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And Jesse begat David the King. And David begat Solomon of her that had been the wife of Uriah;

Now, when, Jesus, was born in Bethlehem of Judaea, in the days of Herod the king, lo! wise men from eastern parts, came into Jerusalem:

But, when King Herod heard, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him;

Now, they, hearing the king, went, and lo! the star which they had seen in the east, was going before them, until it went and stood over where the child was;

Nor by the earth, because it is his, footstool; nor by Jerusalem, because, it is the, city, of the Great King;

And the king, though grieved, yet, because of the oaths and the guests, ordered it to be given;

For this cause, hath the kingdom of the heavens become like unto a man, a king, who wished to settle an account with his servants;

And, the king, was provoked to anger, - and, sending his armies, destroyed those murderers, and, their city, set on fire.

Now, Jesus, stood before the governor; and the governor questioned him, saying - Thou, art the king of the Jews? And, Jesus, said - Thou, sayest.

and, plaiting a crown out of thorns, they put it upon his head, and a reed in his right hand, - and, kneeling before him, began to mock him, saying - Joy to thee, King of the Jews!

And King Herod heard, - for, famous, had become his name; and he was saying - John the Immerser hath arisen from among the dead, and, for this cause, are the powers working mightily in him;

when the daughter of this very Herodias came in and danced, she pleased Herod and those reclining together, and, the king, said unto the damsel - Ask me what thou wilt, and I will give it thee;

And, coming in straightway, with hast, unto the king, she asked, saying - I desire, that, forthwith, thou give me, upon a charger, the head of John the Immerser.

And, though the king was, very grieved, yet, by reason of the oaths, and of them who were reclining, he would not refuse her.

And Pilate questioned him - Art, thou, the king of the Jews? And, he, answering him, saith - Thou, sayest.

But, Pilate, answered them, saying - Will ye, I release unto you, the King of the Jews?

But, Pilate, again answering, was saying unto them - What then shall I do with him whom ye call, the King of the Jews?

and began to be saluting him - Joy to thee! King of the Jews!

The Christ, the King of Israel - let him come down now from the cross, that we may see and believe. And, they who had been crucified with him, were casting it in his teeth.

It came to pass, in the days of Herod, king of Judaea, that there was a certain priest, by name Zachariah, of the daily course of Abia; and that he had a wife of the daughters of Aaron, and, her name, was Elizabeth.

Or, what king, moving on to encounter, another king, in battle, will not sit down first and take counsel, whether he is able, with ten thousand, to meet him who, with twenty thousand, is coming against him.

But, his citizens, hated him, and sent off an embassy after him, saying - We desire not, this, man, to be made king over us!

But, these mine enemies who desired not that I should be made king over them, bring ye here, and slay them outright before me.

saying - Blessed is he that cometh -- The king! In the name of the Lord! In heaven, peace! And glory in the highest!

And they began to accuse him, saying - This one, found we, perverting our nation, and forbidding to give, tribute unto Caesar, - and affirming himself to be, an anointed king.

And, Pilate, questioned him, saying - Art, thou, the king of the Jews? And, he, answering him, said - Thou, sayest.

Jesus, therefore, getting to know that they were about to come, and seize him, that they might make him king, retired again into the mountain, himself, alone.

took the branches of the palm trees, and went out to meet him, and began crying aloud - Hosanna! Blessed is he that is coming in the name of the Lord, - even the King of Israel!

Pilate, therefore, entered again into the judgment-hall; and addressed Jesus, and said unto him - Art, thou, the king of the Jews?

Pilate, therefore, said unto him - And yet, thou, art, not a king? Jesus answered - Thou, sayest, that, a king, I am: I, for this, have been born, and, for this, have come into the world, - that I may bear witness unto the truth: Every one who is of the truth, hearkeneth unto my voice.

Howbeit ye have, a custom, that, some one, I should release unto you, during the passover: - Are ye minded, then, that I release unto you the king of the Jews?

and kept coming unto him, and saying - Joy to thee! O King of the Jews! - and were giving unto him smart blows.

For this cause, Pilate, began seeking to release him; but, the Jews, cried aloud saying - If this man thou release, thou art not a friend of Caesar, for, every one who maketh himself king, speaketh against Caesar.

Now it was the preparation of the passover, - it was about the sixth hour. And he saith unto the Jews - See! your King!

They, therefore, cried aloud - Away! away! Crucify him! Pilate saith unto them - Your king, shall I crucify? The High-priests answered - We have no king but Caesar!

And Pilate wrote a title also, and placed on the cross; and there was written - JESUS, THE NAZARENE, THE KING OF THE JEWS.

The High-priests of the Jews, therefore, were saying unto Pilate - Do not be writing, The King of the Jews; but that, he, said: King of the Jews, I am.

And rescued him out of all his tribulations, and gave him favour and wisdom before Pharaoh king of Egypt; and he appointed him governor over Egypt and all his house.

Until there arose another sort of king over Egypt, who had not known Joseph.

Now, in the course of that season, Herod the king thrust forth his hands to harm some of them of the assembly, -

Now he was bitterly hostile to them of Tyre and Zidon; but, with one accord, they came unto him, and, persuading Blastus, who was over the bed-chamber of the king, they were suing for peace; because their country was fed by the king's,

And, from that time, they asked for themselves a king, and God gave them Saul, son of Kish, a man of the tribe of Benjamin, during forty years;

And, setting him aside, raised up, David, unto them for king, - of whom he also said, bearing witness - I have found David, the son of Jesse, - a manaccording to my heart, who will do all my will.

unto whom Jason hath given welcome; and, these all, contrary to the decrees of Caesar, are acting, - saying that there is another king, Jesus.

And, some days having gone by, Agrippa the king and Bernice came down to Caesarea, to salute Festus.

And, as they were spending more days there, Festus, repeated, unto the king, the things relating to Paul, saying - A certain man, hath been left behind by Felix, as a prisoner;

And Festus saith - King Agrippa! and all ye men, here present with us: Ye observe this person, concerning whom, one and all the throng of the Jews, have interceded with me, both in Jerusalem and here, crying aloud that he ought not to be living any longer.

Concerning whom, anything certain to write unto my lord, I have not; wherefore, I have brought him forth before you, - and especially before thee, King Agrippa! in order that, after examination had, I might have something I could write;

Concerning all things of which I am accused by Jews, King Agrippa, I have been counting myself happy, that, before thee, am I about, this day, to be making my defence;

unto which hope , our twelve-tribed nation, with intensity, night and day, rendering divine service, is hoping to attain - concerning which hope, I am being accused by Jews, O King!

at midday, on the road, I saw, O King, from heaven, above the splendour of the sun, shining around me, a light, and around them who, with me, were journeying;

Wherefore, O King Agrippa, - I became not disobedient unto the heavenly vision;

For well-knoweth, the king, concerning these things, unto whom, with boldness of utterance, am I speaking; for, that these things are not hidden from him, I am well persuaded, - for, not in a corner, hath this thing been done.

Believest thou, King Agrippa, in the prophets? I know that thou believest!

And the king rose up, and the governor, Bernice also, and they who had been sitting with them;

In Damascus, the governor under Aretas the king, was guarding the city of Damascenes, to apprehend me, -

For, this Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of God Most High, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him, -

To whom even a tenth of all Abraham apportioned, first, indeed, when translated, King of Righteousness, but, after that, King of Salem also, which is King of Peace, -

They have over them, as king, the messenger of the abyss, whose name, in Hebrew, is Abaddon "=Destroyer", and, in the Greek, he hath for name, Destroyer.

saying - We give thanks unto thee, O Lord God, the Almighty, Who is, and Who was; because thou hast taken thy great power, and hast become king.

and they sing the song of Moses the servant of God and the song of the Lamb, saying - Great and marvelous, are thy works, Lord, God, the Almighty! Righteous and true, are thy ways, O King of the ages!