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Now when Lo-ruhamah had been taken from the breast, the woman gave birth to a son.

Verse ConceptsWeaningBirth Control

And the Lord said to me, Give your love again to a woman who has a lover and is false to her husband, even as the Lord has love for the children of Israel, though they are turned to other gods and are lovers of grape-cakes.

Verse ConceptsCriminalsFoodGrapesRaisinsLove, In RelationshipsMarriage, Purpose OfMonogamyIdolatry Consists OfDried FruitDifferent GodsGod's Love For IsraelFriendship And LoveLoving Your WifeBeing LovedLoving Childrenloversadultry

I will not give punishment to your daughters or your brides for their evil behaviour; for they make themselves separate with loose women, and make offerings with those who are used for sex purposes in the worship of the gods: the people who have no wisdom will be sent away.

Verse ConceptsThe Insecurity Of The WickedBeing Without UnderstandingMale Prostitutesadultrywhores

Have no joy, O Israel, and do not be glad like the nations; for you have been untrue to your God; your desire has been for the loose woman's reward on every grain-floor.

Verse ConceptsFaithfulness, To GodSpiritual HarlotryIngratitudeMarriage, Between God And His PeopleServants, Working Conditions OfUnfaithfulness, To GodLack Of RejoicingWages Of A ProstituteThe Great Prostitute

The pains of a woman in childbirth will come on him: he is an unwise son, for at this time it is not right for him to keep his place when children come to birth.

Verse ConceptsWombLabour PainsBirth Not Being Possible