Lord concerning a Benjaminite named Cush. O Lord my God, in you I have taken shelter. Deliver me from all who chase me! Rescue me!

Otherwise they will rip me to shreds like a lion; they will tear me to bits and no one will be able to rescue me.

may an enemy relentlessly chase me and catch me; may he trample me to death and leave me lying dishonored in the dust. (Selah)

May the evil deeds of the wicked come to an end! But make the innocent secure, O righteous God, you who examine inner thoughts and motives!

If a person does not repent, God sharpens his sword and prepares to shoot his bow.

He prepares to use deadly weapons against him; he gets ready to shoot flaming arrows.

See the one who is pregnant with wickedness, who conceives destructive plans, and gives birth to harmful lies --

For the music director, according to the gittith style; a psalm of David. O Lord, our Lord, how magnificent is your reputation throughout the earth! You reveal your majesty in the heavens above!

Of what importance is the human race, that you should notice them? Of what importance is mankind, that you should pay attention to them,

For the music director; according to the alumoth-labben style; a psalm of David. I will thank the Lord with all my heart! I will tell about all your amazing deeds!

I will be happy and rejoice in you! I will sing praises to you, O sovereign One!

The enemy's cities have been reduced to permanent ruins; you destroyed their cities; all memory of the enemies has perished.

The wicked are turned back and sent to Sheol; this is the destiny of all the nations that ignore God,

Rise up, Lord! Don't let men be defiant! May the nations be judged in your presence!

He says to himself, "I will never be upended, because I experience no calamity."

He lies in ambush in a hidden place, like a lion in a thicket; he lies in ambush, waiting to catch the oppressed; he catches the oppressed by pulling in his net.

Why does the wicked man reject God? He says to himself, "You will not hold me accountable."

You have taken notice, for you always see one who inflicts pain and suffering. The unfortunate victim entrusts his cause to you; you deliver the fatherless.

For the music director; by David. In the Lord I have taken shelter. How can you say to me, "Flee to a mountain like a bird!

For look, the wicked prepare their bows, they put their arrows on the strings, to shoot in the darkness at the morally upright.

For the music director; according to the sheminith style; a psalm of David. Deliver, Lord! For the godly have disappeared; people of integrity have vanished.

They say, "We speak persuasively; we know how to flatter and boast. Who is our master?"

for the wicked seem to be everywhere, when people promote evil.

For the music director; a psalm of David. How long, Lord, will you continue to ignore me? How long will you pay no attention to me?

I will sing praises to the Lord when he vindicates me.

The Lord looks down from heaven at the human race, to see if there is anyone who is wise and seeks God.

All those who behave wickedly do not understand -- those who devour my people as if they were eating bread, and do not call out to the Lord.

He does not slander, or do harm to others, or insult his neighbor.

He does not charge interest when he lends his money. He does not take bribes to testify against the innocent. The one who lives like this will never be upended.

their troubles multiply, they desire other gods. I will not pour out drink offerings of blood to their gods, nor will I make vows in the name of their gods.

A prayer of David. Lord, consider my just cause! Pay attention to my cry for help! Listen to the prayer I sincerely offer!

I carefully obey your commands; I do not deviate from them.

Accomplish awesome, faithful deeds, you who powerfully deliver those who look to you for protection from their enemies.

They attack me, now they surround me; they intend to throw me to the ground.

He is like a lion that wants to tear its prey to bits, like a young lion crouching in hidden places.

Rise up, Lord! Confront him! Knock him down! Use your sword to rescue me from the wicked man!

Lord, use your power to deliver me from these murderers, from the murderers of this world! They enjoy prosperity; you overwhelm them with the riches they desire. They have many children, and leave their wealth to their offspring.

For the music director; by the Lord's servant David, who sang to the Lord the words of this song when the Lord rescued him from the power of all his enemies, including Saul. He said: "I love you, Lord, my source of strength!

In my distress I called to the Lord; I cried out to my God. From his heavenly temple he heard my voice; he listened to my cry for help.

He rescued me from my strong enemy, from those who hate me, for they were too strong for me.

They confronted me in my day of calamity, but the Lord helped me.

For I am aware of all his regulations, and I do not reject his rules.

You prove to be loyal to one who is faithful; you prove to be trustworthy to one who is innocent.

You prove to be reliable to one who is blameless, but you prove to be deceptive to one who is perverse.

I chase my enemies and catch them; I do not turn back until I wipe them out.

They cry out, but there is no one to help them; they cry out to the Lord, but he does not answer them.

When they hear of my exploits, they submit to me. Foreigners are powerless before me;

The one true God completely vindicates me; he makes nations submit to me.

So I will give you thanks before the nations, O Lord! I will sing praises to you!

Day after day it speaks out; night after night it reveals his greatness.

Yet its voice echoes throughout the earth; its words carry to the distant horizon. In the sky he has pitched a tent for the sun.

It emerges from the distant horizon, and goes from one end of the sky to the other; nothing can escape its heat.