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Then Joseph came and told Pharaoh, and said, My father and my brethren, and their flocks, and their herds, and all that they have, are come out of the land of Canaan; and, behold, they are in the land of Goshen.

Verse ConceptsTelling Of Movements

And out of his brethren he hath taken five men, and setteth them before Pharaoh;

Verse ConceptsFive People

And Pharaoh said unto his brethren, What is your occupation? And they said unto Pharaoh, Thy servants are shepherds, both we, and also our fathers.

Verse ConceptsOccupationsThose Who Kept Stock

And they will say to Pharaoh, To sojourn in the land we came: for no pasture is to the sheep which are to thy servants, for the famine was heavy in the land of Canaan: and at this time now will thy servants dwell in the land of Goshen.

Verse ConceptsSojourningNo FoodLiving In The Land

The land of Egypt is before thee; in the best of the land settle thy father and thy brethren: let them dwell in the land of Goshen. And if thou knowest men of activity among them, then set them as overseers of cattle over what I have.

Verse ConceptsAbilityCompetence

"I'm 130 years old," Jacob replied. "My years have turned out to be few and unpleasant, but I haven't yet reached the age my ancestors did during their travels on earth."

Verse ConceptsAge, Span Of LifePhysical LifePilgrimagePilgrims, Examples OfFamily Problems

And Joseph will place his father and his brethren, and will give to them possession in the land of Egypt, in the best of the land, in the land of Rameses, according to what Pharaoh commanded.

Verse ConceptsJacob, Life And Character Of

And all the money in Egypt and in the land of Canaan which had been given for grain, came into the hands of Joseph: and he put it in Pharaoh's house.

Verse ConceptsPalacesFinancesSaving Money

And the silver is consumed out of the land of Egypt, and out of the land of Canaan, and all the Egyptians come in unto Joseph, saying, 'Give to us bread -- why do we die before thee, though the money hath ceased?'

Verse ConceptsRequesting FoodPossibility Of DeathIndeterminate Sums Of MoneyShortage Other Than FoodFinancesSaving Money

When that year was ended, they came unto him the second year, and said unto him, We will not hide it from my lord, how that our money is spent; my lord also hath our herds of cattle; there is not ought left in the sight of my lord, but our bodies, and our lands:

Verse ConceptsBodyHerdsLimitations Of The BodyIndeterminate Sums Of MoneyShortage Other Than FoodThings Revealed

For what shall we die before thine eyes, also we, also our land? buy us and our land for bread, and we and our land will be servants to Pharaoh: and give seed, and we shall live and not die, and the land shall not be laid waste.

Verse ConceptsKept Alive By MenPossibility Of DeathLiteral PlantingGroups Of Slaves

And as for the people, he removed them into the cities, from one end of the borders of Egypt even to the other end of it.

Only the land of the priests bought he not; for the priests had a portion assigned them of Pharaoh, and did eat their portion which Pharaoh gave them: wherefore they sold not their lands.

Verse ConceptsGiving To OthersDividing Food

Then Joseph said to the people, “Understand today that I have acquired you and your land for Pharaoh. Here is seed for you. Sow it in the land.

Verse ConceptsCultivationLiteral PlantingPlanting SeedsSeedsSowing Seedssowing

And it shall come to pass in the increase, that ye shall give the fifth part unto Pharaoh, and four parts shall be your own, for seed of the field, and for your food, and for them of your households, and for food for your little ones.

Verse ConceptsLiteral Planting

"You've saved our lives," they replied. "If it pleases you, your Excellency, we'll be Pharaoh's slaves."

Verse ConceptsSubjectionKept Alive By MenGroups Of SlavesIndividuals Saving Others

And Joseph made it a law over the land of Egypt unto this day, that Pharaoh should have the fifth part; except the land of the priests only, which became not Pharaoh's.

Verse ConceptsHuman LawStatutes To This Day

And Israel dwelt in the land of Egypt, in the land of Goshen; and they had possessions in it, and were fruitful and multiplied exceedingly.

Verse ConceptsFruitfulness, NaturalPeople Multiplying

And Jacob lived in the land of Egypt seventeen years, - so it came to pass that the days of Jacob, the years of his life, were a hundred and forty-seven years.

Verse ConceptsAge, Lived Over 100Age, Span Of Life15 To 20 YearsAge At Death

But I will lie with my fathers, and thou shalt carry me out of Egypt, and bury me in their buryingplace. And he said, I will do as thou hast said.

Verse ConceptsChildren, Good KidsCarrying Dead BodiesThe Cave Of MachpelahGathered To One's People

Then he said, “Swear to me [that you will do it].” So he swore to him. Then Israel (Jacob) bowed in worship at the head of the bed.

Verse ConceptsPromises, HumanStaffBeds

And it came to pass after these things, that one told Joseph, Behold, thy father is sick: and he took with him his two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim.

Verse ConceptsDeathbedsSuffering, Causes OfSuffering, Nature OfGoing TogetherSick Individuals

And it was told to Jacob, "Behold, your son Joseph has come to you." Then Israel strengthened himself and he sat up in the bed.

Verse ConceptsBedsGay Marriage

And Jacob said unto Joseph, God Almighty appeared unto me at Luz in the land of Canaan, and blessed me,

Verse ConceptsGod AppearingBlessed By God

And as for me, when I came from Padan, Rachel died by me in the land of Canaan in the way, when yet there was but a little way to come unto Ephrath: and I buried her there in the way of Ephrath; the same is Bethlehem.

Verse ConceptsBereavement, Experience OfUnhappiness

Then Israel, looking at Joseph's sons, said, Who are these?

Verse ConceptsWho Is This?

And Israel said unto Joseph, "I had not thought to have seen thy face, and yet lo, God hath showed it me and also thy seed."

Verse ConceptsOld Age, Attainment OfSeeing People

And Joseph brought them out from between his knees, and he bowed himself with his face to the earth.

Verse ConceptsKnees

And Joseph took the two of them, Ephraim at his right [to] the left of Israel, and Manasseh at his left [to] the right of Israel. And he brought them near to him.

And Israel stretched out his right hand, and laid it upon Ephraim's head, who was the younger, and his left hand upon Manasseh's head, guiding his hands wittingly; for Manasseh was the firstborn.

Verse ConceptsFirstbornHandsLaying On Of HandsFirstborn SonsHands On HeadsLeft HandsLaying On Hands To HealBlessings For The Right Hand

And when Joseph saw that his father laid his right hand upon the head of Ephraim, it displeased him: and he held up his father's hand, to remove it from Ephraim's head unto Manasseh's head.

Verse ConceptsHands On HeadsBlessings For The Right HandTroubling Individuals

And his father refused, and said, I know it, my son, I know it: he also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations.

Verse ConceptsThe Youngest ChildPeople With General KnowledgeRules About Young People

And he blessed them, saying, "At the example of these, the Israelites shall bless and say, 'God make thee as Ephraim and as Manasseh.'" Thus set he Ephraim before Manasseh.

Verse ConceptsLike Good PeoplePeople Who Blessed Others

And Israel said unto Joseph: Lo! I, am about to die, - but it shall come to pass that, God will be with you, and will take you back into the land of your fathers.

Verse ConceptsNearness Of DeathGod Will Be With YouReturning to their landDeath Will Soon Happen

Moreover I have given to thee one portion above thy brethren, which I took out of the hand of the Amorite with my sword and with my bow.

Verse ConceptsFighting Enemies

And Jacob called his sons, and said, Gather yourselves together, and I will tell you what will befall you at the end of days.

Verse ConceptsPredicting The FutureOthers SummoningTogetherness

Unstable as water, thou shalt not excel; because thou wentest up to thy father's bed; then defiledst thou it: he went up to my couch.

Verse ConceptsFicklenessRash People

Let not my person be joined to their company. For in their anger they killed men, and at their pleasure they hamstrung cattle.

Verse ConceptsIrritationParticipation, In SinAnger Of Man, CauseSelf WillEvil AssociationsObstinate IndividualsReady To KillSports

Cursed be their anger, for it was fierce; and their wrath, for it was cruel: I will divide them in Jacob, and scatter them in Israel.

Verse ConceptsCursing The UngodlyFierce MenAngry People

"Your brothers will praise you, Judah. Your hand will be at the throat of your enemies, and your father's children will bow down to you.

Verse ConceptsBowingCommendationSalutationsOvercoming EnemiesShowing Forth His Praiseserenity

Judah is a young lion; like a lion full of meat you have become great, my son; now he takes his rest like a lion stretched out and like an old lion; by whom will his sleep be broken?

Verse ConceptsHuntingLions, Figurative Use OfLionsYoung AnimalVigourCrouchingLike Creatures

“The scepter [of royalty] shall not depart from Judah,
Nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet,
Until Shiloh [the Messiah, the Peaceful One] comes,
And to Him shall be the obedience of the peoples.

Verse Conceptsequipping, physicalSceptreStaffUnity, God's Goal OfProphecies Concerning ChristMessianic PropheciesGathered By God

Zebulun shall dwell at the haven of the sea; and he shall be for an haven of ships; and his border shall be unto Zidon.

Verse ConceptsSeafaringMediterranean SeaShipsSeashoresLiving In The Land

And he saw that rest was good, and the land that it was pleasant; and bowed his shoulder to bear, and became a servant unto tribute.

Verse ConceptsSubjectionThose At EaseForced LabourGood Qualities

“Dan shall be a [venomous] serpent in the way,
A fanged snake in the path,
That bites the horse’s heels,
So that his rider falls backward.

Verse ConceptsBitingSerpentsSnakesHeelsPeople TumblingThings Like SnakesSnakebitesFalling Backwards

Gad, a troop shall overcome him: but he shall overcome at the last.

Verse ConceptsNations Attacking IsraelOvercoming

Out of Asher his bread shall be fat, and he shall yield royal dainties.

Verse ConceptsRich Foodroyalty

Yet his bow remained steady,
and his strong arms were made agile
by the hands of the Mighty One of Jacob,
by the name of the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel,

Verse ConceptsGod, As ShepherdBow And Arrows, Symbol Of StrengthArmsGod, Power OfGod, The RockGod, Titles And Names OfRefugeShepherds, As Kings And LeadersChrist, The ShepherdSoftnessMighty One

Even by the God of your father, who will be your help, and by the Ruler of all, who will make you full with blessings from heaven on high, blessings of the deep stretched out under the earth, blessings of the breasts and of the fertile body:

Verse ConceptsBlessings, To IsraelWombGod Will BlessGod HelpsBlessings From GodThe Environmentbreasts

The blessings of thy father, have prevailed, Over the blessings of the perpetual mountains, The charm of the age-abiding hills, - They turn out to be, for the head of Joseph, And for the crown of the head of him who was set apart from his brethren.

Verse ConceptsHeadsHillsPrincesEternal WorldBlessed By God

Benjamin shall ravin as a wolf: in the morning he shall devour the prey, and at night he shall divide the spoil.

Verse ConceptsWolvesIn The MorningDividing PlunderFierce Men

All these are the twelve tribes of Israel: and this is it that their father spake unto them, and blessed them; every one according to his blessing he blessed them.

Verse ConceptsTwelve TribesPeople Who Blessed Othersisrael

And he commandeth them, and saith unto them, 'I am being gathered unto my people; bury me by my fathers, at the cave which is in the field of Ephron the Hittite;

Verse ConceptsAffection, Kinds OfLove, And The WorldNearness Of DeathDeath Will Soon HappenThe Cave Of MachpelahMen's OrdersGathered To One's Peoplegrandfathers

in the cave in the field at Machpelah, east of Mamre, in the land of Canaan, that Abraham bought, along with the field from Ephron the Hittite, to possess as a burial site.

Verse ConceptsThe Cave Of Machpelah

It's where Abraham and his wife Sarah were buried, where Isaac and his wife Rebekah were buried, and where I buried Leah.

Verse ConceptsCaves For BuryingThe Cave Of Machpelahsarah

The purchase of the field, and of the cave that is in it, was from the children of Heth.

Verse ConceptsPurchasing

And Joseph gave orders to his servants who had the necessary knowledge, to make his father's body ready, folding it in linen with spices, and they did so.

Verse ConceptsThe DeaddoctorsArts And Crafts, Types ofPreparation For BurialDrugs

Forty days {were required for it}, for thus [are] the days {required for} embalming. And the Egyptians wept for him seventy days.

Verse ConceptsLossForty DaysMore Than One MonthTwo To Four MonthsPreparation For Burial

At the conclusion of the mourning period, Joseph addressed Pharaoh's household. "If you're satisfied with me, would you please take this message to Pharaoh for me? Tell him,

‘My father made me swear [an oath], saying, “Hear me, I am about to die; bury me in my tomb which I prepared for myself in the land of Canaan.” So now let me go up [to Canaan], please, and bury my father; then I will return.’”

Verse ConceptsNearness Of DeathDeath Will Soon HappenThe Cave Of Machpelah

And Pharaoh will say, Go up and bury thy father, according to what he caused thee to swear.

And there went up with him both chariots and horsemen: and it was a very great company.

Verse ConceptsChariotsDealing With Many People

When they arrived at Atad's threshing floor, which is located beyond the Jordan River, they held a great and mournful memorial service, during which Joseph spent seven days mourning for his father.

Verse ConceptsFuneralsBereavement, Experience OfLamentingSevenWeeksSeven DaysBeyond JordanMourning The Death Of Others

And when the inhabitants of the land, the Canaanites, saw the mourning in the floor of Atad, they said, This is a grievous mourning to the Egyptians: wherefore the name of it was called Abelmizraim, which is beyond Jordan.

Verse ConceptsMourningMourning DeathBeyond Jordan

So Jacob’s sons did for him what he had commanded them.

Verse ConceptsObeying People

They carried him to the land of Canaan and buried him in the cave at Machpelah in the field near Mamre, which Abraham had purchased as a burial site from Ephron the Hittite.

Verse ConceptsempiresCavesTombsCaves For BuryingThe Cave Of MachpelahCaves Used As Graves

And when Joseph's brethren saw that their father was dead, they said, It may be that Joseph will hate us, and will fully requite us all the evil which we did unto him.

Verse ConceptsGrudgesResentment, Against PeopleResponseRepaying Evil For EvilNamed People Angry With Others

You are to say to Joseph, Let the wrongdoing of your brothers be overlooked, and the evil they did to you: now, if it is your pleasure, let the sin of the servants of your father's God have forgiveness. And at these words, Joseph was overcome with weeping.

Verse ConceptsAsking for forgivenessAskingForgive One AnotherWronging Other PeopleGod's ForgivenessLove And Forgivenessforgivingdisobedience

Then his brothers went, and falling at his feet, said, Truly, we are your servants.

Verse ConceptsBowing Before Joseph

And now ye shall not fear: I will give you to eat, and your little ones. And he will comfort them, and will speak to their hearts.

Verse ConceptsKindnessKind WordsPeople Providingprovidingreassurance

And Joseph said unto his brethren, I die: and God will surely visit you, and bring you out of this land unto the land which he sware to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.

Verse ConceptsAssurance, basis ofProperty, LandThe Promised LandGod VisitingNearness Of DeathDeath Will Soon HappenDeath Approaching

So Joseph made the sons of Israel take an oath: “When God comes to your aid, you are to carry my bones up from here.”

Verse ConceptsBonesFaithfulness, In Human RelationshipsLove, And The WorldExhumationsGod VisitingPeople Bound By Oaths

And all the souls that came out of the loins of Jacob were seventy souls: for Joseph was in Egypt already.

Verse ConceptsSeventySeventies

He said to his people, "Look at the Israelite people, more numerous and stronger than we are!

Verse ConceptsMany In Israel

Come on, let us deal wisely with them; lest they multiply, and it come to pass, that, when there falleth out any war, they join also unto our enemies, and fight against us, and so get them up out of the land.

Verse ConceptsOppression, Nature OfPersecution, Forms OfShrewdnessFalse WisdomExodusPrinciples Of WarNetworkingImmigrants

And they set over it princes of tribute, so as to afflict it with their burdens, and it buildeth store-cities for Pharaoh, Pithom and Raamses;

Verse ConceptsAbuse Of Authority, Examples OfOppression, Nature OfStoringSuffering, Causes OfSuffering, HardshipSuffering, Nature OfTaskmastersStores Of FoodForced Labour

and as they afflict it, so it multiplieth, and so it breaketh forth, and they are vexed because of the sons of Israel;

Verse ConceptsPeople MultiplyingFearing Other PeopleAfflictions Terminating In Goodoppressionpressure

and they made their lives bitter with hard labor in mortar and bricks and at all kinds of labor in the field, all their labors which they rigorously imposed on them.

Verse ConceptsBricksOppression, Examples OfTroubling Groups Of PeopleBitternessSuccess And Hard Work

And the king of Egypt said to the Hebrew women who gave help at the time of childbirth (the name of the one was Shiphrah and the name of the other Puah),

Verse ConceptsInfanticide

And he said, When ye do the office of a midwife to the Hebrew women, and see them upon the stools; if it be a son, then ye shall kill him: but if it be a daughter, then she shall live.

Verse ConceptsInfantsSuffering, Nature OfInfanticideKept Alive By MenDeath Of All MalesBirthKilling Israelites

And the midwives answered Pharaoh, that the Hebrews' women were not as the women of Egypt: but were sturdy women, and were delivered yer the midwives came at them.

Verse ConceptsVigourNot Like PeopleBirthWomen WorkingHaving A Babychildbearing

And the wife conceived and bare a son. And when she saw that it was a proper child, she hid him three months long.

Verse ConceptsTwo To Four MonthsPeople Hiding PeopleWomen's Beauty

And when she could not longer hide him, she took for him an ark of bulrushes, and daubed it with slime and with pitch, and put the child therein; and she laid it in the flags by the river's brink.

Verse ConceptsMaternal LoveCoatsBoatsBitumen and tarLove, And The WorldMineralsPapyrusPlantsUnable To Do Other ThingsRivers

And the daughter of Pharaoh came down to wash herself at the river; and her maidens walked along by the river's side; and when she saw the ark among the flags, she sent her maid to fetch it.

Verse ConceptsBathing, For RefreshmentRiver BanksPeople Sending People

And when she had opened it, she saw the child: and, behold, the babe wept. And she had compassion on him, and said, This is one of the Hebrews' children.

Verse ConceptsCompassion, Examples OfBabiesThe Act Of OpeningOpening ContainersOthers MourningPeople Showing Mercyempathy

And his sister said to Pharaoh's daughter, Shall I go and call thee a wet-nurse of the Hebrew women, that she may nurse the child for thee?

Verse ConceptsNursesNamed Sisters

And Pharaoh's daughter said unto her, Take this child away, and nurse it for me, and I will give thee thy wages. And the woman took the child, and nursed it.

Verse ConceptsNursesbaby

And the child grew, and she brought him unto Pharaoh's daughter, and he became her son. And she called his name Moses: and she said, Because I drew him out of the water.

Verse ConceptsAdoption, nature ofMoses, Life OfSonsGrowing UpAdoptionBringing People Out Of Other PlacesPeople With Apt Names

And it came to pass in those days, when Moses was grown, that he went out unto his brethren, and looked on their burdens: and he spied an Egyptian smiting an Hebrew, one of his brethren.

Verse ConceptsVisitingGrowing UpForced Labourempathymanhood

And when he went out the second day, behold, two men of the Hebrews strove together: and he said to him that did the wrong, Wherefore smitest thou thy fellow?

Verse ConceptsFighting One AnotherTwo Other Men