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Let your ear be turned to me; take me quickly out of danger; be my strong Rock, my place of strength where I may be safe.

They were in great fear, where there was no cause for fear: for the bones of those who make war on you have been broken by God; you have put them to shame, because God has no desire for them.

O God, you are my God; early will I make my search for you: my soul is dry for need of you, my flesh is wasted with desire for you, as a dry and burning land where no water is;

My feet are deep in the soft earth, where there is no support; I have come into deep waters, the waves are flowing over me.

You put their feet where there was danger of slipping, so that they go down into destruction.

The little birds have places for themselves, where they may put their young, even your altars, O Lord of armies, my King and my God.

May there be knowledge of your wonders in the dark? or of your righteousness where memory is dead?

Lord, where are your earlier mercies? where is the oath which you made to David in unchanging faith?

Where the birds have their resting-places; as for the stork, the tall trees are her house.

There is the great, wide sea, where there are living things, great and small, more than may be numbered.

He puts an end to the pride of kings, and sends them wandering in the waste lands where there is no way.