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Vet a little while, and the world sees me no more; but you see me: because I live, you shall live also.

The one not loving me with divine love does not keep my words: and the word which you hear is not mine, but that of the Father who sent me.

but in order that the world may know that I love the Father, and as He commanded, so I am doing. Arise, let us go hence.

But I have spoken these things to you, that when the hour may come, you may remember them, that I did say them to you. But I said not these things to you from the beginning, because I was with you.

But because I have spoken these things to you, sorrow has filled your heart.

When a woman may bring forth she has sorrow, because her hour has come: but when the little child may be born, she remembers her suffering no more, for the joy that a man has been born into the world.

I have spoken these things unto you in parables; the hour comes, when I shall no longer speak to you in parables, but openly will I proclaim to you concerning the Father.

I pray for these: I pray not for the world; but for those whom thou hast given me, because they are thine:

And I not only pray for these, but also for those believing on me through their word;

Jesus responded to him, If I spoke wickedly, witness concerning the wickedness: but if beautifully, why do you smite me?

Then they lead Jesus from Caiaphas to the judgment hall: and it was morning. And they did not come into the judgment hall, in order that they might not be polluted, but that they might eat the passover.

Jesus responded, My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would fight for me, in order that I might not be delivered to the Jews. But now my kingdom is not from thence.

Then they all again cried out, saying, Not Him, but Barabbas. And Barabbas was a robber.

And the soldiers having plaited a crown of thorns, placed it on His head, and put on Him a purple robe;

After this Pilate still sought to release Him: but the Jews continued to cry out, saying, If you release Him, you are not the friend of Caesar: every one making himself king speaks against Caesar.

Then Pilate hearing these words, led out Jesus, and sat down on the tribunal, in the place called Pavement, but in Hebrew, Gabbatha.

Then they cried out, Take Him away, take Him away, crucify Him. Pilate says to them, Shall I crucify your King? And the chief priests responded, We have no king but Caesar.

Then the chief priests of the Jews said to Pilate, Write not, King of the Jews; but that He said, I am the King of the Jews.

Then they said to one another, Let us not tear it, but let us gamble for it, whose it shall be. In order that the Scripture may be fulfilled, saying, They divided my garments among themselves, and upon my vesture they cast the lot. Then indeed the soldiers did these things.

But having come to Jesus, when they saw that He was already dead, they did not break His legs:

but one of the soldiers pierced His side through with the spear, and immediately blood and water came out.

After these things, Joseph from Arimathea, being a disciple of Jesus, but having been hidden on account of the fear of the Jews, asked Pilate that he might take the body of Jesus. And Pilate permitted. Then he came and took the body of Jesus.

and the napkin, which was on His head, not lying with the grave-clothes, but separate in one place, having been rolled up.

and the other disciples came in the ship (for they were not far from the land, but about two hundred cubits), drawing the net of the fishes.

Jesus says to them, Come, take breakfast. But no one of the disciples dared to ask Him, Who art thou? knowing that He is the Lord.

Truly, truly, I say unto you, When you were young, you girded yourself, and walked about where you wished: but when you get old, you will reach forth your hands, and another will lead you, where you do not wish.

Then that word went out to the brethren that that disciple does not die. And Jesus did not say to him, that he does not die; but, If I wish him to tarry until I come.

and being assembled together with them, He commanded them, Not to depart from Jerusalem, but to await the promise of the Father which ye heard from me;

but this is that which has been spoken by the prophet Joel;

For David hath not ascended into the heavens, but he says, The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand,

and they laid hands on them and put them in prison till the morrow; for it was already evening.

but that it may extend no further unto the people, let us threaten them to speak no more in this name to any one of men.

Remaining with thee did it not belong to thee; and having been sold, was it not still in thy control? why hast thou placed this thing in thy heart? thou hast not lied to men, but to God.

And no one of the rest dared to attach himself to them; but the people were magnifying them;

But a certain Pharisee, Gamaliel by name, a teacher of the law, honorable to all the people, rising in the sanhedrim command them to put the men out for a short time,

but if it be of God, you will not be able to destroy them, lest perchance you may also be found fighting against God.

And he supposed that his brethren would understand that God through his hand is giving them salvation: but they did not recognize it.

to whom our fathers were not willing to be obedient, but thrust him away, and turned back in their hearts towards Egypt,

But the Most High dwelleth not in houses built with hands, as the prophet says,

But Saul was laying waste the church, entering into the houses, and arresting men and women, he committed them to prison.

But Simon himself also believed: and being baptized, was constantly with Philip, both seeing the miracles and the great dynamites performed, was astonished.

But the apostles in Jerusalem, having heard that Samaria has received the word of God, sent to them Peter and John:

For he had not yet fallen on any of them: but they were only baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.

But Simon seeing that by the laying on of the hands of the apostles the Spirit was given, offered them money, saying,

But Saul, still breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, having come to the high priest,

But stand up, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what it behooves thee to do.

And the men journeying along with him stood speechless, indeed hearing the voice, but seeing no one.

And Saul arose from the ground; and his eyes being open, he saw nothing: but leading him by the hand, they led him into Damascus;

but their plot was made known to Saul. And they were keeping the gates both day and night in order that they might kill him:

But Barnabas taking him, led him to the apostles, and related to them how he saw the Lord on the way, and that He spoke to him, and how he preached boldly in Damascus in the name of Jesus.

And he found there a certain man, by name Eneas, lying on a bed eight years, who was paralyzed.

And Peter said to him, Eneas, Jesus Christ heals thee: arise, and take up thy bed: and immediately he arose.

And Peter having put them all out, and putting down his knees, prayed; and having turned toward the body, said, Tabitha, arise. And she opened her eyes: and seeing Peter sat up.

And he became hungry, and wished to eat: but they getting it ready, an ecstasy came on him,

but rising up, come down, and go with them, doubting nothing: because I have sent them.

but in every nation the one fearing him, and working righteousness, is acceptable to him;

not to all the people, but to the witnesses having been chosen of God, to us, who ate and drank along with him after He arose from the dead:

But the apostles and brethren being throughout Judea heard that the Gentiles also received the word of God.

And I remembered the word of the Lord, as He said, John indeed baptized with water; but you shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost.

But at this time king Herod reached forth his hands to persecute some of those from the church.

whom having seized, he also put in prison, having committed him to four quaternions of soldiers to guard him; wishing to bring him out to the people after the passover.

But when Herod was about to lead him forth, and Peter was sleeping that night between two soldiers, and bound with two chains; and the guards were keeping guard before the door.