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And Jehovah will say to Moses, Review every first-born male to the sons of Israel, from the son of a month and above, and take up the number of names.

Speak to the sons of Israel and say to them, A man, a man when his wife shall turn aside, and she covered a transgression against him,

Speak to the sons of Israel, and say to them, When a man or woman shall separate to vow a vow, being consecrated, to be separated to Jehovah:

And Jehovah will say to Moses, saying,

And Jehovah will say to Moses, One chief for the day, one chief for the day they shall bring near, an offering for the consecration of the altar.

Speak to Aaron, and say to him, In thy raising up of the lamps, to the front of the face of the chandelier shall the seven lamps enlighten.

And Aaron will do so; to the front of the face of the chandelier he caused the lamps to ascend, as Jehovah commanded Moses.

And Moses will do, and Aaron, and all the assembly of the sons of Israel, to the Levites according to all which Jehovah commanded Moses for the Levites; so to them did the sons of Israel.

And after this the Levites went to serve their service in the tent of appointment, before Aaron and before his sons: as Jehovah commanded Moses for the Levites, so to them did they.

And these men will say to him, We are unclean by the soul of man: wherefore shall we be withheld so as not to bring near an offering of Jehovah at his appointment, in the midst of the sons of Israel?

And Moses will say to them, Stand ye, and I will hear what Jehovah will command for you.

And Moses will say to Hobab, son of Raguel the Midianite, faher-in-law of Moses, We are removing to the place which Jehovah said, I will give it to you: come thou with us, and we did good to thee; for Jehovah spake good concerning Israel.

And he will say to him, I will not go; but to my land, and to my kindred I will go.

And Moses will say to Jehovah, For what hest thou done evil to thy servant? and for what did I not find grace in thine eyes, to put the debt of all this people upon me?

Did I form all this people? did I beget them? for thou wilt say to me, Lift them up into thy bosom, as a nurse will lift up the sucking child upon the land which thou swarest to their fathers.

And Jehovah will say to Moses, Gather to me seventy men of the old men of Israel, whom thou knewest that they were old men of the people, and their scribes; and take them to the tent of appointment, and they shall stand there with thee.

And thou shalt say to the people, Be ye consecrated for the morrow, and ye ate flesh: for ye wept in the ears of Jehovah, saying, Who shall feed us with flesh? for it was good to us in Egypt; and Jehovah gave to you flesh, and ye ate.

Shall the sheep and the oxen be slaughtered for them and suffice for them? and if he shall gather all the fish of the sea to them, and it suffice for them?

And Jehovah will say to Moses, Shall the hand of Jehovah be cut off? Now shalt thou see my word shall be precious to thee or not

And Moses will say to him, Thou envying for me; and who will give all the people of Jehovah prophets? when Jehovah will give his spirit upon them.

And Aaron will say to Moses, With leave, my lord, now thou shalt not put upon us the sin in which we were foolish, and in which we sinned.

And Jehovah will say to Moses, And her father spitting, spit in her face, shall she not be ashamed seven days? She shall be shut seven days without the camp, and afterward she shall be taken back.

And Moses will send them to search out the land of Canaan, and will say to them, Go ye up hither to the south and ascend the mountain,

And all the children of Israel will murmur against Moses, and against Aaron; and all the assembly will say to them, Would we died in the land of Egypt! or in this desert would that we died!

And all the assembly will say to stone them with stones. And the glory of Jehovah was seen in the tent of appointment to all the sons of Israel.

And Jehovah will say to Moses How long will this people reject me and how long will they not believe in me by all the signs which I did in the midst of them?

And Moses will say to Jehovah, And the Egyptians heard, for thou didst bring up with thy strength this people from the midst of them;

And they will say to those dwelling upon this land; they heard that thou Jehovah art in the midst of this people who wert seen eye to eye; thou Jehovah and thy cloud stood over them, and in a pillar of cloud thou goest before them by day, and in a pillar of fire by night.

Say to them, I live, says Jehovah, if not as ye spake in mine ears, so will I do to you:

Speak to the sons of Israel, and say to them, When ye shall come into the land of your dwellings, which I give to you,

Speak to the sons of Israel, and say to them, In your going into the land where I bring you there,

And Jehovah will say to Moses, Dying, the man shall die: all the assembly stoned him with stones without the camp.

Speak to the sons of Israel, and say to them, They made to them fringes of flowers upon the wings of their garment for their generations; and they gave upon the fringes of the wing a thread of cerulean purple;

And they will gather together against Moses, and against Aaron, and they will say to them, Much to you for all the assembly, all of them are holy, and Jehovah in the midst of them: and wherefore shall be lifted up over the gathering of Jehovah?

And Moses will say to Korah, Hear, now, ye sons of Levi:

And it will be kindled to Moses greatly, and he will say to Jehovah, Thou wilt not turn to their gift: not one ass did I take from them, and I did not evil to one of them.

And Moses will say to Korah, Be thou and all thine assembly before Jehovah, thou and they, and Aaron, to-morrow:

Say to Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest, and he shall take up the censers from the midst of the burning, and scatter the fire afar off; for they were consecrated.

And Moses will say to Aaron, Take a censer and give upon it fire from off the altar, and put incense, and go quickly to the assembly, and expiate for them: for anger went forth from before Jehovah; for it began smiting.

And Jehovah will say to Moses, Turn back Aaron's rod before the testimony, for preservation, for a sign for the sons of contradiction; and thou shalt finish their murmurings from me, and they shall not die.

And Jehovah will say to Aaron, Thou, and thy sons, and thy father's house with thee, shall bear the iniquity of the holy place: and thou and thy sons with thee, shall bear the iniquity of your priesthood.

And Jehovah will say to Aaron, In their land thou shalt not inherit, and a portion shall not be to thee in the midst of them. I am thy portion and thine inheritance in the midst of the sons of Israel.

And to the Levites thou shalt speak and say to them, When ye shall take from the sons of Israel the truth which I gave to you from them for your inheritance, and ye lifted up an offering of Jehovah, a tenth from the tenth.

And say to them, In your offering its fat from it, and it was reckoned to the Levites as the produce of the threshing-floor, and as the produce of the wine-press.

And Moses and Aaron will gather together the gathering before the rock, and he will say to them, Hear, now, ye rebellious: from this rock shall we bring forth to you water?

And Jehovah will say to Moses, and to Aaron, Because ye believed not in me, to consecrate me before the eyes of the sons of Israel, for this, ye shall not bring in this gathering to the land which I gave to them.

And Edom will say to him, Thou shalt not pass by me, lest with the sword I shall come out to thy meeting.

And the sons of Israel will say to him, By the highway will we come up; and if we shall drink of thy waters, I and my cattle, I gave a price: only not speaking, I will pass through on my feet. .

And Jehovah will say to Moses and to Aaron, in mount Hor, upon the boundary of the land of Edom, saying,

And Jehovah will say to Moses, Make to thee a burning, and put it up for a signal: and it was every one being bitten, and he saw it and lived.

And Jehovah will say to Moses, Thou shalt not be afraid of him; for into thy hand I gave him, and all his people and his land; and do to him as thou didst to Sihon, king of the Amorites, who will dwell in Heshbon.

And Moab will say to the old men of Midian, Now this gathering will lick up all round about us, as the ox licking up the green of the field. And Balak, son of Zippor, the king of Moab in that time.

And he will say to them, Remain here this night, and I will turn back word to you according as Jehovah will speak to me: and the leaders of Moab will dwell with Balaam.

And Balaam will say to God, Balak, son of Zippor, king of Moab, sent to me,

And God will say to Balaam, Thou shalt not go with them; thou shalt not curse the people: for he is praised.

And Balaam will rise in the morning and will say to the leaders of Balak, Go to your land: for Jehovah refused to give me to go with you.

And they will go to Balaam, and say to him, Thus said Balak, son of Zippor, Now thou wilt not withhold from coming to me:

For honoring, I will honor thee greatly, and all which thou shalt say to me I will do; and come, now, curse to me this people.

And Balaam will answer, and say to the servants of Balak, If Balak will give to me his house full of silver and gold, I shall not be able to pass over the mouth of Jehovah my God to do little or great

And God will come to Balaam at night, and say to him, If the men have come to call to thee, rise up, go with them, and only the word which I shall speak to thee, thou shalt do it

And Jehovah will open the mouth of the ass, and she will say to Balaam, What did I to thee that thou hast smitten me this three beats?

And Balaam will say to the ass, Because thou didst vex me: would that a sword was in my hand, for now I had killed thee.

And the ass will say to Balaam, Am not I thine ass which thou didst ride upon me ever since thou wert till this day? and being accustomed, was I accustomed to do to thee thus? And he will say, No.

And the messenger of Jehovah will say to him, For what didst thou strike thine ass this three beats? behold, I came forth for an adversary, for the way is perverse before me.

And Balaam will say to the messenger of Jehovah, I sinned; for I knew not that thou stoodest to meet me in the way; and now if evil in thine eyes, I will turn back to me.

And the messenger of Jehovah will say to Balaam, Go with the men: and only the word which I shall speak to thee thou shalt speak it: and Balaam will go with the leaders of Balak.

And Balak will say to Balaam, Sending, did I not send to thee to call to thee? wherefore camest thou not to me? indeed shall I not be able to honor thee?

And Balaam will say to Balak, Behold, I come to thee: being able, shall I be able to speak any thing? the word which Jehovah shall put in my mouth I will speak it

And Balaam will say to Balak, Build to me here seven altars, and prepare to me here seven bullocks and seven rams.

And Balsam will say to Balak, Stand by thy burnt-offering, and I will go; perhaps Jehovah will come to my meeting: and the word which he will shew to me I will announce to thee. And he will go to the naked hill

And God will meet Balaam, and he will say to him, I arranged seven altars, and I will bring up a bullock and a ram upon the altar.

And Balak will say to Balaam, What didst thou to me? To curse mine enemies I took thee, and behold, praising, thou didst praise.

And Balak will say to him, Come now with me to another place, where thou. shalt see him from thence: thou shalt see only their extremity, and thou shalt not see them all: and curse him to me from thence.

And he will say to Balak, Stand here by thy burnt-offering, and I will meet there.

And he will come to him, and behold him standing by his burnt-offering, and the leaders of Moab with him. And Balak will say to him, What spake Jehovah?

And Balak will say to Balaam, Also, cursing, thou shalt not curse him, also thou shalt not praise him.

And Balsam will answer and say to Balak, Spake I not to thee, saying, All which Jehovah shall speak I will do it?

And Balak will say to Balaam, Come now, I will take thee to another place; perhaps it will be right in the eyes of God, and curse him to me from thence.

And Balsam will say to Balak, Build to me here seven altars, and prepare to me here seven bullocks and seven rams.

And Balak's anger will kindle against Balaam, and he will strike his hands: and Balak will say to Balaam, To curse mine enemies I called thee, and behold, blessing, thou didst bless this three beats.

And Balaam will say to Balak, Also to thy messengers which thou sentest to me, spake I not, saying,

And Jehovah will say to Moses, Take all the heads of the people and hang them up to Jehovah before the sun, and the burning anger of Jehovah shall turn back from Israel.

And Moses will say to the judges of Israel, Kill ye each his men being bound to Baal-Peor.

And it will be after the smiting, And Jehovah will say to Moses, and to Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest, saying,

And Jehovah will say to Moses, Come up to this mountain of the regions beyond, and see the land which I gave to the sons of Israel

And Jehovah will say to Moses, Take to thee Joshua, son of Nun, a man in whom the spirit in him, and place thy hand upon him;

Command the sons of Israel and say to them, My offerings and my bread for my sacrifices, an odor of my rest ye shall watch, to bring near to me in their appointments.

And say to them, This the sacrifice which ye shall bring near to Jehovah: two blameless lambs, sons of a year, for a day, for a burnt-offering continually.

And Moses will say to the sons of Israel according to all which Jehovah commanded Moses.

And Moses will say to them, Preserved ye alive every female?

And Eleazar the priest will say to the men of war coming from the battle, This the law of instruction which Jehovah commanded Moses:

And they will say to Moses, Thy servants took the head of the men of the battle which are in our hand, and a man was not missed from us.

And the sons of Gad and the sons of Reuben will come and will say to Moses, and to Eleazar the priest, and to the chiefs of the assembly, saying,

And Moses will say to the sons of Gad And to the sons of Reuben, Shall your brethren go forth to battle, and will ye sit here?

And Moses will say to them, If ye will do this word, if ye will arm yourselves before Jehovah for battle,

And Moses will say to them, If the sons of Gad and the sons of Reuben will pass over Jordan with you, all being armed for battle before Jehovah, and the land be subdued before you; and give ye to them the land of Gilead for a possession.

Speak to the sons of Israel and say to them, When ye are passing over Jordan to the land of Canaan,

Command the sons of Israel, and say to them, When ye coming into the land of Canaan (this the land which shall fall to you for an inheritance, the land of Canaan with her bounds),

And ye measured from without the city the east side two thousand cubits, and the south side two thousand by the cubit, and the side of the sea two thousand by the cubit, and the north side two thousand by the cubit; and the city in the midst: this shall be to them the areas of the cities.

Speak to the sons of Israel and say to them, When ye are passing over Jordan to the land of Canaan,