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His winnowing-fan is in his hand, he will clean out his threshing-floor, his wheat he will gather into the granary, but the straw he will burn with fire unquenchable."

And if your right hand is a hindrance to you, cut it off and throw it away: better for you to lose one of your members than to have all your body thrown into Gehenna.

Or, if he asks a fish, will you hand him a serpent?

Now a man with a withered hand was there; so in order to get a charge against him they asked him, "Is it right to heal on the sabbath?"

Then he said to the man, "Stretch out your hand." He stretched it out, and it was quite restored, as sound as the other.

Stretching out his hand towards his disciples he said, "Here are my mother and my brothers!

If your hand or your foot is a hindrance to you, cut it off and throw it away; better be maimed or crippled and get into Life, than keep both feet or hands and be thrown into the everlasting fire.

He said to her, "What do you want?" She said, "Give orders that my two sons are to sit at your right hand and at your left in your Realm."

"You shall drink my cup," said Jesus, "but it is not for me to grant seats at my right hand and at my left; these belong to the men for whom they have been destined by my Father."

Let the fig tree teach you a parable. As soon as its branches turn soft and put out leaves, you know summer is at hand;

setting the sheep on his right hand and the goats on his left.

He answered, "One who has dipped his hand into the same dish as myself is going to betray me.

Come, get up and let us go. Here is my betrayer close at hand!"

One of his companions put out his hand, drew his sword, and struck the servant of the high priest, cutting off his ear.

Jesus said to him, "Even so! But I tell you, in future you will all see the Son of man seated at the right hand of the Power, and coming on the clouds of heaven."