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And immediately on going up from the water, he saw the heavens divided by a chasm, and the Spirit as a dove descending upon him:

And there was in their synagogue a man possessed by an unclean spirit, and he cried out

See that you say nothing to any man: but go and let the priest see you, and make yourself clean by an offering of the things ordered by Moses, for a witness to them.

[Then] Jesus withdrew [from there] with His disciples and went to the lake [i.e., Lake of Galilee], being followed by a large crowd from Galilee. Also, a large crowd from Judea,

Therefore He spake to his disciples, that there might be a small vessel attending Him, because of the multitude, least they should throng Him: for He had healed many,

And He taught them many things by a parable. And He said to them in His teaching:

And he came out of his sleep, and gave strong orders to the wind, and said to the sea, Peace, be at rest. And the wind went down, and there was a great calm.

And immediately on his going out of the ship there met him out of the tombs a man possessed by an unclean spirit,

For Herod was afraid of John, [because he] knew him [to be] a righteous and holy man and protected him. And [when he] listened to him, he was greatly perplexed, and [yet] he listened to him gladly.

But He answered them, "You [men] give them something to eat." And they replied, "Should we go and buy a supply of bread to give them to eat?" [Note: The amount mentioned here indicates that it was two hundred days of a farm laborer's pay, or about $14,000 in 1994].

And they having seen him walking on the sea, thought it to be an apparition, and cried out,

But immediately a woman whose young daughter was possessed by an unclean spirit, [when she] heard about him, came [and] fell down at his feet,

Now the woman happened to be a Greek, born in Phoenicia in Syria. She kept asking him to drive the demon out of her daughter.

A member of the crowd said to him, "Teacher, I brought you my son, who is possessed by a spirit that makes him mute.

where their worm [that feeds on the dead] does not die, and the fire is not put out.

For every one shall be as it were salted by fire, and every sacrifice shall be seasoned as with salt.

but shall receive at present in this age, what will be a hundred times better to him, than houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, tho' with persecution: and in the age to come eternal life.

and whoever wants to be first among you must be a slave to all.

and said to them, "Go into the village in front of you, and as soon as you get into it, you will find a colt tied which has never been ridden by a man. Untie it and bring it here.

So they went and found a young donkey outside in the street, tied by a door. They untied it,

But should we say, From men--they feared the people: for all verily held John to be a prophet.

Then they sent to him certain of the Pharisees and the Herodians, so that they might make use of his words to take him by a trick.

They *came and *said to Him, “Teacher, we know that You are truthful and defer to no one; for You are not partial to any, but teach the way of God in truth. Is it lawful to pay a poll-tax to Caesar, or not?

For in those days shall be a tribulation - such, that there hath not happened, the like, from the beginning of creation which God created, until the present time, and shall in nowise happen.

Now two days later was the feast of the Passover and of Unleavened Bread. Both the chief priests and the Scribes were continually seeking how they might arrest him by a stratagem and kill him;

At length they came to a place call'd Gethsemane, and he said to his disciples, stay here, whilst I shall be at prayer.

Immediately while He was still speaking, Judas, one of the twelve, *came up accompanied by a crowd with swords and clubs, who were from the chief priests and the scribes and the elders.

You have heard his impious speech. What think you? They all condemned him to be a subject of death.

but he denied it again. a little time after, they that stood by, still urg'd Peter, saying, you are certainly one of his disciples, for your speech shows you to be a Galilean.