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"Do you know [the] time when [the] goats of [the] rocks give birth? Do you observe [the] doe deer's giving birth?

Can you number [the] months they fulfill, and do you know [the] time of its giving birth?

"Who has sent forth [the] wild ass free? And who has released [the] wild donkey's bonds,

[to] which I have given [the] wilderness [as] its house and [the] salt flat [as] its dwelling place?

"Is [the] wild ox willing to serve you, or will he spend the night at your feeding trough?

Can you tie [the] wild ox [with] its rope to a furrow, or will it harrow [the] valleys after you?

Can you trust it because its strength [is] great, or will you hand your labor over to it?

Can you rely on it that it will return your grain and [that] it will gather [it] to your threshing floor?

and it forgets that a foot might crush an egg, and {a wild animal} might trample it.

because God made it forget wisdom, and he did not give it a share in understanding.

"Do you give power to the horse? Do you clothe its neck [with] a mane?

Do you make it leap like the locust? [The] majesty of its snorting [is] terrifying.

{Whenever} a horn [sounds], it says, 'Aha!' And it smells [the] battle from a distance-- [the] thunder of [the] commanders and [the] war cry.

From there it spies out [the] prey; its eyes look from far away.

Then Yahweh answered Job and said,

"Shall a faultfinder contend with Shaddai? Anyone who argues with God must answer it."

So Job answered Yahweh and said,

"Look, I am insignificant. What shall I answer you? I lay my hand on my mouth.

Once I have spoken, and I will not answer; even twice, but I will not proceed."

Then Yahweh answered Job from the storm, and he said,

"{Prepare yourself for a difficult task like a man}, and I will question you, and you shall declare to me.

"Indeed, would you annul my justice? Would you condemn me, so that you might be righteous?

And I will also praise you, that your [own] right hand can save you.

"Look, Behemoth, which I have made just as [I made] you; it eats grass like the ox.

It keeps its tail straight like a cedar; [the] sinews of its thighs are tightly wound.

"It [is] the first of God's actions; the [one who] made him furnishes [it with] his sword.

Can anyone take it by its eyes? Can he pierce [its] nose with a snare?

"Can you draw out Leviathan with a fishhook? Or {can you tie down its mouth with a cord}?

Can you put a rope in its nose? Or can you pierce its jawbone with a hook?

Will it make numerous pleas for mercy to you? Or will it speak gentle words to you?

Will it make a covenant with you? Will you take it as a slave forever?

Will you play with it as [with] birds and put it on a leash for your girls?

Can you fill its kin with harpoons or its head with fish spears?

Lay your hands on it; think about [the] battle--you will not do [it] again!

[Is] it not fierce when somebody stirs it? Who [then] [is] he [who] would stand {before it}?

Who has come to confront me, that I should repay [him]? Under all the heavens, {it belongs to me}.

"I will not keep quiet [concerning] its limbs or concerning [the] extent of its might and [the] gracefulness of its frame.

Who can strip off {its outer covering}? Who can penetrate its double harness?

Who can open [the] doors of its face? Its teeth all around [are] fearsome.

Its back [has] scales of shields; it is shut up closely [as with] a seal.

Smoke comes from its nostrils as [from] a kettle boiling and [burning] bulrushes.

Its breath kindles charcoal, and a flame comes from its mouth.

"Its underparts [are] shards of a potsherd; it moves over mud [like] a threshing sledge.

It makes [the] deep boil like a cooking pot; it makes [the] sea like a pot of ointment.

Behind it, {it leaves a glistening wake}; one would think [that] the deep [has] gray hair.

"{On the ground it has no equal}-- a creature without fear.

'Who [is] this darkening counsel without knowledge?' Therefore I uttered, but I did not understand; {things too wonderful for me}, but I did not know.

'Hear and I will speak; I will question you, then inform me.'

{And then} after Yahweh spoke these words to Job, Yahweh said to Eliphaz the Temanite, "{My wrath has been kindled} against you and against [the] two of your friends, for you have not spoken to me what is right as my servant Job [has].

{So then}, take for yourselves seven bulls and seven rams, and go to my servant Job and offer a burnt offering for yourselves. And my servant Job will pray for you, for {I will certainly accept his prayer}, so that it will not be done with you [according to your] folly, for you have not spoken to me what is right as my servant Job [has]."

So Eliphaz the Temanite and Bildad the Shuhite [and] Zophar the Naamathite went and did just as Yahweh had told them, and {Yahweh accepted Job's prayer}.

So all his brothers and all his sisters and all [those who] had known him {before} came to him, and they ate bread with him in his house and showed sympathy to him and comforted him for all the disaster that Yahweh had brought upon him. Then each one gave to him one piece of money, and each one [gave to him] one ornamental ring of gold.

So Yahweh blessed Job's latter days more than his beginning. {Thus he had} fourteen thousand sheep and goats and six thousand camels and a thousand pair of oxen and a thousand female donkeys.

[He who] sits [enthroned] in the heavens laughs. The Lord derides them.

Ask from me and I will make [the] nations your heritage, and your possession [the] ends of [the] earth.

So then, O kings, be wise. Be warned, O rulers of [the] earth.

Kiss the Son lest he be angry and you perish [on the] way, for his anger burns quickly. Blessed are all [who] take refuge in him.

Yahweh, how many are my enemies; many [are] rising against me.

Rise up, O Yahweh; deliver me, O my God; for you strike all my enemies [on the] cheek. [The] teeth of [the] wicked you break.

O sons of man, how long will my honor be a disgrace? [How long] will you love vanity? [How long] will you seek lies? Selah

Many are saying, "Who will show us [something] good?" Lift up over us the light of your face, O Yahweh.

Hear my words, O Yahweh. Give heed to my sighing.

Listen to the sound of my pleading, my king and my God, for to you I pray.

For you [are] not a God [who] desires wickedness. Evil cannot dwell with you.

{But as for me}, through the abundance of your steadfast love I will enter your house. I will bow down toward {your holy temple} in awe [of] you.

O Yahweh, lead me in your righteousness because of my enemies; make straight before me your way.

Treat them as guilty, O God; let them fall because of their plans. Because of the abundance of their transgressions cast them out, for they have rebelled against you.

But let all who take shelter in you rejoice. Let them ever sing for joy, {because} you spread protection over them; And let those [who] love your name exult in you.