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From the sole of the foot even unto the head, there is in it no soundness, Bruise and stripe and newly-made wound, - They have not been pressed out, nor bound up, nor soothed with oil.

Your country - is a desolation, Your cities - are consumed with fire, - Your soil - right before your eyes, foreigners are devouring it, And it is a desolation a very overthrow by foreigners;

Your new moons and your appointed feasts, my soul, hateth, - They have become unto me a burden I am too weary to bear:

Bind thou up the testimony, - Seal the instruction amongst my disciples.

And the glory of his forest and of his garden land, both soul and body, shall it bring to an end, - And it shall be like the wasting away of a consumptive.

They have passed over the pare, Geba is his halting-place, - Terror-stricken is Ramah, Gibeah of Saul, hath fled!

But he will judge with righteousness! them who are poor, And decide with equity! for the oppressed of the land, - And he will smite the land With the sceptre of his mouth, And with the breath of his lips, will he slay the lawless one;

For Yahweh will have compassion on Jacob, And will yet choose Israel, And will give them rest upon their own soil, - And the sojourner, shall join himself, unto them, And they shall attach themselves unto the house of Jacob;

And peoples shall take them, and bring them into their own place, And the house of Israel shall possess themselves of them upon the soil of Yahweh for servants and for handmaids, - Thus shall they be taking captive their captors, And shall tread down their oppressors.

As for them who go down to the stones of the Pit, Thou shalt not be united with them in burial; For thy land, thou didst ruin Thy people, didst slay, - Unnamed to times ago-abiding, Be the seed of the wicked!

And Heshbon, hath made outcry, and Elealeh, Unto Jahaz, hath been heard their voice, - For this cause, do the armed men of Moab roar, Every man's soul, quivereth to him.

For the waters of Dimon, are full of blood, For I will lay upon Dimon new troubles, - To the escaped of Moab, the lions, Even to the survivors on the soil.

Send ye the lamb due to the ruler of the land, From Sela towards the desert, - Unto the mount of the daughter of Zion;

And the spirit of Egypt, shall vanish, within them, Yea the sagacity thereof, will I swallow up, - And they will seek Unto the idols and Unto them that mutter, and Unto them that have familiar spirits, and Unto the wizards;

Then shall her pillars be crushed, - All who make wages, be bowed down in soul.

Then shall the soil of Judah become, to Egypt, a terror; Every one to whom it is mentioned, will tremble, - Because of the purpose of Yahweh of hosts, which he is purposing against it.

And he will swallow up in this mountain, The mask of the veil, the veil that is upon all the peoples, - And the web that is woven over all the nations.

Surely in the path of thy regulations, O Yahweh, we waited for thee, - Unto thy Name and unto thy Memorial, was there a longing of soul:

With my soul, longed I for thee in the night, Yea with my spirit within me, I kept on searching for thee, - For, when thy regulations extend to the earth, The inhabitants of the world will have learned, righteousness.

O Yahweh though thy hand be lifted up, - yet do they not see, Would they might see - and turn pale at a peoples zeal, - Surely, the fire of thine enemies, must consume them!

In that day, will Yahweh With his sword - the hard and the great and the strong, Bring punishment Upon Leviathan, the fleeing serpent, And upon Leviathan, the crooked serpent, - And will slay the monster which is in the sea.

Yea it shall be As when the hungry man dreameth and lo! he is eating, But he awaketh, and his soul, is empty, Or as when the thirsty man dreameth and lo! he is drinking, But he awaketh and lo! he is faint and his soul, is craving, So, shall it be with the multitude of all the nations, that have come forth to war against Mount Zion.

For, a base man, with baseness, will speak, And, his heart, will practise iniquity, - Practising profanity, And speaking, against Yahweh that which misleadeth, Emptying the soul of the hungry, And the drink of the thirsty, he causeth to fail;

Over the soil of my people, thorns and briars shall grow, - Yea over all houses of joy, thou city exultant!

Loosed are thy ropes, - They cannot strengthen the socket of their mast They have not unfurled a sail Now, can be apportioned spoil, in abundance, The lame, have captured prey!

As a twittering swallow, so, do I chatter, I coo as a dove, - Mine eyes languish through looking on high, O My Lord! distress is upon me - my Surety!

What can I say? Since he hath promised for me, Himself, will perform. I will go softly, all my years. Because of the bitterness of my soul,

Lo! for well-being, I had bitterness - bitterness, - But, thou, cleaving unto my soul, hast raised me from the pit of corruption, For thou hast cast, behind thy back all my sins.

They have cowered they have crouched at once, And they cannot rescue the burden, - But their own soul, into captivity, hath departed.

Lo! they have become as straw - a fire, hath burned them up, They shall not deliver their own soul from the grasp of the flame, - There is, no live coal to warm them, nor blaze to sit before.

Thus, saith Yahweh - the Redeemer of Israel, his Holy One To him that is despised of the soul, To the abhorred of the nation To the servant of rulers, Kings, shall see and arise, Princes, lo! they have bowed themselves down, - Because of Yahweh, who is faithful, The Holy One of Israel, lo! he hath chosen thee.

But I will put it into the hand of thy tormentors, Who said to thy soul, Bow down thus we may pass over, - And so thou didst place as the ground, thy back, Yea as the street to such as were passing along.

Yet, Yahweh, purposed to bruise him, He laid on him sickness: - If his soul become an offering for guilt, He shall see a seed, He shall prolong his days, - And the purpose of Yahweh, in his hand, shall prosper:

Of the travail of his soul, shall he see He shall be satisfied with his knowledge, A setting right when set right himself, shall my Servant win for the Many, Since of their iniquities, he, taketh the burden.

Therefore, will I give him a portion in the great, And the strong, shall he apportion as spoil, Because he poured out, to death his own soul, And with transgressors, let himself be numbered, - Yea, he, the sin of Many, bare, And for transgressors, interposeth.

Wherefore should ye spend, Money, for that which is not bread? Or your labour, for that which, satisfieth not? Keep on hearkening unto me, And, so eat that which is good, And let your soul take exquisite delight in fatness:

Incline your ear, and come unto me, Hearken, That your soul, may live, - That I may solemnise for you a covenant age-abiding, The Lovingkindness to David, well-assured.

Wherefore have we Fasted and thou hast not seen? Humbled our soul, and thou wouldst take no note? Lo! in the day of your fast, ye take pleasure, But all your toilers, ye drive on!

Like this, shall the fast be that I choose, A day for the son of earth to humble his soul? Is it to bow down as a rush his head, And sackcloth and ashes, to spread out? Is it, this, thou wilt call a fast, Or a day of acceptance with Yahweh?

And shalt let thine own soul a go out to the hungry, And the soul of the oppressed, thou shalt satisfy, Then shall break forth in darkness thy light, And thy thick darkness, become as the splendour of noon;

So shall ye leave your name for an oath, to my chosen ones, - So then My Lord Yahweh, will slay thee, - And his servants, will he, call by another name:

He that slaughtereth an ox, is as one who smiteth a man, He that sacrificeth a lamb, is as one who beheadeth a dog, he that causeth a meal-offering to ascend, offereth it with the blood of swine, He that maketh a memorial of frankincense, is as one who blesseth iniquity: They indeed, have chosen their own ways, And in their own abominations, their soul hath found delight;