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Be in pain and bring forth, O daughter of Zion, as she bringing forth: for now shalt thou go forth out of the city, and dwell in the field, and going even to Babel; there shalt thou be delivered; there Jehovah will redeem thee from the hand of thine enemies.

And now many nations were gathered against thee, saying, She shall be defiled, and our eyes shall look upon Zion.

And they knew not the purposes of Jehovah, and they understood not his counsel for he gathered them as sheaves of the threshing-floor.

Now thou shalt crowd thyself together, O daughter of a troop: besieging there against us; with a rod they will strike the judge of Israel upon the cheek.

And he stood and fed in the strength of Jehovah, in the majesty of the name of Jehovah his God; and they shall dwell: for now shall he be magnified to the ends of the earth.

And I cut off thy carved images and thy statues from the midst of thee; and thou shalt no more worship the work of thy hands.

Hear ye now what Jehovah said: Arise, contend thou with the mountains, and the hills shall hear thy voice.

O my people, remember now what Balak king of Moab counseled, and what Balaam son of Beor answered him from the acacias even to Gilgal; in order to know the justice of Jehovah.

Thou shalt sow and thou shalt not reap; thou shalt tread the olive and thou shalt not anoint thyself with oil; and new wine, and thou shalt not drink wine.

Wo to me! for I was as the gatherings of the fruit harvest, as the gleanings of the vintage, no cluster to eat: my soul desired the first ripe fig.

Their good as the thorn, the upright more than the thorn-hedge: the day of thy watchings and thy reviewings came; now shall be their perplexity.

And mine enemy shall see, and shame shall cover her saying to me, Where Jehovah thy God? Mine eyes shall look upon her: now shall she be for treading down as the mire of the streets.

Thus said Jehovah: If peace thus many, and thus they were shown and he passed through. And afflicting thee I will afflict thee no more.

And now I will break his rod from off thee, and I will tear away thy bonds.

And Jehovah commanded concerning thee, of thy name no more shall be sown: from the house of thy God I will cut off the carved image and the molten image: I will set thy grave, for thou wert contemned.

Behold upon the mountains the feet of him announcing good news, causing peace to be heard. O Judah, keep thy festivals, complete thy vows: for Belial shall no more add to pass through thee: he was completely cut off.

They plundered silver, they plundered gold: and no end to her splendid equipage; glory from all the vessels of desire.

Behold me against thee, says Jehovah of armies; and I burnt her chariot in the smoke, and the sword shall devour thy young lions, and I cut of thy prey from the land, and the voice of her messengers shall no more be heard.

The horsemen also lifting up the flame of the sword, and the lightning of the spear: and a multitude of wounded, and the heavy carcass; and no end to the corpses; they shall stumble upon their dead bodies.

Wilt thou be good above No, the builder dwelling among the rivers, the waters round about to her, whose strength the sea, from the sea her wall?

Cush her strength, and Egypt, and no end; Put and Lubim were among thy helpers.

Thy devoted ones as the locust, and thy satraps as the locust of locusts encamping in the walls in a cold day; the sun arose and they fled away, and where his place he knew not

No healing to thy breaking; thy blow sickly: all hearing thy report shall clap the hand upon thee: for upon whom did not thine evil pass continually?

And wilt thou make man as the fishes of the sea, as the creeping thing no ruler over him?

If the fig tree shall not blossom, and no produce in the vines; the work of the olive failed, and the fields made not food; and the sheep being cut off from the fold, and no oxen in the stalls.

Jehovah is just in her midst; he will not do iniquity: in morning by morning he will give his judgment to the light, he as not wanting; and the evil will not know shame.

In that day shalt thou not be ashamed for all thy doing which thou didst transgress against me: for then will I remove from the midst of thee those exulting in thy pride, and thou shalt no more add to be elevated in my holy mountain.

Jehovah removed thy judgments, be turned away thine enemy: the king of Israel, Jehovah in the midst of thee: thou shalt no more see evil.

And now, thus said Jehovah of armies: Set your hearts upon your ways

And I will call the drought upon the land, and upon the mountains, and upon the grain, and upon the new wine and upon the new oil, and upon what the earth shall bring forth, and upon man and upon cattle, and upon all the labor of the hands.

Say now to Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and to Joshua son of Josedeck the great priest, and to the remnant of the people, saying,

Who being left among you who saw this house in its first glory? and how see ye it now? Is it not in your eyes like it as nothing?

And now be strong, O Zerubbabel, says Jehovah; and be strong, O Joshua, son of Josedeck the great priest; and be strong, O all people of the land, says Jehovah, and do, for I am with you, says Jehovah of armies.

Thus said Jehovah of armies, Ask now the priests the law, saying,

If a man shall lift up holy flesh in the wing of his garment and touch with the wing of his garment upon the bread and upon pottage, and upon wine and upon oil, and upon any food, shall it be made holy? And the priests shall answer and say, No.

And now, set now your heart from this day and upward, before setting stone upon stone in the temple of Jehovah.

Set now your heart from this day and upward, from the twenty and fourth day to the ninth, from the day that the temple of Jehovah was founded, set ye your heart

Ye shall not be as your fathers which the former prophets called to them, saying, Thus, said Jehovah of armies: Turn back now from your evil ways and your evil doings: and they heard not, and they attended not to me, says Jehovah.

For behold me waving my hand upon them, and they were a spoil to their servants: and ye knew that Jehovah of armies sent me.

Hear now, O Joshua the great priest, thou and thy friends sitting before thee, for they are men of wonder: for behold me bringing my servant the Sprout.

And the messenger speaking with me will answer and say to me, Knewest thou not what these are? And saying, No, my lord.

And he will say to me, saying, Knewest thou not what these are? And saying, No, my lord.

And he will say, These the two sons of new oil standing by the Lord, of all the earth.

And the messenger speaking with me will go forth and say to me, Lift up now thine eyes and see what this going forth.

And they being far off shall come and build in the temple of Jehovah; and ye knew that Jehovah of armies sent me to you. And it was if hearing, ye shall hear to the voice of Jehovah your God.

And I will toss them about among all the nations which they knew not: and the land was desolate after them from passing through and from turning back: and they shall set the land of desire for a desolation.

For before these days there was no hire of man, and not any hire of cattle; and to him going out, and to him coming in, no peace from the straits: and I will send all the men each against his neighbor.

And now not as the former days am I to the remnant of this people, says Jehovah of armies.

And I encamped at my house a garrison from him passing by, and from him turning back: and he driving shall no more pass through against them: for now I saw with mine eyes.

For what his good, and what his beauty! Grain shall cause the young men to increase, and new wine the virgins.

For the family gods spake vanity, and the diviners saw falsehood, and they will speak dreams of falsehood they will comfort in vain: for this, they removed as a flock, they were afflicted for there was no shepherd.

For I will no more have pity upon the inhabitants of the land, says Jehovah: and behold, the men to be found each in the hand of his neighbor, and in the hand of his king: and they beat the land, and I will not deliver from their hand.

And it shall be broken in that day: and the poor of the flock watching me knew that it was the word of Jehovah.

And it was in that day, says Jehovah of armies, I will cut off the names of the images from the land, and they shall be remembered no more: and also I will cause the prophets and the unclean spirit to pass out of the land.

And they shall dwell in her and destruction shall be no more: and Jerusalem shall be confidently dwelt in.

And every pot in Jerusalem and in Judah was holiness to Jehovah of armies: and all sacrificing came and took of them, and boiled in them: and the Canaanite shall be no more in the house of Jehovah in that day.

And if ye shall bring near the blind for a sacrifice, is it not evil? and if ye shall bring near the lame and the sick, is it not evil? bring A near now to thy governor; will he delight in thee, or lift up thy face? said Jehovah of armies.

And now, beseech now, the face of God, and he will be gracious to us: this was from your hand: will he lift up from you the faces? says Jehovah of armies.

And now to you this command, O ye priests.

And ye knew that I sent this command to you, for my covenant to be with Levi, said Jehovah of armies.

And he took to himself his wife, and knew her not till she brought forth her first born son: and be called his name Jesus.

And thou Bethlehem, land of Judah, by no means art thou least among the leaders of Judah for out of thee shall come forth the leader, who shall feed my people.

And now also the axe lies at the root of the trees; therefore every one not making good fruit is cut off and cast into fire.

And Jesus having answered said to him, Permit now; for so it is suitable for us to complete all justice: then he permitted him.

By their fruits shall ye know them. Far from it, do they gather grapes from thorns, or figs from caltrops

Wherefore from their fruits shall ye know them.

And Jesus says to him, See thou tell no one; but retire, show thyself to the priest, and bring near the gift which Moses commanded, for a testimony to them.

But that ye might know that the Son of man has power upon earth to let go sins, (then he says to the paralytic), Having risen, take up thy bed and retire to thy house.

And no one puts on a cover of uncombed fragment upon an old garment, for its filling takes away from the garment, and the division is Worse.

Neither do they cast new wine into old wineskins: but if otherwise, the wine-skins burst, and the wine is poured out, and the wine-skins are destroyed; but they cast new wine into new wine-skins, and they are both preserved.

He speaking these things to them, behold, a ruler, having come, worshipped him, saying; That my daughter has just now died: but having come, put thy hand upon her, and she shall live.

And their eyes were opened; and Jesus threatened them, saying, See, let none know.

From the days of John the Immerser till now the kingdom of the heavens is achieved by force, and they committing violence seize it eagerly.

And he having answered, said to them, An evil generation and an adulteress seeks a sign; and no sign shall be given it, but the sign of Jonas the prophet.

And others fell upon rocky places where it had not much earth, and quickly it sprang forth, for it had no depth of earth.

And having answered, he said to them, For to you it was given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of the heavens, but to them it was not given.

And he said, No; lest gathering the tares, ye root up the wheat together with them.

And he said to them, Therefore every scribe, having been a disciple in the kingdom of the heavens, is like to a man, master of a house, who casts out from his treasure new things and old.

And in the morning, Today, wintry weather: for heaven, being sad, is fiery red. Hypocrites, truly ye know to decide the face of heaven, but the signs of the times ye cannot.

An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign; and no sign shall be given her, except the sign of Jonas the prophet. And having left them, he departed.

And they reasoned among themselves, saying, Because we took no loaves.

And Jesus having known, said to them, Why reason ye among yourselves, O ye of little faith, because ye have taken no loaves

And having lifted up their eyes, they saw no one but Jesus alone.

And I say to you, That Elias has already come, and they knew him not, but did by him whatever they would. So also the Son of man is about to suffer by them.

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