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And the servants of the householder, coming near, said to him, - Sir! was it not, good seed, thou didst sow in thy field? Whence then hath it, darnel?

And, straightway, Jesus, stretching forth his hand, laid hold upon him and saith unto him - O little-of-faith! why didst thou doubt?

Then, calling him near, his master saith unto him - O wicked servant! All that debt, forgave I thee, because thou didst beseech me.

And, he, answering, unto one of them, said, - Friend! I wrong thee not: Was it not, for a denary, thou didst agree with me?

And he who the five talents had received, coming forward, brought other five talents, saying, - Lord! five talents, to me, thou didst deliver up: See! other five talents, I gained.

He also of the two talents, coming forward, said - Lord! two talents, to me, didst thou deliver up: See! other two talents, I gained.