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But, when, these things, he had pondered, lo! a messenger of the Lord, by dream, appeared to him, saying, - Joseph, son of David! do not fear to take unto thee Mary thy wife, for, that which, in her, hath been begotten, is of the , Holy, Spirit.

and sending them to Bethlehem, said - Go search out accurately concerning the child, - and, as soon as ye find it, bring report unto me, that, I also, may come and bow myself down to it.

Now, they, hearing the king, went, and lo! the star which they had seen in the east, was going before them, until it went and stood over where the child was;

and saith to him - If thou art God's, Son, cast thyself down, - for it is written, To his messengers, will he give charge concerning thee; and, on hands, will they bear thee up, lest once thou strike, against a stone, thy foot.

And, going forward from thence, he saw other two brethren - James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother - in the boat with Zebedee their father, putting in order their nets, - and he called them.

Do not give what is holy unto dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, - lest once they trample, them, down with their feet, and, turning, tear, you.

Or what man, from among yourselves, whom his son shall ask for a loaf, - a stone, will give him?

and lo! they cried aloud, saying, What have we in common with thee, O Son of God? Hast thou come hither, before the right time, to torment us?

and, the demons, began to beseech him, saying, If thou dost cast us out, send us away, into the herd of swine.

And he said unto them, Withdraw! So, they, going out, departed into the swine, - and lo! all the herd rushed down the cliff, into the sea, and died in the waters.

But, that ye may know, that the Son of Man hath, authority, upon the earth, to be forgiving sins, then, saith he to the paralytic, - Rise! take up thy couch, and withdraw unto thy house.

And, as Jesus, was passing aside from thence, there followed him, two blind men, crying aloud and saying, - Have mercy on us, O Son of David!

Now, the twelve apostles' names, are these: - first Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother, - and James, the son of Zebedee, and John, his brother;

Philip, and Bartholomew, - Thomas, and Matthew, the tax-collector; James, the son of Alphaeus, and Thadaeus;

And, when they persecute you in this city, flee into another, - for, verily, I say unto you, in nowise shall ye finish the cities of Israel, till, he Son of Man, come.

For, the Son of Man, is, Lord of the Sabbath.

And all the multitudes were beside themselves, and were saying, Can, this one, be, the Son of David?

And, whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of Man, it shall be forgiven him, - but, whosoever shall speak against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, either in this age, or the coming.

But, he, answering, said unto them, A wicked and adulterous generation, a sign, doth seek, and, a sign, will not be, given, it, save the sign of Jonah the prophet.

For, just as was Jonah in the belly of the sea-monster three days and three nights, so, will be the Son of Man, in the heart of the earth, three days and three nights.

and, the sun arising, it was scorched, and, because it had no root, it withered away;

For, verily, I say unto you - Many prophets and righteous men, have coveted to see what ye see, and have not seen, and to hear what ye hear, and have not heard.

And, he on the rocky places sown, the same, is he that, heareth the word, and, straightway, with joy, receiveth it;

But, he on the good ground sown, the same, is he who doth hear and understand the word, who, indeed, beareth fruit and produceth, - this, a hundred, and, that, sixty, and, the other, thirty.

The Son of Man will send forth his messengers, and they will collect, out of his kingdom, all the causes of stumbling, and the doers of lawlessness,

Is not, this one, the carpenter's, son? Is not, his mother, called Mary, and are not his brethren - James and Joseph, and Simon, and Judas?

A wicked and adulterous generation, a sign, doth seek after, and, a sign, will not be given it, - save the sign of Jonah. And, leaving them behind, he departed.

And, Jesus coming into the parts of Caesarea of Philip, began questioning his disciples, saying - Who are men saying that, the Son of Man, is?

Verily, I say unto you - There are some of those, here standing, who, indeed, shall in nowise taste of death, until they see the Son of Man, coming in his kingdom.

And, as they were coming down out of the mountain, Jesus commanded them, saying - Unto no one, may ye tell the vision, until the Son of Man, from among the dead shall arise.

But, I say unto you - that, Elijah, just now, came, - and they recognised him not, but did with him, whatsoever they pleased: Thus, the Son of Man also, is destined to suffer by them.

and saying - Lord! have mercy upon my son, - because he is lunatic, and in a grievous condition; For, many times, falleth he into the fire, and, many times, into the water.

And, as they were being gathered together in Galilee, Jesus said unto them - The Son of Man is about to be delivered up into the hands of men;

Lo! we are going up unto Jerusalem; and, the Son of Man, will be delivered up unto the chief-priests and Scribes, and they will condemn him, to death,

and lo! two blind men, sitting beside the road, hearing that Jesus was passing by, cried aloud saying - Lord! have mercy on us! Son of David!

But the multitude rebuked them, that they might hold their peace. But, they, the more, cried aloud, saying - Lord, have mercy on us! Son of David!

and the multitudes, they who were going before him and they who were following after, were crying aloud, saying - Hosanna! to the Son of David, Blessed is he that is coming in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest.

But the Chief-priests and the Scribes, seeing, the marvels that he wrought, and the boys who were crying aloud in the temple, and saying, Hosanna to the Son of David! were greatly displeased;

But how, to you, doth it seem? A man, had two sons: coming unto the first, he said, Son! go thy way, to-day, be working in the vineyard.

Afterwards, however, he sent forth unto them his son, saying, - They will pay deference unto my son!

But, the husbandmen, seeing the son, said among themselves, - This, is, the heir: Come on! Let us slay him, and have his inheritance.

How, to you, doth it seem, concerning the Christ? Whose son, is he? They say unto him - David's.

If then, David, calleth him, Lord, How, is he, his son?

Alas for you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites: because ye compass sea and dry land, to make one convert - and, when it is done, ye make him a son of gehenna, twofold more than ye.

That there may come upon you - all righteous blood poured out upon the earth, from the blood of Abel the righteous, unto the blood of Zachariah, son of Barachiah, whom ye murdered between the Temple and the altar.

And, as he was sitting upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him, privately, saying - Tell us, when these things shall be, - and what the sign of thy presence, and the conclusion of the age.

And, then, will be displayed - The sign of the Son of Man in heaven, and, then, will smite their breasts - all the tribes of the earth; and they will see the Son of Man - coming upon the clouds of heaven, with great power and glory.

And they observed not, until the flood came and took away all together, so, will be, the presence of the Son of Man.

But he also who, the one talent, had received, coming forward, said - Lord I knew thee, that thou art a, hard, man, reaping, where thou hast not sown, - and gathering, whence thou hast not winnowed;

And his lord, answering, said unto him - O wicked servant, and cowardly, knewest thou that I reap, where I have not sown, and gather, whence I have not winnowed?

Ye know that, after two days, the passover, taketh place, - and, the Son of Man, is to be delivered up, to be crucified.

The Son of Man, indeed, goeth his way, according as it is written concerning him, - But alas! for that man, through whom the Son of Man, is being delivered up: Well, had it been for him, if, that man, had not been born!

Then, cometh he unto the disciples, and saith unto them, - Ye are sleeping what time remaineth, and taking your rest: Lo! the hour hath drawn near, and, the Son of Man, is being delivered up into the hands of sinners.

And, he who was delivering him up, gave them a sign, saying - Whomsoever I shall kiss, he, it is, - secure him.

But, Jesus, was silent. And, the High-priest, said unto him: I put thee on oath, by the Living God, that, to us, thou say - Whether, thou, art the Christ, the Son of God.

Jesus saith unto him: Thou, hast said; Moreover, I say unto you - Hereafter, ye will see the Son of Man, sitting on the right hand of power, and coming upon the clouds of heaven.

and saying - The man that taketh down the Temple and in three days buildeth it! Save, thyself! If thou art God's, Son, come down from the cross.

He hath put confidence upon God, Let him rescue him, now, if he desireth him; for he said, I am, God's Son.

Now, the centurion, and those with him watching Jesus, seeing the earthquake and the things coming to pass, were violently affrighted, saying - Truly, God's Son, was, he!