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A man taking fire in his bosom, shall his garments not be burnt?

If a man shall go upon burning coals shall his feet not be burnt?

He took a bundle of silver in his hand; he will come to his house the day of the full moon.

To you, ye men, I shall call, and my voice is to the sons of man.

Smiling in the habitable globe of his earth; and my delight with the sons of man.

The man of mercy benefited his soul: and the cruel troubled his flesh.

The good shall obtain acceptance from Jehovah: and the man of mischief he will condemn.

A man shall not be prepared by injustice: and the root of the Just shall not be moved.

According to the mouth of understanding a man shall be praised: and he being perverse of heart shall be for contempt

From the fruit of the mouth a man shall be satisfied with good: and the reward of the hands of a man shall be good to him.

From the fruit of a man's mouth he shall eat good: and the soul of the transgressing, violence.

The expiating of a man's soul is his riches: and the poor will not hear rebuke.

Folly is joy to him wanting heart: and the man of understanding will make straight to go.

The king's wrath, messengers of death: and a wise man shall expiate it

The gift of a man will enlarge to him, and shall conduct him before the great

From the fruit of a man's mouth his belly shall be filled; and he shall be filled with the increase of his lips.

The desire of man his mercy: and the poor good above the man of falsehood.

A man wandering from the way of understanding shall rest in the convocation of the shades.

An unjust man strengthened with his face: and the upright he will prepare his ways.

She also will lie in wait as for prey, and she will add those transgressing among men.

If thou shalt say, Behold, we knew not this; will not he trying hearts, understand? and he guarding thy soul, knew? and he turned back to man according to his work.

Thou shalt not say, According to what he did to me, thus will I do to him: I will turn back to the man according to his work.

I passed upon the field of the slothful man, and upon the vineyard of the man wanting heart;

Also these the proverbs of Solomon which the men of Hezekiah king of Judah transcribed.

As charcoal to burning coals and woods to fire, and a man of strifes to kindle strife.

The crucible for silver, and the furnace for gold, and a man to the mouth praising him.

In the transgression of a land many its chiefs: and by a man understanding to know, the place shall be extended.

Men of evil shall not understand judgment: and they seeking Jehovah shall understand all.

In the rejoicing of the just, much glory: in the rising up of the unjust, man will hide himself.