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And I will pull down the wall which ye have coated with whitewash And will bring it unto the ground So shall be discovered its foundation, Yea it shall fall And ye shall come to an end in the midst thereof, So shall ye know that am Yahweh.

Then was she uprooted in indignation To the ground, was she east, And an east wind, dried up her fruit, - Broken off and withered were her staves of power, A fire, devoured them.

Then shall come down from off their thrones all the princes of the sea, And shall lay aside their robes. And their embroidered garments, shall strip off, - With tremblings, shall they clothe them. selves Upon the ground, shall they sit, And shall tremble every moment and be astonished over thee.

Owing to the abounding of thine iniquities. In the perversity of thy traffic, Thou didst profane thy sanctuaries, Therefore brought I forth fire out of thy midst. the same devoured thee, And I turned thee to ashes on the ground, Before the eyes of all beholding thee:

Then shall tremble before me The fishes of the sea, and The bird of the heavens and The wild beast of the field, and Every creeping thing that creepeth on the ground, and All the men we are on the face of the ground, - and The mountains is hall be torn asunder and The steep places I shall sink down I, and Every wall to the earth, shall be thrown.

the entrance spaces and the latticed windows and the galleries round about their three stories, over against the entrance spaces wainscoted with wood, round about on every side, - and from the ground up to the windows, and the windows, were covered;

From the ground as far as the space above the entrance: were the cherubim and the palm-trees made.

For three stories, they were; and had not pillars like the pillars of the courts; for this cause, it differed from the lowest and from the middle, from the ground.

And from the hollow of the ground unto the lower ledge, shall be two cubits, and the breadth, one cubit,- and from the smaller ledge unto the larger ledge, shall be four cubits, and the breadth, a cubit.