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And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Juda, art not the least among the princes of Juda: for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel.

And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, Go and search diligently for the young child; and when ye have found him, bring me word again, that I may come and worship him also.

And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.

And he came and was living in a town named Nazareth: so that the word of the prophets might come true, He will be named a Nazarene.

But when he saw a number of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism, he said to them, Offspring of snakes, at whose word are you going in flight from the wrath to come?

and saith unto him, If thou art the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and, On their hands they shall bear thee up, Lest haply thou dash thy foot against a stone.

Word went all through Syria about him, and people brought to him all who were suffering with any kind of disease, or who were in great pain??emoniacs, epileptics, and paralytics??nd he cured them.

If therefore thou art offering thy gift at the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath aught against thee,

And if your right eye is what ensnares you into falling away [from God], gouge it out and throw it away from you. For it would be better for you to lose a part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. [Note: This is the word "Gehenna," and because of its Old Testament connotation of burning bodies, II Chron. 33:6, it is used figuratively here, and elsewhere, to describe the place of future, final punishment of the wicked].

nor by thy head mayest thou swear, because thou art not able one hair to make white or black;

And when thou art at prayer, use not vain repetitions, like the heathen: for they imagine that they shall be heard for their much speaking.

And behold, a leper came up to him and did him homage, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou art able to cleanse me.

And then Jesus said to him: "Be careful not to say a word to any one, but go and show yourself to the Priest, and offer the gift directed by Moses, as evidence of your cure."

Art thou come hither to torment us before the time? And there was afar off from them an herd of many swine feeding.

Here is how it will be: I am sending you out like sheep among wolves; therefore you should be as crafty [Note: The Greek word here is "sensible"] as snakes, yet as harmless [Note: The Greek word is "sincere"] as doves.

And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted unto heaven, shalt be brought down to hell: for if the mighty works, which have been done in thee, had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day.

Ordering them not to give people word of him:

This is why I tell you that men may find forgiveness for every other sin and impious word, but that for impious speaking against the Holy Spirit they shall find no forgiveness.

“Now when the unclean spirit has gone out of a man, it roams through waterless (dry, arid) places in search of rest, but it does not find it.

And the disciples, coming near, said to him, Wherefore, in parables, art thou speaking to them?

Hear ye therefore the parable of the sower. When any one heareth the word of the kingdom,

in order that the word spoken by Isaiah, the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables: I will make known the things which have been hidden from the foundation.

So he gave her his word with an oath to let her have whatever she might make request for.

And his disciples came and took the body and buried it, and came and brought word to Jesus.

And [when] the men of that place recognized him, they sent [word] into that whole surrounding region, and they brought to him all those {who were sick}.

And in answer he said to them, Why do you, yourselves, go against the word of God on account of the teaching which has been handed down to you?

Then his disciples, coming up, said to him, Dost thou know that the Pharisees, having heard this word, have been offended?

And, sending word to the multitude to recline upon the ground,

And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets.

Then he gave orders to the disciples to give no man word that he was the Christ.

And when they were coming down from the mountain, Jesus gave them orders, saying, Let no man have word of what you have seen, till the Son of man has come again from the dead.

"Yes," he replied, and then went into the house. But before he spoke a word Jesus said, "What think you, Simon? From whom do this world's kings receive customs or capitation tax? from their own children, or from others?"

Therefore the kingdom of the heavens was likened to a man, the king, who wished to lift up the word together with his servants.

So when the other servants saw what was done they were very sad, and came and gave word to their lord of what had been done.

And he said to them, All cannot receive this word, but those to whom it has been given;

and he said to them: Go you also into my vine yard, and whatever is right I will give you.

And he said to her, What wilt thou? She says to him, Speak the word that these my two sons may sit, one on thy right hand and one on thy left in thy kingdom.

And the people rebuked them, because they should hold their peace: But they cried the more, saying, "Have mercy on us, Master, which art the son of David."

And all this took place, that the word spoken by the prophet might be fulfilled, saying,

And the crowds that walked ahead and followed behind Him shouted, "Hosanna to the son of David. [Note: The Syriac word 'Hosanna' originally meant 'save now' but came to be used as an expression of welcome, praise, blessing or acclamation]. May He, who comes in the name [i.e., by the authority] of the Lord, be blessed. Hosanna in the highest [i.e., may this blessing reach to the highest heaven]."

And, when he, entered, the temple, the Chief-priests and the Elders of the people, came unto him as he was teaching, saying, By what authority, these things, art thou doing? and, who, to thee, gave, this authority?

And Jesus answering said to them, 'I will ask you -- I also -- one word, which if ye may tell me, I also will tell you by what authority I do these things;

For John came to you in the way of righteousness, and you believed him not. But the publicans and the harlots believed him. And you, when you had seen it, after ward felt no regret, that you might believe him.

Then when the lord of the vine-yard may come, what will he do to those husbandmen?

He said to the man, 'Friend, how did you get in here without wearing the proper wedding outfit?' And he could not say a word.

And they sent out unto him their disciples with the Herodians, saying, Master, we know that thou art true, and teachest the way of God in truth, neither carest thou for any man: for thou regardest not the person of men.

They love the [special] greetings they receive at the open shopping markets and to be addressed as 'Rabbi' [Note: This word signified 'great' or 'master'].

When, then, you see in the holy place the unclean thing which makes destruction, of which word was given by Daniel the prophet (let this be clear to the reader),

Then he which had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed: