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Command the sons of Israel, and they shall send forth from the camp every one leprous, and every one flowing, and every one unclean for the soul:

Speak to the sons of Israel, A man or woman when they shall do from any sin Of man to cover a transgression against Jehovah, and that soul transgressed;

All the days of his consecrating himself to Jehovah, he shall not go in to a dead soul.

And the priest did the one for sin, and one for a burnt-offering, and he expiated for him for what he sinned for the soul, and he consecrated his head in that day.

And there shall be men who were unclean by the soul of man, and they will not be able to do the passover in that day: and they came near before Moses and before Aaron, in that day:

And these men will say to him, We are unclean by the soul of man: wherefore shall we be withheld so as not to bring near an offering of Jehovah at his appointment, in the midst of the sons of Israel?

Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, A man, a man when he shall be unclean by the soul, or in a way far off to you or to your generations, and he did the passover to Jehovah.

And the man who is clean, and was not in the way, and failed to do the passover, that soul was cut off from its people; for he brought not the offering of Jehovah at his appointment, that man shall bear his sin.

And now our soul shall be dried up; not any thing but to the manna our eyes.

Because Jehovah will not be able to bring in this people to the land which he sware to them, he will slay them in the desert

And the priest expiated for the soul erring, in sinning in error before Jehovah, to expiate for him; and it was forgiven to him.

And the soul which shall do with a high hand, from the native, and from the stranger, it reproaches Jehovah, and that soul was cut off from the midst of its people.

For it despised the word of Jehovah, and broke his command; being cut off, that soul shall be cut off; its iniquity upon it

And the earth shall open her mouth and shall swallow them and their houses, and all the men which to Korah, and all the possessions.

And all Israel which were round about them fled at their voice: for they said, Lest the earth shall swallow us.

All touching upon the dead, upon the soul of man which shall die, and shall not be purified, defiled the dwelling of Jehovah; and that soul was cut off from Israel: for the water of uncleanness was not sprinkled upon him, he shall be unclean; his uncleanness yet upon him.

And a man who shall be unclean and shall not be purified, and that soul was cut off from the midst of the gathering, for he defiled the holy place of Jehovah: the water of uncleanness was not sprinkled upon him; he is unclean.

And all which the unclean shall touch upon it, shall be unclean; and the soul touching shall be unclean till the evening.

And they will remove from mount Hor, the way of the sea of sedge, to encompass the land of Edom: and the soul of the people will be shortened in the way.

And the people will speak against God, and against Moses, For what brought ye us up from Egypt to die in the desert? for no bread, and no water; and our soul loathed upon this light bread.

Who divided out the dust of Jacob and who numbered the fourth of Israel? My soul shall die the death of the just, and my latter state shall be as his.

And the name of the man the Israelite being smitten, who was smitten with the Midianitess, Zimri, son of Salu, chief of the house of a father to the Simeonites.

And the earth will open her mouth and will swallow them and Korah, in the dying of the assembly in the consuining of the fire, the fifty and two hundred men: and they shall be for a signal.

For Zerah, the families of the Zarhites; for Saul, the families of the Saulites.

A man when he shall vow a vow to Jehovah, or swear an oath to bind a binding upon his soul, he shall not profane his word; according to all going forth from his mouth he shall do.

And her father heard her vow and her binding which she bound upon her soul, and her father was silent to her; and all her vows stood, and all the binding which she bound upon her soul shall stand.

And if her father refused her in the day of his hearing, all her vows and all her bindings which she bound upon her soul, it shall not stand; and Jehovah will forgive her, for her father refused her

And if being she shall be to a husband, and her vows upon her, or the babbling of her lips which she bound upon her soul:

And her husband heard in the day of his hearing, and was silent to her: and her vows stood, and the binding which she bound upon her soul shall stand.

And if in the day her husband heard he shall refuse her, and he annulled her vows which were upon her, and the babbling of her lips which she bound upon her soul, and Jehovah will forgive her.

And the vow of a widow, and of her driven away, all which she bound upon her soul shall stand upon her.

And if in the house of her husband she vowed or bound a binding upon her soul with an oath:

And her husband heard and was silent to her, he refused her not: and all her vows shall stand, and all the binding which she bound upon her soul shall stand.

And if her husband annulling, shall annul them in the day of his hearing; all the going forth of her lips for her vows and for the binding of her soul, shall not stand: her husband annulled them, and Jehovah will forgive her.

Every vow, and every oath of binding to afflict the soul, her husband shall cause it to stand, and her husband shall annul it

And encamp ye without the camp seven days: every one killing a soul, and every one touching upon the wounded, ye shall be purified in the third day, and in the seventh day, ye and your captivity.

And cast a tribute to Jehovah from the men of the battle going forth to war: one soul from five hundred, from the men and from the oxen, and from the asses, and from the sheep:

And build ye to you cities; cities of refuge shall they be to you; and the slayer to flee there smiting a soul in error.

For the sons of Israel and for the stranger, and for the sojourner in the midst of you shall be six cities: these for refuge to flee there all smiting a soul in error.

And the nearest relation of blood finding him without the boundary of the city of his refuge, and the nearest relation of blood slew the slayer; no blood to him.

Every one striking a soul by the mouth of witnesses, he shall slay the slayer: and one witness shall not testify against a soul to die.

Ye shall not take expiation for the soul of a slayer, he who was guilty to die, for dying, he shall die.