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It is foolish to spread a net
where any bird can see it,

For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of the foolish shall cause them to perish.

He will come to his end for need of teaching; he is so foolish that he will go wandering from the right way.

He went after her suddenly as the ox will go to the slaughter, and as the fetter for the correction of the foolish.

The wise in heart [are willing to learn so they] will accept and obey commands (instruction),
But the babbling fool [who is arrogant and thinks himself wise] will come to ruin.

He who [maliciously] winks the eye [of evil intent] causes trouble;
And the babbling fool [who is arrogant and thinks himself wise] will come to ruin.

In the lips of him that hath understanding a man shall find wisdom; but the rod belongeth to the back of the foolish.

The merciful man doeth good to his own soul: but he that is cruel troubleth his own flesh.

Every prudent man acteth with knowledge; but the foolish layeth open his folly.

He who is quickly angry will do what is foolish, but the man of good sense will have quiet.

Foolish behaviour is the heritage of the simple, but men of good sense are crowned with knowledge.

The crown of the wise is their riches; the folly of the foolish is folly.

Wisdom resteth in the heart of the intelligent man; but that which is in the foolish maketh itself known.

The lips of the wise disperse knowledge: but the heart of the foolish doeth not so.

The heart of an intelligent man seeketh knowledge; but the mouth of the foolish feedeth on folly.

Foolish behaviour is joy to the unwise; but a man of good sense makes his way straight.

Fair words are not to be looked for from a foolish man, much less are false lips in a ruler.

A word of protest goes deeper into one who has sense than a hundred blows into a foolish man.

It is better to come face to face with a bear whose young ones have been taken away than with a foolish man acting foolishly.

How will money in the hand of the foolish get him wisdom, seeing that he has no sense?

Wisdom is before the face of him who has sense; but the eyes of the foolish are on the ends of the earth.

Even the foolish man, when he keeps quiet, is taken to be wise: when his lips are shut he is credited with good sense.

Material comfort is not good for the foolish; much less for a servant to be put over rulers.

Wisdom is outside the power of the foolish: he keeps his mouth shut in the public place.

Like snow in summer and rain when the grain is being cut, so honour is not natural for the foolish.

A whip for the horse, a mouth-bit for the ass, and a rod for the back of the foolish.

Give a foolish man a foolish answer, or he will seem wise to himself.

He who sends news by the hand of a foolish man is cutting off his feet and drinking in damage.

The legs of one who has no power of walking are hanging loose; so is a wise saying in the mouth of the foolish.

Like a thorn which goes up into the hand of a man overcome by drink, so is a wise saying in the mouth of a foolish man.

Like an archer wounding all who go by, is a foolish man overcome by drink.

Like a dog going back to the food which he has not been able to keep down, is the foolish man doing his foolish acts over again.

A sensible person sees danger and takes cover;
the inexperienced keep going and are punished.

If thou dost beat the foolish in a mortar, Among washed things -- with a pestle, His folly turneth not aside from off him.

If a wise man contendeth with a foolish man, whether he rage or laugh, there is no rest.

For a servant when he shall reign; and the foolish one when he shall be filled with bread;

If thou hast been foolish in lifting up thyself, And if thou hast devised evil -- hand to mouth!