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For, their feet, to mischief, do run, and haste to the shedding of blood.

Then, shalt thou walk securely in thy way, and, thy foot, shall not stumble;

Lest strange men, be well fed, by thy strength, and, thy toils, be in the house of the alien.

Prepareth, in the summer, her food, hath collected, in the harvest, her sustenance.

Winketh with his eyes, speaketh with his foot, pointeth with his fingers;

Or can a man walk upon hot coals, and, his feet, not be burned?

Boisterous, is she, and rebellious, In her house, abide not her feet;

Come, feed on my food, and drink of the wine I have mingled;

The lips of the righteous, feed multitudes, but, the foolish, for lack of sense, shall die.

Much food, is in the fallow ground of the poor, but there is that is swept away, for want of justice.

For sweet shall they be, when thou shalt keep them in thine inmost mind, they shall fit well together, upon thy lips.

One who cutteth off feet, one who drinketh down wrong, is he who sendeth a message by the hand of a dullard.

With, enough goats-milk, for thy food - for the food of thy household, and, a maintenance, for thy maidens.

A poor man, who oppresseth the helpless, is like a rain beating down, leaving no food.

Under a servant, when he reigneth, and a base man, when he is surfeited with food;

She is like the ships of the merchant, from afar, she bringeth in her food;