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the secrets of his heart are exposed, and he will fall down on his face and worship God, and declare that God is really among you.

If there is any ecstatic speaking, let it be limited to two or three people at the most, and have one speak at a time and someone explain what he says.

But if there is no one to explain it, have him keep quiet in church, and talk to himself and to God.

and if anything is revealed to another who is seated, the one who is speaking must stop.

For in this way you can all preach one after another, as you are inspired to, so that everyone may be instructed and stimulated,

Women are to keep quiet in church, for they are not allowed to speak. They must take a subordinate place, just as the Law says.

If anyone claims to be inspired to preach, or to have any other spiritual endowment, let him understand that what I am now writing you is a command from the Lord.

Now if what we preach about Christ is that he was raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no such thing as a resurrection of the dead?

and we are found guilty of misrepresenting God, for we have testified that he raised Christ, when he did not do it, if it is true that the dead are never raised.

for everything is to be reduced to subjection and put under Christ's feet. But when it says that everything is subject to him, he is evidently excepted who reduced it all to subjection to him.

And when everything is reduced to subjection to him, then the Son himself will also become subject to him who has reduced everything to subjection to him, so that God may be everything to everyone.

From the human point of view, what good is it to me that I have fought wild animals here in Ephesus? If the dead do not rise at all, "Let us eat and drink, for we will be dead tomorrow!"

Return to your sober sense as you ought, and stop sinning, for some of you are utterly ignorant about God. To your shame I say so.

and when you sow it, it has not the form it is going to have, but is a naked kernel, perhaps of wheat or something else;

and God gives it just such a form as he pleases, so that each kind of seed has a form of its own.

There are heavenly bodies, and there are earthly bodies, but the beauty of the heavenly bodies is of one kind, and the beauty of the earthly bodies is of another.

It is sown in humiliation, it is raised in splendor. It is sown in weakness, it is raised in strength.

It is a physical body that is sown, it is a spiritual body that is raised. If there is a physical body, there is a spiritual body also.

Those who are of the earth are like him who was of the earth, and those who are of heaven are like him who is from heaven,

But I can tell you this, brothers: flesh and blood cannot share in the Kingdom of God, and decay will not share in what is imperishable.

About the collection for God's people, I want you to do as I told the churches of Galatia to do.

If Timothy reaches you, put him at his ease among you, for he is devoted to the Lord's work, just as I am.

So no one is to slight him. But see him off cordially when he comes back to me, for I am expecting him with the other brothers.

As for our brother Apollos, I have often urged him to visit you with the other brothers, and he is quite unwilling to come now, but he will come when he has a good opportunity.

The churches of Asia wish to be remembered to you. Aquila and Prisca, with the congregation that meets at their house, send you their special Christian greetings.

Paul, by God's will an apostle of Christ Jesus, and Timothy our brother, to the church of God that is at Corinth, and all God's people all over Greece;

If I am in trouble, it is to bring you comfort and salvation, and if I am comforted, it is for the sake of the comfort which you experience when you steadfastly endure such sufferings as I also have to bear.

For I do not want you, brothers, to misunderstand the distress that I experienced in Asia, for I was so utterly and unendurably crushed, that I actually despaired of life itself.

So deadly was the peril from which he saved me, as he will save me again! It is on him that I have set my hope that he will save me again.

For what I am writing to you is only what you can read and understand, and I hope that you will understand it fully,

as some of you have come to understand me, and that you will understand that you have a right to be proud of me, as I have of you, on the Day of our Lord Jesus.

As surely as God can be relied on, there has been no equivocation about our message to you.

for to all the promises of God he supplies the "Yes" that confirms them. That is why we utter the "Amen" through him, when we give glory to God.

But upon my soul I call God to witness that it is simply to spare you that I have stayed away from Corinth.

For if I hurt your feelings, who is there to cheer me up but the man whose feelings I hurt?

This is what I said in my letter, so that I might avoid coming and having my feelings hurt by the very people who might have been expected to make me happy, for I felt sure about you all, that what made me happy would make you all happy.

For I was in great trouble and distress of mind when I wrote you, and I shed many tears as I did it, yet it was not to hurt your feelings, but to make you realize the extraordinary affection I have for you.

But if anyone has hurt anybody's feelings, it is not so much mine, as yours, or at least those of some of you, not to be too hard upon you all.

For that is why I wrote you??o find out how you would stand the test, and see if you would obey me absolutely.

For if what faded away came with splendor, how much more splendid what is permanent must be!