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Do not say to your neighbor, "Go and return and tomorrow I will give [it]," {when it is with you}.

Do not plot harm against your neighbor [who] dwells in confidence beside you.

Do not quarrel with anyone without cause, when he did not do you harm.

Do not envy a man of violence, and do not choose any of his ways,

for he who is perverse [is] an abomination of Yahweh, but those who are upright [are] his confidence.

The curse of Yahweh [is] on the house of the wicked, and the abode of the righteous ones he blesses.

For I have given you good instruction; do not forsake my teaching.

Cherish her and she will exalt you; she will honor you if you embrace her.

She will give a garland for your head; she shall bestow a crown of glory upon you."

{When you walk}, your step will not be hampered, and if you run, you will not stumble.

For they are life to those who find them and healing {to the entire body}.

But her end is bitter as the wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword.

Now, O children, listen to me; do not depart from the sayings of my mouth.

lest you give your honor to the others, and your years to the merciless,

lest strangers take [their] fill of your strength, and your labors [go] to the house of a foreigner,

and you groan at your end, when your flesh and body are consumed,

and "I did not listen to the voice of my teachers, and I did not incline my ear to my instructors!

I was almost at utter ruin in the midst of the assembly and congregation."

May they be yours alone, and not for strangers [who are] with you.

[She is] a deer of love and a doe of grace; may her breasts satisfy you {always}; by her love may you be intoxicated continually.

Why should you be intoxicated, my child, by a strange woman, and embrace the bosom of a foreigner?

For before the eyes of Yahweh [are] {human ways}, and all his paths he examines.

My child, if you have pledged to your neighbor, [if] you have bound {yourself} to the stranger,

[if] you are snared by the sayings of your mouth, [if] you are caught by the sayings of your mouth,

do this, then, my child, and save yourself, for you have come into {the palm of your neighbor's hand}: Go, humble yourself, plead with your neighbor.

Save yourself like a gazelle from a hand, or like a bird from the hand of a fowler.

A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands for rest--

like a {robber} shall your poverty come, and what you lack like an armed man.

A worthless man, an evil man, goes around with {deceitful speech}.

There are six [things] Yahweh hates, and seven [things are] abominations of his soul:

{When you walk}, she will lead you, {When you lie down}, she will watch over you, and [when] you awake, she will converse [with] you.

[in order] to preserve you from an evil woman, from the smoothness of [the] tongue of {an adulteress}.

For [the] price of a woman, a prostitute, [is the] price of a loaf of bread, but the {woman belonging to a man} hunts precious life.

Can a man carry fire in his lap, and his clothes not burn?

If a man walks upon the hot coals, will his feet not be burned?

Thus, he who goes to the wife of his neighbor, any who touches her shall not go unpunished.

A wound and dishonor he will find, and his disgrace will not be wiped out.

My child, guard my sayings; store my commandments with you.

Keep my commands and live, and my teaching like [the] {apple of your eye}.

Say to wisdom, "you are my sister," and you shall call insight, "{intimate friend}."

[In order] to guard yourself from {an adulteress}, from the foreigner who {makes her words smooth}.

For at the window of my house, through my lattice, I looked down.

Then behold! A woman [comes] to meet him [with the] garment of a prostitute and {a secret heart}.

"Sacrifices of peace offerings [are] upon me; {today} I completed my vows.

So I have come out to meet you, to seek your face, and I have found you.

[With] coverings I have adorned my couch, spreads of the linen of Egypt;

I have perfumed my bed [with] myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.

He goes after her suddenly; like an ox to the slaughter he goes, and like a stag to the instruction of a fool,

until an arrow pierces his {entrails}, like a bird rushing into a snare, but he does not know that {it will cost him his life}.

"To you, O {people}, I call, and my cry is to the children of humankind.

Listen! For noble things I will speak, and upright things from the opening of my lips.

All of them are straight to him who understands, and upright to those who find knowledge.

I, wisdom, live with prudence, and I find knowledge and discretion.

In the way of righteousness I walk, in the midst of paths of justice,

[in order] to endow those who love me [with] wealth, and I will fill their treasuries.

From eternity, I was set up from [the] first, from the beginning of the earth.

When there were no depths, I was brought forth, when there were no springs of {abounding} water.

Before mountains had been shaped, before hills, I was brought forth.

{when he established} the heavens, there I [was], {when he drew} a circle upon the face of the deep,

I was {beside} him, a master workman, and I was delighting day by day, rejoicing before him {always},

Happy [is the] person who listens to me, [in order] to keep watch at my doors day by day, [in order] to guard the frames of my entrances.

"Whoever [is] simple, let him turn here." As for the one who lacks {sense}, she says to him,

"Come, eat with my bread; drink with the wine I have mixed.

He who corrects a scoffer gains abuse for himself, and he who rebukes the wicked {gets hurt}.

Do not rebuke a scoffer, lest he hate you; rebuke the wise and he will love you.